The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 249

Chapter 249: Handwriting on the wall

Now that the Mowen level has been raised to level 3, Albert will naturally not easily let go of the wealth in the Ravenclaw Knowledge Treasury. Although the so-called wealth is likely to be intangible knowledge, he is not willing to miss it even so. .

The way to open the hidden entrance is almost the same as originally expected, which is to open the door directly with the charm of Runi magic.

Of course, you need to put some blood before you go in.

The wall originally carved with Ravenclaw's famous quote automatically reveals a stone door, which is also a similar chamber.

Albert's gaze swept across the secret room, staying on the platform that might be used to place items for a while, frowning slightly.

There is nothing on the platform, I am afraid it has been taken away by a wizard who broke into it before.

To be honest, this is very immoral.

Albert believes that what Ravenclaw left here must be related to the knowledge of ancient magic texts. When someone takes away that part of the knowledge, it means that it is difficult for later generations to obtain that part of knowledge.

However, Albert is not for nothing.

There are still some ancient magic writings on the surrounding walls. The owner of these writings is not Ravenclaw, but the messages left by other wizards who came here.

Albert carefully identified the writing on the wall and took out his notebook to record all the messages on it.josei

The text before him was mainly cursing the **** who took the Book of Bronze away.

According to the written message on the wall, a book made of bronze is placed on the platform, which records Ravenclaw's understanding and use of Rune magic.

However, the book was taken away by people who came here long ago.

This approach made latecomers very dissatisfied and disdainful. In order not to disappoint those who came here, they recorded their understanding of ancient magic texts, their own achievements and doubts on the wall, lest the latecomers had nothing to gain.

After that, every wizard who came here did this. They were all outstanding in the magic world, and they had their own understanding of this aspect. Albert even found several familiar names on it.

However, it is not difficult to see from the problems on the wall that the closer you are to the present, the worse your understanding of ancient magic texts. Time seems to be driving a reverse train. The wizards who come later are more average in this respect. Of course, yes. Come here and leave a message to the wizard.

There are still a few unknown spells on the wall. Albert is ready to take the time to try it. After spending nearly an hour, after recording the ancient magic text on the wall, Albert took up his wand and prepared to leave his name here. And the results, and also left the spells and runes used to make the protective bracelet here.

It's a pity, did that **** take the book away?

No regrets, it is fake, and it still feels a bit tricky, but it is not difficult to imagine that the rewards of the Ravenclaw treasure house of knowledge are unknown.

Following the instructions on the wall, Albert walked to the blank wall, raised his hand and tapped twice, and uttered a spell to open the door. The wall trembled, and the door opened automatically after a while.

The moment after stepping into the door, Albert found himself standing leaning on the wall, at least in his field of vision. There are a lot of moving slates around, it feels like...moving stairs.

The activity space here is actually three-dimensional.

Albert pulled his foot back from the stone slab and returned to the original secret room. The original visual confusion returned to its original state. He stood outside the door, looking at the space inside, and fell into a brief silence.

What do you want to say?

Most of the wizards who came here stopped here, and they did not find relevant clues in the secret room of confusion.

In fact, Albert did not understand what Ravenclaw wanted to express in this level.

He temporarily gave up entering the room with confusion and continued to stay here to study the legacy left by his predecessors.

What surprised Albert was that he actually saw Dumbledore's name here. Does the principal really know the existence here?

The legacy he left behind is the light extinguisher, which is obviously only the most primitive prototype, but these materials are enough to provide Albert with some inspiration.

"Well, this person is... Will de Smith." Albert said the name softly. He was one of the wizards who came here first, leaving no doubts, but admiring Ravenclaw. His knowledge, and said that the bronze-forged book has benefited him a lot.

Sure enough, are there traces of the Smith family here?

Albert glanced at the content on the wall, did not continue to study these things, and left with some disappointment with what he had copied.

When he returned to the hall to prepare to eat, he suddenly heard an angry roar from a distance, the sound made by Filch.

"What's wrong?" Albert walked quickly into the and asked Fred and George, who were holding back their laughter.

"It's Peppy, he just threw big dung eggs on everyone's heads. You know, Peppy and Filch disliked each other. One of them accidentally fell on Filch's head. "At this point, Fred and George couldn't help laughing.

There is no doubt that Pepy Ghost's big dung egg was given by them, and it was used on Filch before Christmas.

"What a disaster," Albert murmured.

"By the way, where did you go?" George asked suddenly, "I didn't find you on the map?"

"Practicing the patron saint curse in the responsive room, I feel that I am about to condense the patron saint of the flesh!" Albert randomly found a topic, and said: "I suddenly look forward to what kind of animal my patron saint will be."

Li Qiaodan suddenly thought of an interesting thing, "If your patron saint is an eagle, it would be embarrassing! After all, the eagle is a symbol of Ravenclaw, and you obviously belong to Gryffindor."

"do not worry."

Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes at them, completely ignoring Lee Jordan's ridicule. In fact, it didn't matter what his patron saint was. If he was not satisfied, he could hide the patron saint.

What is really concerning is that Albert has quietly mastered the ability to summon the patron saint of the flesh, knowing that he is still thirteen years old.

Of course, most people forget the word "almost". In their eyes, Albert will soon master the ability to summon the patron saint of the flesh, which is the difference between one month and two months.

However, this clearly makes no difference to Albert.


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