The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Battles in the 2nd Dungeon 02

Days passed with Daichi fighting enemies from several clans. His strength, speed and skills have all improved. Both his primary and special stats gained several points through the many fights he encountered. He gained another 2 levels and after fighting members of different clans he had an understanding of how they would attack and gained knowledge on their fighting style. Currently Daichi was engaged in hand to hand combat against an ordinary ninja. One not made based on any clans' genins.

[LV.35][Ordinary Nin]

HP: 3905 CP: 3000

[A ninja created based on a Genin who survived the Akagahara exam grounds. Although this enemy only knows the three basic Ninjutsu (clone, substitution and transformation) he is proficient in Shurikenjutsu and Taijutsu. He prefers to attack his enemies head-on instead of ambushing them. This enemy intends to kill you.]

Daichi blocked an incoming kick with his leg and sent a fast jab to the enemy ninja's throat. The ninja leaned back and grabbed Daichi's outstretched hand. Daichi realized that the genin was intending to break his arm. He quickly reinforced his hands and legs with chakra and swiftly sent a knee to the genin's chest.

The strength of the attack forced the dungeon ninja to loosen his grip on Daichi's arm. The moment the hold on his hand loosened, Daichi pulled his arm out of his enemy's grasp. With his hand now free, Daichi jumped back and threw several shuriken towards his opponent.

His enemy deflected all of them and aimed several of his own at Daichi. Daichi jumped right and evaded the projectiles. He failed to notice that one of the kunai cut a string on the tree behind him. Daichi heard the sound of several weapons being launched and immediately used substitution jutsu.

'He was trying to lure me into a trap. His taijutsu skills and shurikenjutsu are incredible. I haven't been able to seriously damage him even after fighting for 10 minutes. One of the reasons is my height. Since I'm only about 8 years old he has an advantage over me physically. He has longer limbs and thus a greater reach. Something I can only rectify with time. I need a way to take him down…This guy is like another version of Lee. The only reason I could withstand the blows was because of the damage reduction skills. But even that has its limitations.'

As Daichi was thinking of a plan to take his opponent down the ninja made his move. Creating 4 ordinary clones, the ninja rushed at Daichi trying to confuse him.

Daichi slightly smirked at the weak tactic. 'That's not going to work on me.'

He enhanced his nose and ears with chakra and found the real one amongst the afterimage clones. They resumed their fight. Daichi concentrated on the real ninja and wasn't distracted by the illusions. He ducked under a punch and tried to sweep his enemy's legs. The ninja jumped back, escaping the leg sweep.

Daichi quickly went through hand seals. "Lightning style - Overdrive." Daichi was getting used to this jutsu as he kept using it often during this dungeon raid. He bolted towards the genin and threw a strong fist which got through the enemy's guard.

[-98 HP Enemy hit.]

The genin skidded back while Daichi ran after him. The Genin took several shuriken and threw them at the small boy. Daichi veered through the ninja stars and reached his target. Both of them resumed their battle with neither giving the other an edge.

'Even though my enemies had higher levels I managed to win against all of them. But now I see that it was due to my speed. I was able to use speed and get through their defenses and take them down… But… In a pure Taijutsu battle, against a fighter with the same speed as me I'm only able to defend myself and barely keep him from landing any fatal injuries.'

[Skill Physical Endurance's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Leaf Academy Taijutsu's level has risen by one.]

'Well… At least for now anyway.'

Daichi weaved through the strikes aimed at his head and landed several blows on the enemy's body. Due to Daichi's speed he was able to land most of his attacks. The genin sent a fast kick which Daichi blocked. He then grabbed hold of the outstretched leg and used all his strength to pull the ninja off the ground. The dungeon ninja tried to attack Daichi with the other leg while he was in the air but he was unable to land a hit.

Daichi used both hands and smashed the ninja into the ground, hard. And before the enemy could get his bearings Daichi pulled him up using his leg and smashed him into the ground again. He repeated it a couple more times before he was forced to let go.

'I've always wanted to go all 'Hulk' like that.' Daichi chuckled to himself.

