The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 660

Chapter 660: 2 things before the holiday

Due to the outstanding performance of the Gryffindor team in the Quidditch match and the important roles played by Harry and Albert in resolving the secret room incident, the college won a huge number of points, resulting in Gryffindor in the College Cup Successfully defended the title with a high score that has never been seen before.

At the year-end banquet, scarlet and gold decorations filled the banquet hall, and the long table at Gryffindor House was extremely lively. Everyone was celebrating this great victory.

Only the Slytherin students and their dean were black, and Malfoy stared at Harry Potter with bitter eyes, not knowing what he was thinking about.

On the last day of the semester, the school announced the test results.

Albert was the undisputed number one in this year. After Fred and George worked **** tuition, they successfully passed the exam in every course.

The return journey on the Hogwarts Express was not all smooth sailing, as Albert expected.

Malfoy, Crabbe, and Gore couldn't wait, ready to beat Harry.

However, they didn’t know that Fred and George were also squatting. When Malfoy and his friends ambush Harry who came out of the bathroom, the two people who had been hiding under the Phantom Curse “coincidentally” bumped into each other. Come to this scene.

So, they used the magic that Malfoy had learned from Albert a while back to the three of them.

The dazzling light from the spell even pierced Harry's eyes.

After the light dissipated, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Gore lay unconsciously on the walkway outside the toilet.

"What happened to them?"

Ron deliberately stepped on Malfoy's body, walked to Gore's side and squatted down, and looked at the small tentacles that appeared on Gore's face with interest, in a particularly happy mood.

"It seems that Albert is right. Some spells cannot be mixed." George said solemnly, "However, the effect is very interesting."

"Okay, let's not leave them here, it will affect other people." Ron looked at Malfoy in a panic, then looked at the toilet in the toilet unkindly, obviously wanting to take this man. Tuck your head into the toilet.

"No, put Mr. Malfoy's head in the toilet, and he will be drowned." Fred used his wand to control the three of them to stand up and put them in a loving embrace with George.

"I think those who come in later will definitely marvel at their relationship beyond friendship."

As he said, George raised the camera borrowed from Albert, took a few photos of the three together, and said with a smile, "Look, now there is even proof of friendship."

"Don't forget to erase their memory." Lee Jordan reminded, "Forgetting Curse, who of you will?"

The twins looked at each other, neither of them had used the spell.

"The Forgotten Charm?" Harry asked.

"Just to make them forget what happened just now." Fred explained, raising his wand.

"Be careful, don't turn people into idiots."

"Isn't that better?"

"No, that will get you in trouble. Okay, move faster. It's like squeezing into the toilet." Lee Jordan said and turned and left.

"Forget it all."

Fred raised his wand and pointed it at Malfoy's head, muttering softly.

After using the Forgetting Curse, the expressions on the three people's faces became more and more confused.

"Very good, great." He was satisfied with the effect of the Forgotten Curse.

"What happened to them?"

Hermione walked over here, looking at the three people in the toilet with a stunned expression.

"It's nothing, let's go, don't disturb them and love each other."

Everyone left the toilet together, closed the door with their backhands, and put up a malfunctioning sign.

"I think the old Malfoy will have unexpected surprises after he finds his precious son."

"Who wants to play the wizard card."

"I have to return the camera."

"Maybe, they are kissing in the carriage."

"Then you should go see it more."

Hermione looked at the three people leaving with her, not knowing what to say.

Looking at Fred who handed the camera to himself, Albert asked, "Resolved?"

"Solved, I still have a good photo here, do you want it?" Fred reached out and took the photo from his pocket, ready to pass it to Albert.

"Forget it, that's your grievance." Albert put away the camera and sent Fred away, lest there be light bulbs here to disturb the two of them chatting.

After the car door closed again, Albert resumed the conversation.

"So, after the return of the mysterious man, the entire British magical world will be in panic, and the dark magic defense items will become very popular. I intend to make a big profit. Then, plus my family from Muggle There is a lot of money for the big prizes over there. Well, the Muggle lottery prizes are more than you expected, at least millions of pounds, if all are replaced by gallons, at least 200,000 plus Long."

