The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Interlude 02 - Daichi and the Rookie 6

"Ghaa… That written exam was so tough. I didn't even understand some of the questions." Naruto sat under the shade of a tree near the Academy and lightly wailed. Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Kiba and Sakura were sitting nearby. They sighed hearing him complain.

"Well that's what happens when you don't study and goof off." Sakura replied.

"But Sakura I did try to study. I spent all day yesterday trying to learn the chapters." Naruto said in an almost whiny tone.

The pink haired academy student just sighed and shook her head as she listened to him. Even though her mother warned her to stay away from him she didn't. One of the few times she has disobeyed her parents. After he helped rescue Yota, she decided to give him a chance and soon became friends with him.

"Calm down Naruto. You'll be fine. You'll pass." Shikamaru said in a nonchalant tone.

"Why do you say that Shikamaru?" Naruto was curious as to how he would know.

"Because I've looked over all the questions. And some were easy enough that I'm sure even you got them right. That along with your Taijutsu results will definitely get you a passing grade. You'll be in the lower half of the rankings though." Shikamaru said while looking at the clouds. He found them relaxing and it would always help sleep quicker.

"But I don't just wanna pass… I wanna be the best. I want to take the number spot." Naruto smiled and boldly said.

"HA!! Keep dreaming. That's not ever going to happen." Ino immediately replied in a haughty tone when she heard him. She was fixing Sakura's hair and was in the middle of adding some colorful flower to match the pink hair when she heard Naruto.

"Oh yeah?" Naruto stood up and challenged her.

"Yeah." Ino stood up as well and glared at him.

Both of them glared at each other. Metaphorical sparks could be seen flying between them. But before it escalated Choji spoke up.

"I'm sorry Naruto but I'm gonna have to agree with Ino on this. You could become strong and climb up the rankings but I don't think you'll be able to take the number one spot." Choji was eating his favorite brand of chips as he said those words.

Naruto looked incredulous as he heard those words.

"Choji's right you know. Besides you do realize who you have to beat to take that spot, don't you?" Kiba fed Akamaru some dog treats as he asked Naruto that question.

Naruto knew the answer to that question. He sighed and sat down. "I'm gonna train hard and one day I'm gonna beat Sasuke and then Daichi too." He declared to the group. After a few seconds of silence he asked the question that was on his mind. "How is he so strong anyway...? Well it doesn't matter. Soon I'm gonna defeat him."

Ino smirked hearing him. "Well it's not a crime to have wishful thinking."

"Hrr…Now you're just asking to be pranked."

"Oh yeah. Just try it." Ino narrowed her eyes and looked at Naruto. After a few seconds Naruto averted his gaze and mumbled something about girls and wisely decided to keep quiet.

Shikamaru listened to his friends and shook his head. "What a drag."

"Speaking of who, Where is Daichi anyway?" Kiba asked the group.

"I think I know." Sakura had a thoughtful look on her face as she tried to recall where she saw Daichi. "I saw him go to the library to take out a few books. He's probably there reading."

"He's always reading. You'd think after the exams he'd loosen up a bit… He hasn't even joined me in playing pranks on anyone yet." Naruto crossed his arms and said.

"And you wonder why he's at the top." Ino remarked from the side lines.

It was at that moment, Choji who was eating his snacks saw Daichi heading towards them. "Speak of the devil, look who's coming."

The group looked ahead and saw Daichi coming.

Ino slightly panicked. "Oh my god!!! Daichi's coming here.!! Sakura, how's my hair?"

"Calm down Ino. You're fine." Sakura smiled at her friend and her reaction to Daichi. It was obvious to everyone in the group she had a crush on Daichi.

Naruto decided to get some payback and started teasing her. "Looks like somebody has a crush on Daichi…"

Ino looked at Naruto's smirking face. "You better keep quiet or I'll beat you up."

Naruto was about to retort when Shikamaru placed a hand on his mouth, stopping him. "Do you want her to be annoying for the rest of the day?" Shikamaru whispered to Naruto.

Naruto thought for a few seconds and answered. "You have a point." He decided to stay quiet and quit while he was ahead.

By that time Daichi reached them. "Hey guys. What are you all up to?"

"Nothing much. Just sitting around. You wanna join us?" Ino smiled and asked him.

"Sure." Daichi sat near Kiba and Choji. "So what are you guys talking about?"

"Oh you know. Nothing interesting. Tell us about your day. What were you up to?" Ino asked as she scooted closer to him. She had a small blush on her face.

Everyone except Daichi looked at her and thought the same thing. 'Wow. She's got it bad for him.!"

"It was boring Ino. Nothing interesting happened. Just took out a few books from the library." Daichi replied while taking some chips from Choji's bag.

"What kinda books?" Kiba was curious. He wanted to know what Daichi took now that the exams are over.

"Just a few on chakra nature." Daichi replied nonchalantly.

Everyone except Shikamaru didn't know the implications of that statement due to their lack of knowledge on the subject. They thought it was something that would be taught next year in the academy and didn't think much about it.

But Shikamaru knew. He was keeping a calm face but inwardly he was startled. He pretended to look at the clouds but discreetly looked at Daichi from the corner of his eyes.

'Chakra Nature? When dad taught me the shadow imitation jutsu, he talked about this stuff. I remember him saying that I would only start learning about it after I became a Genin or Chunin. He said most people only start on it after they become chunin. Was he wrong?... No. That's not it… The fact that Daichi is already taking out books on that topic means he's intending to train in it. And soon… This guy. Just how far ahead of us is he?' He looked at the books in Daichi's hand and quickly memorized their titles.

