The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Beginning the 2nd Year

You have slept in a bed. HP, CP, SP and MP have been fully restored.

Daichi woke up to the usual greeting of the system. Today is the first day of April and his 2nd year in the academy. Daichi completed his morning rituals and was getting ready to start his daily quests.

Suddenly new blue system boxes showed up.

[Ongoing quest - 'Path to the strongest' updated.] josei

[Tasks to complete this year have been updated. New item is delivered to your inventory. Wear the new training clothes when completing the daily quests.]



Complete 100 Push ups (Daily)

Complete 100 Squats (Daily)

Complete 100 Punches(Daily)

Run 10 Kilometers (Daily)

Complete at least 1 Dungeon before the end of this academic year.

Take the top spot in your class.

Learn 5 jutsus of any Rank of all the basic natures.



Status Recovery (Daily)

Random Reward(Weekly)

+3 Stat Points (Weekly)

Special reward for clearing a dungeon.

Additional rewards for each extra dungeon cleared.

New Skill for successfully learning new jutsus.



-5 Stat points.

Penalty Dungeon.



[Accept (Y/N)]

Daichi clicked yes and without wasting time opened his inventory.

He saw a new set of clothes added in the boxes. He took them out and used 'observe'.

[Weighted Training Clothes] [Rare Item: Rank C]

[A training gear created by the system to help the 'player'. Consists of clothing garments that can be worn under the dress. Made from some of the most durable materials for withstanding intense training and designed to provide comfort and aesthetic appeal to the wearer. The clothes are black in color with several red intricate patterns on them.

Consists of 2 leg warmers to be worn below the knee and 2 arm sleeves to be worn below the elbow. Each weighing exactly 1 KG.

Consists of 1 undershirt and 1 trouser to be worn under the clothes. Each weighing exactly 3 KG.]

Daichi calculated the weights in his mind. 'So a total of 10 kilos spread all across my body. Looks like the system wants me to start weight training. This is a lot sooner than I planned.'

Daichi sighed at the new requirements for completing the daily quests. He stripped and started putting them on. He had a bit of trouble wearing the inner garments but after a little bit of struggle he successfully wore them.

He then wore the arm sleeves and the leg warmers and finally put clothes on top. Daichi was having a little trouble walking and even standing. He slowly moved around the room and got used to the weights. Daichi then looked at the new task added to the quest.

'Learning 5 jutsus of any rank huh. Doable. I'll focus on simple Ninjutsu and maybe learn one or two easy Genjutsu as well. But that's for later. Time to start my daily tasks.'

A few minutes later he left the house and went for a walk. Daichi was slowly but steadily getting used to the new weights. Once he felt confident that he wouldn't trip and fall down he started to jog. As time went by he slowly increased his speed and when he completed his morning run, he started to work on the rest.


Academy Class.

Daichi stepped into the classroom. He saw the students that arrived before him, all chatting in groups. It briefly reminded him of his time in school in his previous life. Slightly shaking his head as if to get rid of the thoughts he walked and took his place near the back. Very few people other than those from the clan were willing to engage in simple conversations with him. One of the cons of being at the top.

As time passed all the students arrived and took their seats. A few moments later the bell rang and Daikoku sensei came into the room.

"Hello class. Welcome to your second year. This year you'll learn much more about being a shinobi and using chakra. Along with the courses of the previous year you'll be taught various Ninjutsu and how to use them in a fight. You'll also be taught the shinobi rules and I expect all of you to memorize them. We'll get into more details as the class goes on. Let's start."

Daichi was curious about the strength of his teacher. He couldn't see the information before. So he decided to use 'observe'. Since he was level 27 he could see the information of someone upto level 72.


[LV.63] [Daikoku Funeno]

[Age: 30]

[HP: 7568] [CP: 7725]

[Daikoku Funeno is a chunin of the Leaf village. He spent several years in the field before he decided to join the academy where he serves as a teacher. He married his former teammate Reimi several years ago. He is a jovial individual who is fond of teaching. He has high expectations from talented students. He is adept at using water and earth nature jutsus.]

'Level 63 huh. Not bad. And he's capable of using 2 chakra natures. If he hadn't become a teacher he probably would have made Jonin.'

Daikoku sensei handed out the curriculum for the year and classes began. As the days passed Daichi noticed that Naruto was starting to act out more and more. He was pranking the teachers and the students he didn't like. But the teachers ignored him and that just made him act more juvenile.

'As long as I don't annoy him I'll be fine. I'm looking forward to the day he'll paint the mountain.' Daichi chuckled at the thought.

Daichi spent his time going over various books available for students in the library. He was mainly searching for books related to earth and minerals. Daichi wanted to understand every facet of his primary affinity before he got started. He has a long year ahead of him.


It was May 12. Daichi was currently in the woods where he met Ren Uchiha. He was training his shurikenjutsu and steadily improving his skills. Near him stood Ren watching and instructing Daichi on how to perfect his skills. After their first meeting Daichi and Ren met on several occasions and since several days ago, Ren decided to teach Daichi some simple tricks and skills.