"This is a loophole in the Ministry of Magic law." Isobel never thought that Albert would use this method to make money. "You should know that you can only do this once."

"Of course I know these things." Albert said indifferently. "But who really cares about the laws of the Ministry of Magic? The Ministry doesn't know these things. Besides, the Ministry of Magic is very busy this year."

"what will happen?"

Albert's hand was gently placed on the crystal ball, his eyes stayed on it for a minute, and a portrait of Black appeared in front of the two of them.

"what is this?"

Isobel frowned as he looked at the reward list in the crystal ball.

"Sirius Black's wanted list." Albert said without hesitation: "As far as I know, Black is locked in Azkaban prison. His wanted list will appear, which means he escaped from prison, you know. No one has ever escaped from Azkaban Prison. The Ministry of Magic will definitely be a mess. No one will pay attention to the fact that I used divination to get myself a large amount of pounds. In fact, they couldn’t notice because there was no The Ministry of Magic pays very little attention to matters in the Muggle world."

"Are your predictions the result of seeing through a crystal ball?"

Isabel finally understood what Albert's so-called prophecy was about, and she felt that it would not be an exaggeration to label Albert as a liar.

The so-called prophecies are all his predictions.

"The content you can see through the crystal ball is ultimately limited. Just like using runes for divination, you need to get information by yourself and analyze it further." Albert said with a smile: "Professor Trelawney envied me very much. Her divination ability is not as convenient as mine."

"I thought she was a liar."

"Most of the time, she is indeed a liar."

Listening to Albert's talk, if you don't know his details, you really think this is a liar. But Albert has intuitions that no one else has in some things. Perhaps his predictions and talents have brought him confidence, and he is also overconfident, although he is very handsome in self-confidence.

Albert cherishes his life very much and makes Isobel satisfied. At least he does not need to worry about his safety in the coming storm.

The two talked about France, about Nicole Le May, about the Potions of Youth, about things that interest them.

Time passed unconsciously, the Hogwarts Express gradually slowed down, and the two got off the train together, passed the entrance, and returned to the Muggle World.josei

Parting on the platform, Isobel wanted to stay and wait for Katrina, while Albert walked out of the station alone and saw Herb talking to someone else outside King's Cross Station.

After seeing Albert, Herb smiled and waved to this side. He took the suitcase and stuffed it into the trunk.

As soon as he opened the door of the car, Tom Fat Cat leaped at him like a ball of meat.

"It's been a long time since I saw Tom." Albert picked Tom into the back seat, closed the door, and said, "Sure enough, I still have to lose weight."

"You have said it several times."

"Have you put on makeup?" Albert looked at Nia's delicate face and asked in surprise. Niya has changed a lot, becoming more and more beautiful, like a porcelain doll, this is the advantage of European girls, precocious, young and energetic.

"Is there a problem?" Niya asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, putting on makeup so early makes it easy to get old." Albert reminded with a frown, "You should exercise more, your skin will naturally become better, there is no need to put on makeup, Isobel rarely puts on makeup."

"Does the wizard have a potion to make the skin better?" Daisy asked suddenly.

"I think you'd better not drink that strange thing, if you know what those so-called potions are made." Herb interjected to remind.

That year, it left a bad impression on him.

"There are some, but the effect is mediocre." Albert recalled, "I can help you pay attention. Girls always like to make themselves more beautiful."


"Of course Albert said, "Since it can make people immortal, why can't they make people immortal? At least, it should be possible to delay aging. "

"Magic is amazing. If those rich people know it, they have to go crazy." Daisy looked a little excited.

"They won't, because these potions have not been discovered yet." Albert raised Tom aloft. "Of course, it is true that there are wizards who open beauty shops. Isobel has also studied this aspect. I will ask another day. Let me tell you if it works."


Herb shook his head lightly, restarted the car, and drove towards the far road.

"Come back home!"

(End of this volume)

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