The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: 100 Intelligence and 2nd Dungeon.

'I can't stay like this. I need to up my stats fast.' Daichi looked at the accumulated stat points and made his choice. He started adding some points to his stats.

[Primary Stats]

Strength - 74 => 75

Vitality - 72 => 75

Dexterity - 62 => 70

Agility - 74 => 75

Intelligence - 69 => 100

Chakra. - 85 => 100

Wisdom - 49 => 50

He used a total of 60 points to increase his primary stats. Several notifications popped up.

[Intelligence stat has reached 100. You have gained the passive skill Absolute Recall.]

[Absolute Recall - Passive (LV. MAX): A passive skill given to the Player when intelligence stat has reached 100. This skill gives the player the ability to recall all past memories with great details and accuracy. Absolute Recall is a skill that's obtained and maxed.]

[Note: This skill has positive and negative side effects. While this skill helps the player in memorizing all details and recalling even the vaguest memories, it will also not allow the player to forget any unhappy or traumatic experiences.]

[The skill Lesser Mana Affinity has evolved to Mana Affinity. This increases the Mana points and power of the Mana skills of the player.]

[Chakra stat has reached 100.]

[The skill Lesser Chakra Affinity has evolved to Chakra Affinity. The skill Lesser Chakra Regeneration has evolved to Chakra Regeneration. This increases the chakra points and chakra regeneration speed of the player.]

Daichi smiled as he read the blue system boxes. 'Looks like stats increased to 100 gives passive skills or Evolves already obtained skills… Should I just increase the other stats to 100 right now?...'

Daichi pondered on this question for a while before deciding against it. 'I'm about to enter a dungeon. I'll definitely be able to increase my stats during the fighting. I'll save the rest of the stat points for later.'

Daichi looked at his health, chakra, stamina and intelligence points. All of them have increased considerably. Especially his chakra points.

HP - 3575

CP - 6010.2

SP - 3365

MP - 2270

As Daichi read the details of the absolute recall skill a frown formed on his face. 'It's indeed a great skill to have but the negative side effect… To, not forget anything bad that's happened. That's going to be rough.'

Just then the image of young Yota came to his mind. Along with memories that he couldn't remember before. Daichi's eyes widened as the memories came flooding in.

'OH My God!!. I've seen Yota, even before I met him in that forest. He was a filler character during the war episodes.'

Daichi started recalling the past memories. He only saw the filler episodes a couple times before moving on. But now with this skill he could remember every single detail.

'Now I know why Yota was so important. And why that quest triggered a warning. In the story, Naruto and the others rescue Yota and once they reach the river and try to cross it, they get swept away. Yota saves them and erases their memories of him and their time together….'

'But now because of my interference with the plot, they remember everything. Naruto has friends and the third Hokage knows about Orochimaru and his experimentation with the reanimation jutsu and possibly about Kabuto too… So that's why the system warned me huh… '

Daichi sighed thinking about the incident. 'We'll… No point in thinking about it now…' Daichi became sad as he remembered Yota and what had happened to him. But within a couple of seconds the Gamer's Mind activated and the sadness he felt vanished. Daichi slightly shook his head as if to forget the memories and move on.

He thought about the next dungeon he was going to enter. He found this particular dungeon on the day he met Ren. It was a red key when he found it but now since he leveled up to 28 it has turned to yellow. Daichi remembered the different types of keys and what they represent.

'Black keys lead to dungeons having opponents 30 levels above mine and will definitely end in my certain death. The red keys signify 15 - 30 level opponents stronger than me and are marked as extremely difficult. Yellow keys open a difficult level dungeon with opponents from 5 - 15 levels above mine. And then white keys classified as normal and green as easy.'

'Since this key turned from red to yellow when I reached 28 that means the highest opponent in this dungeon would be of level 43. I'll have to improve my stats as much as I can and level up too. The experience points needed for my next level up is over 10,000. And I'm pretty sure to reach level 30 I need at least 30,000 exp…. Soon…'

The first week of March arrived quickly. The students were given a week leave to prepare for the exams in the second week and then they would be given a two weeks holiday before the start of the next academic year in April. Daichi was planning on using the first week of march to complete the second dungeon.

Coincidentally it was the same week Kensei had to leave for Tanzaku town.

"I'll be gone for about 10 days. Be careful and don't burn the house down."

"Oh come on!!. Don't you have faith in me, Gramps?. I'll be good!!" Daichi said grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Kensei had a blank expression on his face as he looked at Daichi. The boy's smile reminded him of a mischievous cat about to get up to no good the moment the owner leaves…

"Mmm Hmm… You're up to something, aren't you?" The old man has known Daichi long enough to know the boy was planning something.

"Maybe…" Daichi gave a cheeky reply with the same grin.

Kensei sighed "I don't wanna know…" He bid his grandson farewell and soon left. Daichi waved him goodbye and went to his room.

During the last three years, Kensei had taught Daichi the hand-seals that would allow him to connect to the barrier surrounding the house. It was a simple but efficient one capable of alerting the people connected to it, of intruders or other problems.

