The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: Protective bracelet II. Zero version

It is a pity that making magic wands is a technical task.

Of course, as long as he is willing to learn, Albert must be able to learn it himself, but the magic wand he makes is definitely not as good as Ollivander. After all, he is a professional manufacturer of magic wands and has had several generations of experience. Unless Albert is willing to spend a lot of experience and skill points on wand manufacturing, in Albert's eyes, 10 gallons are obviously more cost-effective to buy from Ollivander.

Sure enough, it is more realistic to prepare some magic items for defense.

Wizards are usually only wary of another wizard's wand.

Speaking of the protective bracelet, Albert opened his box and took out the formed protective bracelet from the inside. This is a wooden bracelet made of mandela grass roots, and only the ancient magic texts have not been carved on it.

Albert has been waiting for his magic writing to reach level three, and he still has nearly two thousand experience. The more you get to the back, the harder it is to gain experience, just like high-level characters fighting low-level monsters, experience will be greatly reduced.

Originally, Albert was still planning to rely on his ability to rise to level 3?

"It seems that time is waiting for no one!" Albert sighed lightly. If he wants to rise to the third level by himself, it is estimated that next year will be coming, when the day lilies are cold. He was also not angry, and said with emotion: "But it's nice to have a plug-in!"

With that, Albert raised the magic text skills on the panel directly to level three, then closed his eyes and began to read the extra information about magic texts in his brain.

Skill level three is a threshold.

After Occlumency reached the third level, many wizards could no longer see through their own thoughts easily, and they could fabricate some memories to confuse those who peeped at them.

After the third level of the magic text, there is really a lot of knowledge, which is almost the same as Albert's guess. This part of the knowledge is related to rune magic.

There is a difference between using rune characters to cast spells and magic in the traditional sense of wizards. This difference is a bit like the magic of fairies and house elves, both of which belong to an independent magic system.

This is also one of the reasons why Gubrai Fairy Fire is regarded as a very advanced spell, and even many wizards use it. Professor Flitwick will only briefly mention it in the upper-grade spell class.

Hmm, Ravenclaw's treasure?

Albert recalled what he saw in the secret room and guessed how to open the secret room.

"Interesting." He curled his lips and whispered to himself. He did want to return to the responsive house now, but he still suppressed his inner anxiety.

Return to the defensive rune previously designed.

Looking at the runes on the notes, Albert was a little dumb, feeling like watching a child trying to explain things beyond their understanding with his own understanding, and he couldn't say that he was completely wrong, but he felt a little... well, naive. .

Yes, it's a bit naive.

In fact, when you really master it, you will understand what is going on.

Albert picked up the quill, began to modify the runes, and revised the contents above. I redesigned the rune on the protective bracelet, and slowly carved it with the ritual carving knife. After finishing it, I cut my finger with a small knife, let blood drip on the rune, and chant the mantra to activate the rune. It is almost the same as previously recognized, and then, the last step is to cast a spell on the protective bracelet.

The spell uses magic text, the effect is similar to the iron armor curse, but the effect is more powerful.

"However, it feels like there is no difference!" Albert picked up the 2.0 version of the newly manufactured protective bracelet and looked up and down.

If you insist, I feel that this thing is now a magic item. The number of times it is used has nothing to do with the wizard. Although it is not a one-time item, there are restrictions on how many times it can be used. The protective effect above will gradually Weakened, it takes time to recover, a bit like the cooling time of props in the game lane, which makes Albert find it very interesting.

As for the cooling time of this magic item, Albert actually didn't know.

"Healing as ever"

Albert raised his wand and ran across the wound on his finger. The shallow wound originally drawn by the knife healed quickly.

Rune magic and wizards now use magic slightly different, it usually requires sustenance to make magic more powerful.

Gublai fairy fire is an example.

Of course, the reason why the Gubrai fairy fire can continue to burn is actually related to the material used to make it. Its handle is made of sycamore wood. It also needs phoenix feathers, just like the answer to the eagle ring riddle. Fire itself is a cycle, which is why the Gublai fairy fire does not go out.

"It seems that the devil flame will not be easily extinguished." Albert murmured, "It's just that it's not easy to control. However, the devil flame will swallow everything, but the Gubla fairy fire will not.

Having said that, if the Gublai fairy fire can be regarded as a skill, is the protective bracelet that you invented also a skill?

When Albert had this idea, he opened his skill panel and flipped through it carefully. He couldn't find the skill of the protective bracelet. UU read but found a brand new skill called amulet. .

The skill level of the amulet is almost level 1.

"So, this thing is actually a kind of amulet?" Albert retracted his gaze, looked at the protective bracelet in his hand, and muttered.

However, Albert didn't mind whether this skill was a talisman or a protective bracelet. He directly raised it to level two, and then continued to read the knowledge in his mind with his eyes closed.

There is always one suitable method for making amulets.josei

Albert stared at the newly-made protective bracelet, thought for a while, took out the unicorn statue that was going to be given to Isabel, and carved the necessary runes on it without spending much.

However, Albert hesitated a bit during the bloodletting, holding his own knife and looking at his thumb, his face twitched slightly, and finally he gave him a cruelty lightly.

"If this happens every time, will I be anemic?" Albert mumbled while looking at the finished unicorn.

Level 3 is indeed a hurdle.

However, in the case of using experience upgrades, it is not easy to rely on yourself to upgrade the panel skills to level 3.

Albert looked at his experience pool and skill points, then looked at his skills, and sighed lightly. Experience will never be enough.

If you can upgrade your skills to level 4...

Albert quickly dispelled this idea. The experience was far from enough. The only fourth level of the fourth level was the wizard bloodline. It was not obvious to Albert that this skill was upgraded to the fourth level.

Although he is a bit expecting what changes will be brought about by skill level 4, the skill points are not enough, and he can upgrade to a level 4 at most.


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