Both Daichi and the nin had a little over half their HP. 'It would come down to the last one standing. I could use the daggers and it would activate the Dual Wielding Mastery skill. That would be the smart choice as it will increase my attack speed and damage dealt but… This guy is perfect for improving my Taijutsu skill level.'

Deciding to fight without using his weapon, Daichi sprinted towards the ninja. Both of them dodged and landed powerful strikes on their foe. Daichi tilted his head and escaped a hit to the face and retaliated with a blow to the torso. The ninja struck Daichi's leg locking him in place and landed several jabs on his small body. Daichi blocked and parried the attacks.

[Skill Leaf Academy Taijutsu's level has risen by one.]

Both of them continued to fight with their health slowly falling. It wasn't long before the winner was decided.

[Skill Leaf Academy Taijutsu's level has risen by one.]

With the increase in his taijutsu skill several times over the fight Daichi slowly gained the upper hand. His movements became refined and his speed increased. It wasn't long before he finished the ninja.

[Enemy killed.]

+1300 Exp.

+195 Exp.

[You have leveled up.]

[Enemies killed: 65/168]

'To think this guy was strong enough to reduce my Health points to less than 500.' Daichi sighed.

It was getting late. Daichi went to a nearby cave he found during his exploration of the dungeon. He started using it as his base. He laid several booby-traps and alarms to make sure he would know if anyone came close.

Once Daichi made sure to cover the entrance he took the small bed from his inventory and sat on it. He ate some food and quickly went to sleep.


Daichi was currently unleashing several small fireball jutsus to reduce a Kikaichu swarm that had surrounded him. Before the insects could entrap him, Daichi used Body Flicker and gained some distance.

'I can't believe I got ambushed again… Let's see what these guys are made of.'


[LV.35][Spirit Nin]

HP: 3603 CP: 3222

[A ninja created based on a Genin of the Yamanaka clan who survived the Akagahara exam grounds. This enemy can utilize secret clan jutsus and is exceptional in Genjutsu and medical Ninjutsu. Designated as the healer of the team and is a skilled sensor capable of finding enemies from a great distance. This ninja's physical strength is weak. Prefers to work in a team. This enemy intends to kill you.]

'It seems she's the one who found me. And the Genjutsu trying to trap me must be her work. Too bad I'm immune to that. It's a good thing my body dispels foreign chakras before it can affect anything.'

[LV.37][Insect Nin]

HP: 4008 CP: 3650

[A ninja created based on a Genin of the Aburame clan who survived the Akagahara exam grounds. This ninja houses the Kikaichū beetles in his body. These beetles are capable of consuming chakra at a fast rate. This ninja is immune to Genjutsu due to the Kikaichū living inside him. Fire attacks with intense heat can damage or kill the beetles. This enemy prefers to work in a small team for maximum efficiency. He intends to kill you.]

'Looks like an ordinary Aburame genin. But I should be careful. I need to keep track of any bugs on me as well. They can track me like that.' Daichi used Observe on the last ninja.

[LV.38][Hunter Nin]

HP: 4230 CP: 3701

[A ninja created based on a Genin who survived the Akagahara exam grounds. This ninja is talented in detecting traps and setting them up to capture enemies. He is capable in hand to hand combat and skilled in using a sword. Prefers to work in a team. This enemy intends to kill you.]

'That hunter nin is the one with the highest level and the one who engages me in Taijutsu fighting. All the while the other two provide support or try to distract me.'

[Mental intrusion detected….]

[Unyielding spirit has neutralized the foreign attack.]

'If I try to go after the Yamanaka ninja then the other two intervene. And I can't hide and ambush them because her sensory skills would tell them where I am at all times.'

Daichi stared down his enemies as he thought of a viable plan. 'The Yamanaka isn't a problem. But if I want to defeat the hunter nin then I can't get caught in any surprise attacks from the Aburame. His chakra-draining insects would be a huge pain if I leave him be. So he's the one I need to deal with first.'

'Shadow clone jutsu.' Daichi created 3 solid clones and had them keep the hunter nin busy. Daichi quickly engaged the insect ninja in hand to hand combat. The Aburame released a large amount of bugs to swarm and drain Daichi's chakra but a large Fireball killed most of them.

