The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 661

Chapter 661: Other people's children

"What the **** are you two doing!"

Percy knocked on the door of Fred and George angrily. These two guys have been getting too much lately. There are always explosions in the room, and more and more frequently. I really don’t know if they are inside. do what.

"Don't be angry, we're not messing around, just trying some novel gadgets." Fred took a piece of gum from his pocket and said vaguely, "Would you like a piece?"


Percy refused in disgust. He hadn't forgotten the lesson last time, that he ate Fred and George's sweets, and he was sad for several hours.

Those two **** actually added sad worm syrup to the candy.

From that moment on, Percy told herself to be wary of any food passed by the twins, even a candy.

"It's a pity, don't forget it!" Fred opened the package and threw the gum in his mouth, using facts to prove that this is an ordinary piece of gum.

"I see Dad is back."

As soon as George retracted his head from the window, Mr. Weasley's voice came from downstairs.

"Don't mess with those weird things in the room all day, do you want to blow up our house?" Percy stared at the twins fiercely, turned and walked downstairs to the kitchen, not even noticing Frey behind him. The expressions of regret on the faces of De and George.

"How is your invention going?"

When the twins went downstairs, Ginny happened to open the door. She knew that Fred and George were inventing funny jokes.

In fact, most of the entire family knew about it.

"Not very smooth."

"However, we have completed the initial improvements to the fireworks, and the effect is great, and we will have the opportunity to show you our results the next day." George grinned, "The output is limited."


At this time, there was a burst of screams and cheers from downstairs.

After the three of them went downstairs, Ginny immediately asked, "What happened?"

"Children, our family has won the "Daily Prophet" Annual Garon Award!" Mr. Weasley excitedly announced the good news to everyone.

"Win the jackpot! Hit the jackpot!"

Fred and George alone took Ron's wrist, who was frozen in place, and led him to a tap dance.

"Let go of me." Ron hadn't recovered yet. He didn't expect that when his family had made a fortune, it would be the "Daily Prophet" Annual Jialong Award. I really didn't expect it would fall on his own.

"no kidding!"

Mrs. Weasley scolded the interrupted twins and said to Mr. Weasley, "Perhaps we can use the money to visit Bill in Egypt, and the whole family can travel there in summer."

"Dad, I need a new wand. The old wand that Charlie left me is broken." Ron said quickly taking advantage of this opportunity.

"No problem." Mrs. Weasley poked Ron's chest and said, "But if you make up the exam next semester, don't blame me..."

"No, I promise." Ron said first.

"This is probably the surprise Albert mentioned!" The two looked at each other and said in unison, "He must have predicted all this."

"Surprise, what surprise?" Ginny asked.

"Albert's prediction, he said that we will have a surprise in the summer vacation." Fred said to Ginny, "I think it should be referring to this."

"It sounds incredible." Ron murmured, "but how do I hear people say that the fortune-telling professor is just a liar, and there has never been a student who knows how to fortune-telling in the entire school."

"Professor Trelawney is a liar, what's the matter with Albert?" George asked, "Moreover, knowing that Professor Trelawney is a liar, you still want to take her divination class?"

Ron asked back: "Why did you all take the divination course."

"Perhaps, we also have a talent for divination?" Of course, Fred would not say that he took the divination class for the sake of messing around.

"Me too." Ron echoed and asked: "You guys, can Albert predict the winning number?"

"Damn, he still uses divination?"

"That guy doesn’t need divination at all. You don’t know how lucky that guy is. I dare to explain that in the Quidditch World Cup this year, as long as he is willing to spend a little bet, he can easily earn several times the Garon jackpot. Garon." George showed a look of losing to you.

"I dare to say that he will definitely take the opportunity to make a windfall this year." Fred is sure that Albert will not let go of such an opportunity to make money.

"Remember to take me with you when the time comes." Ron whispered.

"No gambling, it will make you get bad habits, have you heard it!" Mrs. Weasley glared dissatisfiedly with her hands on her hips.

"heard it!"

"Didn't you eat? Loud." Mrs. Weasley was dissatisfied.

"Mom, we haven't eaten yet." Fred murmured.

"Don't talk back." Mrs. Weasley glared at her son.

Ginny couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, and asked curiously, "Is Albert so good?"