The young Nara watched Daichi make conversations with everyone around him. He remembered the Taijutsu fight between Daichi and Sasuke. 'He's gotten a lot stronger than before. He was able to easily beat Sasuke. Even more easily than the last time they fought. I'm sure Daikoku sensei saw it too. So there is a chance Daichi would be allowed to skip a grade or two. How is he getting so strong so quickly?'

Shikamaru sighed and looked back at the clouds. 'Its too much of a drag to think about it. And it's none of my business anyway.'

"Hey Daichi! Since there are no classes for the next two weeks, you wanna hangout and play? We built a kick-ass tree fort near the one we made for Yota. You wanna join us?" Kiba was excited at the prospect of playing around with his friends.

"Arf.." Akamaru walked up to Daichi and licked his palm.

"Hahaha… That tickles Akamaru." Daichi rubbed Akamaru before looking at Kiba. He had a sheepish smile on his face as he answered Kiba. "Sorry Kiba. But I won't be able to make it. Got some training to do."

"You always say that. We hardly ever get the chance to hangout with you." Naruto said to Daichi.

"Yeah. Come on Daichi. It'll be fun." Ino joined Naruto in trying to convince him.

Daichi politely smiled at them and declined. "Next time guys. I promise."

Hearing his words dimmed Naruto and Ino's smiles. Seeing this, Daichi quickly added. "I'm here now. Why don't we play some games."

They smiled again upon hearing him. The group stayed there for over 3 hours playing around and goofing off before most of their parents showed up.

Naruto waved his friends goodbye with a smile on his face. Now it was only Daichi and Naruto left in the grounds. Once they left, Naruto turned to Daichi. "It's getting late. I better head home." Naruto had a wide smile as he said those words.

Daichi had an impassive face as he looked at his friend. He sighed as he saw right through Naruto's facade. "It's okay you know." He slowly spoke.

Naruto looked at him with a confused expression. "What are you talking about?"

"To feel sad. Lonely. You don't have to keep pretending." Daichi's words erased the smile from Naruto's face. He kept quiet and looked downcast.

"It hurts sometimes." Naruto spoke in a low voice.

"I know… But I want you to remember something…" Daichi placed both hands on Naruto's shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"I want you to always keep these words in your heart." Naruto looked at Daichi and waited for him to speak.

"No one in this world is born to be alone. No matter who tells you what, remember these words. Everyone has someone. You may not have a family… But you have great friends. Loyal friends. Shikamaru, Sakura, Ino, Choji, Kiba and me. And you'll make a lot more in the future. Friends that have your back no matter what. So turn that frown upside down and cheer up blondie." Daichi smiled as he said the last part.

Naruto looked at him with wide eyes. He quickly rubbed his eyes with his sleeve and smiled. Daichi could tell that it was a genuine happy smile. "Thanks Daichi."

"Come on. I'll walk you home." Daichi and a happy Naruto left the grounds. Naruto was elated and so happy that not even the glares of the villagers bothered him. Once he reached home, he parted ways with Daichi in a cheerful mood.


Meanwhile Shikamaru was walking alongside his father as they headed for their home. Shikaku turned to his son and noticed the pensive look on his face.

"You look like you have something serious on your mind. What is it?" The Jonin commander asked.

Shikamaru looked at his father and sighed. "Yeah… Can you tell me about 'change in chakra form' and 'change in chakra nature' ?"

Shikamaru's question startled Shikaku. He never expected such a question to come from his son's mouth at this moment. "Where did you learn those terms?"

"I saw someone take a few books out with those labels. I was just curious." Shikamaru gave a vague reply.

Shikaku looked at his son for a few seconds and then answered. "Change in chakra form and change in chakra nature are an advanced form of chakra control. They're something we start to learn when we become chunin. Those who are talented learn about them when they're genin and start training in them earlier. Those are two important aspects that deal with creating or modifying a jutsu."

Shikamaru nodded as he listened to his father's words. Shikaku continued, seeing that he had his son's undivided attention.

"Now change in chakra form or shape transformation as some call it, controls the form, movement and potency of a person's chakra. It determines the size, range and purpose of a jutsu… Now, change in chakra nature or nature transformations deals with molding and defining the nature of a person's chakra… Do you remember what I told you about chakra natures?"

Shikamaru nodded. "Yeah. You said there were 5. Wind, fire, water, earth and lightning. And each person has one of the 5 chakra natures."

"Yes. But there's a lot more to it than that. I'm not going to get into all the details so I'll be brief. Everyone has a certain chakra nature predisposed to them when they are born. It's their primary chakra affinity. Jutsu that uses this nature would be easier for them to learn and uses much less chakra. But with enough training a person can acquire a secondary affinity and maybe even a third. But people who achieve this are usually Jonins." josei

"What? It's that difficult?" Shikamaru was surprised.

"Yes. Training these chakra control techniques takes years and years to master. Most people only acquire a secondary nature by the time they become a Jonin. It's extremely difficult training. That's all you need to know about that for now."

"I see." Shikamaru looked ahead as he heard his father. He only now understood the true distance between himself and Daichi.

"Why the sudden interest in this topic Shikamaru?"

"It's nothing dad. I was just curious about something."

Seeing his son not intending to elaborate, Shikaku let it go. Shikamaru was once again deep in his thoughts. He remembered Daichi's words during the first day in the academy.

"My goal is to be the strongest."

He also remembered the scene of Daichi confronting the Anbu. 'When we couldn't even see those people move, Daichi was able to not only see them but he was fast enough to react and block their strike. And their killing intent didn't even faze him… Now he's taking out books on advanced chakra control stuff. He's getting ready to take his training to the next stage.'

Shikamaru sighed thinking about the goals and ambition of his other friend. 'Looks like your goal of taking the first spot just got a lot harder. I wish you goodluck… Naruto.'

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