Daichi released chakra strings from his left hand and tried to immobilize his opponent. But the Kikaichū bugs quickly came out of the insect ninja's body and began to feed on the chakra strings.

"Shit. These things can feed on raw chakra." Daichi quickly canceled his chakra threads. He took out two daggers from his inventory and blitzed his enemy.

Daichi has been focused on his speed and the Body Flicker jutsu ever since he learned it. It gave him a great advantage over his foes and also allowed him to deal maximum damages quickly. As Daichi cut apart the insect ninja it quickly burst into a swarm of Kikaichū beetles.

'He substituted himself with a bug clone.' Daichi quickly spotted the Aburame rip-off behind a tree being healed by the spirit nin. Daichi watched as the health points of the insect ninja slowly increase.

"Damn it! Can't let him heal."

Daichi swiftly reached them and slashed down. The insect ninja dodged but the spirit ninja was slow to evade. Daichi pierced her body with both daggers and pinned her to a nearby tree. At that moment one of the shadow clones engaging the hunter nin was dispelled.

"Shit. They won't be able to hold him for much longer."

[Mental intrusion detected….]

[Unyielding spirit has neutralized the foreign attack.]

'Genjutsu won't work on me.' As Daichi was about to attack the spirit nin, he sensed slight movement from beneath the earth. Trusting his instincts he jumped back and just in the nick of time. Several large black spears appeared out of the ground as if to impale Daichi. Taking a closer look at the spears, Daichi noticed something.

'Its Kikaichū insects. This guy can use his insects to burrow underground and attack from below.'

Daichi dodged the several shuriken coming his way and threw a few of his own with ninja wire attached. He used his chakra threads to control the path of the flying shuriken and used it to tangle the insect ninja with the wires and he was partially successful. He immediately took several paper bombs. Activating them with a 3 second countdown, Daichi threw the bombs at the insect ninja. The Kikaichū bugs quickly turned around and rushed to protect its host but that was what Daichi wanted.

'I'm gonna reduce those insects faster than you can make them. But first I'm gonna finish the healer of your group.'

"BOOM"... "BOOM"... "BOOM"

Explosions surrounded the Aburame nin as Daichi resumed his assaults on the spirit nin. His hands were like a blur as they slashed and hacked the pinned dungeon ninja. Within several seconds the spirit nin was defeated and Daichi gained enough experience points to reach the next level.

[Enemy killed.]

+1100 Exp.

+165 Exp.

[Enemies killed: 87/168]

[You have leveled up.]

He didn't get the chance to even check his stats as he received memories of his two dispelled clones. Daichi's eyes widened as he felt a fast moving chakra approaching him from behind.

"Oh crap-baskets."

Before he could escape, a powerful blow struck his back sending him flying into the air.

[-154 HP]

"Ghaa…." Daichi spit out a wad of blood as he flew up. His concentration slipped and he couldn't keep up his chakra sense. Daichi lost track of the enemy. The next instant a punch landed on his face, rocketing him back into the ground.

[-200 HP]

"Boom". [-77 HP]

The ground cracked as Daichi slammed into the dirt and stone, hard. He bounced up a few feet in the air due to the force of the impact and the next second the hunter nin was right beside Daichi. He landed a hard kick to Daichi's side.

[-94 HP]

Daichi skidded and tumbled across the ground for a several meters and came to a stop as his back slammed into a tree.

[-60 HP]

"Ahhhh…" Tears came out of Daichi's eyes due to the pain and force of the impacts. He coughed a few times and his vision felt blurry for a couple seconds. Daichi slightly shook his head and tried to get up but unfortunately stumbled and fell to his knees. What Daichi saw when he looked ahead, frightened him . josei

The hunter nin looked at Daichi with the same cold, emotionless dead eyes as before. None of the ninjas Daichi faced in the dungeon expressed emotions. But the look this ninja gave him scared Daichi.


His hands trembled and his heart beat loudly as he looked at the dead eyed nin. Daichi watched in horror as the enemy ninja swiftly take a few paper bombs and hurl them at him.

Daichi quickly molded his chakra and went through 3 hand seals.

'Earth style - Rock Shelter Jutsu.'

The paper bombs reached the defense dome just as it formed around the small boy. It hit the earth structure and violently exploded.

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