"It is said that he has never lost a bet, and now any bookmaker at Hogwarts is unwilling to accept his bet." Percy was also a little moved. After all, no one would refuse the steady money, even he. exception.

No way, Percy also has a common problem with the Weasleys: poor.

Now, if anyone in their family is not poor, it is probably Fred and George. They will always have Garon in their pockets. I don’t know why Albert is relieved to let them burn money and study those so-called jokes. .

He is really not afraid of losing money.

Could it be that that stuff is really profitable?

No wonder Percy thought that way. Who is Albert?

The most talented wizard in Hogwarts history, even if he held a wizard card game, from Percy’s point of view, this card game may be a big fire in the future, at least it is already a very popular game at Hogwarts. Up.

Moreover, with Albert's character, it is obvious that he would not be willing to give them money to waste just because he has a good relationship with Fred and George.

There would never be such a person in the world.

"Everyone is saying that Albert is actually the offspring of a pure-blood wizard. It's just that his family has given up his status as a wizard. That's why he himself showed that talent. Some people say that Albert inherited the Gringotts. A large sum of Gallon, so there will never be a shortage of money in his pocket." Ron looked at Mr. Weasley and asked, "Dad, do you know the specifics of Albert's family?"

"As far as I know, Albert often asks house elves to give him supper." Fred opened his eyes and spoke the truth to fool others. "Well, he still has his own vault in Gringotts."


"of course it's true."

"Don't listen to Fred talking nonsense. Albert is a Muggle wizard. This is what he said himself." George gave Fred a blank look and explained: "It was the housekeeper of Hogwarts Castle who gave us supper. Elf, Albert has a good relationship with the house elf. It seems that he intends to poach the house elf away after graduation."

"Will Professor Dumbledore agree?" Ron felt incredible. Their mother had always hoped that a famous house elf would help with the housework.

"He has a good relationship with Dumbledore and may succeed." Fred said

"I think there is a great chance of success. He never does anything meaningless." George is confident of Albert.

"Dad, when shall we go to Egypt for vacation?" Percy brought the subject back.

"About two days later, we have to contact the travel agency."

"Can I invite Harry to go with him? It must be uncomfortable for him to stay at the Muggle relative's house." Ron suggested. He felt that even if Harry paid his own expense, he would be happy to go with him.

"No." Mr. Weasley shook his head. "Professor Dumbledore thinks Harry needs to stay with his relatives for a while."

"What about Albert?"

"He's not free," Fred said without hesitation.

"How do you know?" Ron asked rhetorically.

"Mum let us invite Albert to come to our house for a few days before, and he said he was going to France to find an old friend." George explained.

"Old friend?" Ginny was surprised. "Does he know any friends in France?"

"It means literally." George reminded with a smile, "The people he knows are very old, so it's not strange to call him an old friend."

Ginny opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say.

"Albert does know a lot of people. It is said that the Ministry of Magic now has a voice and intends to nominate Albert as an alternate member of Wiesengamo when he reaches adulthood." Mr. Weasley suddenly remembered what happened recently. .

"Weissengamo's alternate member?" Percy asked dumbfounded, "Really?"

"Really, it is said that he knows a lot of Wisengamao members. When selecting alternate members a while ago, many people were talking about him." Mr. Weasley recalled the news he had inquired, "Some People don’t even make it happy."

"Why?" Fred asked.

"Because Albert was born as a Muggle, some stubborn old guys at UU reading think that Muggle wizards are not qualified to enter Wiesengamao. I remember the last time the person with such qualifications was Dumbledore." Mr. Slay recalled, “However, there have been rumors that if Albert graduated and entered the Ministry of Magic, it would only take one to twenty years to become Minister of Magic.”

"I prefer to believe that Albert is not a Muggle wizard." Passy admired Albert's luck very much. If he had such a good opportunity, he wouldn't have to worry about his career in the Ministry of Magic.

"You should learn from him," Mrs. Weasley told the twins.

"We have been learning from him." Fred and George said in unison.

They knew that Albert actually didn't want to see the Ministry of Magic, or even looked down upon him a little bit. Especially since the last time Hagrid was inexplicably caught in Azkaban prison, he didn't conceal his disgust.

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