Daichi connected to the barrier and sensing that he was alone, he sat on his bed and took out the yellow dungeon key.

'Time to go to work.'

The moment he activated the key, he was teleported and Daichi experienced the sensation of falling from a great height. He was prepared for it this time. A couple seconds later his feet touched the ground.

Daichi landed safely and looked around. He was in a hallway similar to the first one but this had several differences. Unlike the first dungeon hallway which was covered in moss and vines, this one was clean. The hallway seems to be made from red bricks and black stones arranged in some sort of a pattern. And at the end of the narrow hallway stood a white arched door.

'I'm guessing this is going to be a theme.'

Daichi walked to the white door and inserted the dungeon key.

[You have reached the entrance to the dungeon - Akagahara Battlegrounds. ]

[Would you like to enter? [Y/N]]


The key started rotating clockwise and within seconds the door opened. Daichi slowly took his steps and entered the dungeon grounds.

As Daichi looked around all he could see were forest and rocks. A vast area just waiting to be explored and filled with danger.


[Dungeon - Akagahara Battlegrounds]

[This dungeon is created based on the former Chunin exam ground Akagahara, but there are several differences. This dungeon is much more vast and the traps are more lethal. The strength of the enemy ninjas created for this dungeon are based on some of the Genins who survived Akagahara and these enemies are a bit stronger. There are other dangers in the dungeon as well.]

'So I was right. Based on my memories, Akagahara was only shown in a special episode. But it seems fillers are real in this world. In the episode Naruto fought against enemy puppets and had to avoid traps….I'll have to be careful when moving around. And it seems this dungeon has ninjas as well.'

Just then a new quest was created.

[Quest Created - 'Destroy all enemies'.]

[Avoid the traps, kill the enemy ninjas and defeat the dungeon boss and his army. ]

[Time limit : None. ]


New Skill.

New Title.

Ryo 375,000.

10000 Exp.



[Accept (Y/N)]

'So the boss of this dungeon has his own army huh… Wonder what they would be like?'

Daichi accepted the quest. Just then the title 'Apprentice Dungeon Warrior' activated.

[Title 'Apprentice Dungeon Warrior' is now active. All your stats are increased by 10% while inside the dungeon.]

Daichi immediately felt the effects of the title. He smiled as he felt his strength increase. Despite the fact that it was a difficult dungeon, Daichi was confident in himself. Just as he was about to take his first step forward, he paused. He suddenly thought of something.

'Wait a minute. My Persistence stat opened when I fought a boss with my health below 3/4th of its total… And my Indomitable stat opened when I switched off the Gamer's Mind and stood up to a higher level enemy's killing intent…'

'And special stats can only be increased through training or level up and not with stat points. If I want to make the most of this dungeon then I need to turn off the Gamer's Mind to increase Indomitable stat and keep fighting till my health points are at their lowest…'

'Turning off the gamers mind won't be much of a problem because now I have Unyielding spirit to protect my mind. Still, It's a dangerous and risky move… But...It looks like I have no choice.'

Daichi opened the options tab and looked at the Gamer's Mind On/Off button. Gathering his resolve he turned off the Gamer's Mind. Daichi was much calmer this time when he shut it off. He felt his emotions at a higher degree but was calm and in control.

Daichi slowly walked forward into the jungle. He tried to be as careful as possible but unfortunately for him, he accidentally tripped a wire.

"Whoosh…" Several kunais came flying at a fast rate towards the boy.

"Oh shit…." Daichi jumped to a nearby tree to avoid the weapons but the moment he landed on the branch a paper bomb activated. Daichi, hearing the familiar sound of the paper explosive, instantly flooded his body with chakra and used Body Flicker to escape the blast.

He landed on the ground nearby but the next instant the area he landed on, crumbled and a wide deep dark hole appeared beneath Daichi. He fell and as he looked down, he saw numerous metal spikes at the bottom of the pit waiting to impale him. There were small metal prongs and sharp razor wires covering the inside wall of the pit as well.

'I can't swing to the wall and use chakra to stick my feet unless I want to get shredded.'

He suddenly had an idea. He took two kunais with long wires attached to them from the inventory and quickly threw them with force in opposite directions. They struck the wall and were buried all the way to the hilt and the wires stretched taut as Daichi held their ends. It stopped Daichi in his fall just several inches above the sharp spikes. The metal wires dug into Daichi's palm and he slightly bled but he didn't care or even notice it.

Daichi hung in the air and then looked down. He saw the spikes a couple inches away from skewering him. Daichi was breathing hard and sweat rolled down his face.

"Not even five minutes into this fucking dungeon and I almost just died…. Something tells me I'm really not gonna like this place." josei

As if fate was playing a cruel joke, it was at that exact moment that everything around Daichi started to shake and crumble. The rocks surrounding him started to break and fall. The ground shook harder by the second and the pit was starting to collapse in on itself. It was as if the dungeon intended to bury Daichi inside it.

Daichi's eyes widened as he looked at the crumbling walls.

"OH! COME ON!!!"


Author's Note:

Hit me up with some power stone guys. Let's get this story up the rankings.

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