Daichi was in the air as the kunai flew from his hands. 7 out of the 10 hit dead center and was a perfect shot. The others only missed by a couple of inches.

"Perfect shot Daichi. You're getting better." Ren encouraged him.

[Due to successful control of your body and senses, you have obtained +1 DEX]

Daichi looked at the results. "Not perfect but I'm getting there."

"That's the spirit. But these are just training dummies. The ultimate pinnacle of Shurikenjutsu is to be able to throw on instincts and successfully strike your enemy. Hitting a moving target while under pressure is different from training."

"I know." Ren didn't know that Daichi was speaking from experience. Daichi learnt that fact from his dungeon run.

"Can I ask you something? Why are you helping me with my training?" Daichi wanted to know what Ren's motivation was for helping him.

At this question Ren went silent. He was quiet for a few seconds before looking at Daichi.

"It's practice."

"Practice for what?" Daichi was confused with the reply.

"For when I have to train my child when they become a student." Ren had a smile on his face as he said this. "Kimiko is pregnant."

Daichi's eyes widened. "Wow!!. Congratulations. How long?"

"3 weeks. I just found out a few days ago. We're so happy." Ren said excitedly.

"So that's why you've had that dopey smile on your face since you got here." Daichi said with a teasing smirk.

Ren just smiled. "I've always wanted a daughter. Smart like me and beautiful like her mother." He was anxious but also happy to be starting a family.

Daichi went on to collect his weapons. "Well, it's getting late. I gotta get home. Good luck with the parenting thing."

"I'm so happy but also nervous." Ren said, also getting ready to leave.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." Daichi turned around and only walked just a couple of feet.

"Yeah. Who knows. Maybe you'll be her sensei by the time she graduates from the academy." Ren walked away from Daichi not knowing the impact those words had on the boy.

Daichi stopped in his tracks. Those last words brought back knowledge of events Daichi tried not to think about. His face went pale as he thought about what was going to happen a year from now.

'Fuck, fuck, FUCK!!! The Uchiha massacre. I repressed it so much I almost forgot about it. The only Uchihas to survive are Itachi, Sasuke and that bastard Obito. Damn it. When does the massacre take place? It's been over two years and I'm slowly forgetting the details.'

The gamer's mind skill took effect as Daichi was starting to freak out. He calmed down and quickly left the place. He thought about telling Ren to leave but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

'If I tell him anything he'll either report me to his clan head or the Hokage. Neither is a good option for me. Damn it. What am I supposed to do?... Over these last five, six months I've grown to like him. I'd even go so far as to say he's a friend.'

Daichi clenched his fists and slowly gritted his teeth as he walked home. When his emotions spiked the Gamer's mind once again activated calming him down.

'Should I just turn a blind eye or should I do something? Even then what can I do? I'm just an academy student. I was soo arrogant to think I could just change an event as big and dangerous as the massacre by myself... Damn it! Damn it!... Ok Daichi. Calm down. Take a few breaths.'

He took a few deep breaths of air and got his emotions under control.

'I have at least one year before the tragedy happens. I'll decide what to do by then.'

Daichi went home and trained a lot longer than usual. He wanted to distract himself from thinking about the situation with Ren and his family. He trained late till night and only when he was completely exhausted did he go to bed.


Months passed with Daichi making progress in his chakra affinity training. Kensei had taught him the various ways earth and fire affinity could be used in battle. "Once your chakra control is up to par we'll go into the more in depth training." Kensei said to him.

September has begun. Daichi decided that he was going to start the next dungeon during the two week break in October.

It was noon at the academy. Daichi was sitting outside eating his lunch. There were dozens of other students eating their food and talking about various things. As Daichi ate his food he noticed something strange.

Ino, Shikamaru and Choji were sneaking around the place. As Daichi looked closer he saw them sneakily steal food from the unsuspecting and distracted kids. Daichi looked around to see if anyone else had noticed them stealing the food. As he looked, his eyes fell on Sakura who was watching the three from behind a tree.

Ino and the rest swiped a small portion of food from various students and then decided to leave. Daichi saw Sakura following them.

"Now isn't this an interesting development! What are they up to?" Daichi muttered to himself. His curiosity got the better of him. He packed up his things and followed.

Daichi was following Sakura who was following Ino, Choji and Shikamaru. Ino and her friends went to the back of the academy and left the grounds. They traveled for quite a while unaware that Sakura and Daichi were on their trail.

'Sakura isn't so bad at this. It looks like she can be stealthy when she wants to be.' Daichi thought to himself. As he was following them, he also made sure no one was following him.

They soon reached a forest and were going deeper inside. Sakura followed and behind was Daichi.

'Where the heck are they going?' Daichi made sure to memorize the place and route he took.

Soon the future team 10 reached their destination. They were in front of a shabby looking tree house with a torn up weather for sale sign hanging near it. Sakura was near them hiding behind a bush and Daichi hid himself behind a tree a few meters behind her.

Daichi sneaked a peek at the tree house. 'Time to find out what's going on?'


Author's Note:

Hit me up with some power stone guys. Let's get this story up the rankings.

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