The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 An Eye for an Eye

“Don’t interfere.” Caspian waved his hand at Sylvia..

“Caspian, there’s no need for you to personally deal with these scumbags.

He coldly explained, “I will avenge my mother with my own two hands.”

“Yes, sir!” Sylvia obediently backed down.

Willow was confused by their exchange, she felt as if they were seeing the opponents as paper dolls that could be easily dispatched.

She had heard that Caspian was quite the fighter, but the scale of the current fight was not realistic to be fought alone. Besides, members of the Flying Dragon were notorious for being brutal, and fighting any one of their members was akin to declaring war against the entire. gang.

She quickly intercepted him. “Calm down, Caspian! There has to be some other way! You don’t have to fight them… The Flying Dragons aren’t someone we can mess with!”


An eye for an eye, Willow. You don’t have to trouble yourself with this matter.” The usually obedient Caspian was not going to be held back by Willow from avenging his mother.

She continued, “Maybe you have some tricks up your sleeves, but they have the advantage in numbers! And killing any of them would have the police looking for you! Calm down, Caspian!

Caspian explained, “I never wavered even against Tigra’s elites, let alone against these hooligans. As for the police, I will deal with them later. You should close your eyes, I don’t want you to have

nightmares of this day for the rest of your life.”

She was annoyed by how he seemed to ignore her words. “Can you stop fucking pretending to be powerful? If you just want to die, I’m not going to stop you further.”

He, too, was annoyed that Willow seemed to not be following his instructions. “Sylvia, I’ll leave Willow to you. I’ll hold you responsible if anything happens to her.”

“Yes, sir!” Sylvia swiftly moved to Willow’s side.

She would ensure that no one would manage to harm Willow throughout the upcoming battle, “Let’s go, boys! Off with his head!” Wade began his battle


Dozens of the members of the Flying Dragons brandished their weapons and rushed toward Caspian on Wade’s mark.

Caspian calmly looked down upon the men coming after him as if he were looking at pitiful



He could exterminate the pests with just a single strike.

But he decided to limit his own strength so as to not give Willow too much of a shock

Caspian headed into the battlefield with nothing but his fists.

Before him were his mother’s killers, and he decided that he would not give them an easy way


He would ruthlessly torture them, and brand the fear of impending death into their minds.

Caspian skillfully and instantly weaved through the men like the lightning that he had manifested throughout the skies.

The blood of his enemies began to mix with the falling rain, as cries of pain rang out across the cemetery.

Puddles of rainwater soon became puddles of blood.

His intent to kill these men was only strengthened as he thought about Lilith’s tragic final


In not even a minute, Caspian had taken down all twenty or so men of the Flying Dragons. He had dismembered every single one of his enemies, and their limbs littered the floor.

Within his hand was a knife that he had taken from his opponents.

He wanted to return the favor to the killers that had stabbed Lilith to death.

The floor of the cemetery was now painted bright red with blood.

Willow was horrified to find all the Flying Dragons‘ men struggling with their limbs separated all within a span of twenty or so seconds.

She could only wonder how Caspian managed to achieve such a feat.

She never managed to catch what happened other than Caspian’s figure weaving through the


She still could not come to believe that the battle had ended as soon as it began.

Unbeknownst to her, Caspian had not even unleashed his full might, or the battle would have been over even sooner.

Wade stood at the side as he wondered if he had been imagining things. He rubbed his eyes to confirm the bloodshed before him again and again as fear started seeping into his mind.

Twenty of his own men were taken out by Caspian in an instant.

Sylvia was not fazed by the massacre, as it was nothing compared to the actual battlefields she had been used to.


Caspian slowly approached Wade, with his knife still in hand.

Wade’s legs went limp as he crumbled onto the ground.

He was terrified to meet his impending doom.

“Please don’t kill me! Spare me, please! I beg of you-” He knelt down in front of Caspian and began to beg for his life. He had never expected Caspian to be so powerful.

“It’s too late. Your death was already decided the moment you killed my mother!” Caspian coldly explained..

“I was wrong! Please! We can talk this over, okay? I’m quite high up in the ranks, as long as you spare me, I can help negotiate your freedom!”

“Your rank won’t matter soon. I will exterminate all of the Flying Dragons in due time.”

“Then what about the police? They’re going to arrest you for being a serial killer!” Wade tried his best to come up with excuses just to extend his lifespan.

“The police will be bowing their heads before me,” explained Caspian.

Wade was left speechless as he was at his wits‘ end.

He did not expect Caspian to be even more ruthless than the Flying Dragons. He realized Caspian was an insane murderer who was not even afraid of the police.

“An eye for an eye, scum. This is for my mother!”

“Stop! I’m not behind any of this! I only kicked her twice because of peer pressure! The ones behind all of this are Mr. Lane and Mr. York!” Wade cried out in anguish for keeping himself


“Nonsense. I will have my revenge!” Caspian continued brandishing his weapon.

Wade was so terrified that he peed himself while trembling all over the ground, unable to make out a sensible word.

Caspian was satisfied to find his enemy cowering in fear before him. He had wanted to torture and break their spirits before slowly succumbing to death.

As he was about to swing down his knife, Willow’s voice from behind halted him in his tracks. “Stop!”

Wade turned toward Willow as if latching onto a glimmer of hope.

“Why stop me? These pieces of trash must die!” explained Caspian.

Willow was annoyed. “You’re crazy. It feels good to get your revenge,

get your revenge, but have you thought about the consequences?”


Caspian rolled his eyes. He did not see how the Diatoranian God of War, who had the golden set of armor given to him by the king that signified immense authority, would even face consequences for cleaning up these low–life gangsters for the public..

“He’s right. Killing him would only incur the Flying Dragons‘ wrath. And the police would be on their side as well! You will be arrested and made to stand trial, is it really worth it?”

“What about me, Caspian? What should I do if you were to be arrested?” Willow tried her best to persuade the still vengeful Caspian.

“Fine then! I’ll spare their lives.”

He withdrew from killing Wade only for Willow’s sake.

Wade took a long sigh of relief upon realizing his life had been spared.

Suddenly, Caspian turned to Sylvia, and said, “You’re a general officer, aren’t you? I’m sure you won’t get into trouble for enforcing safety in Southlake City in the police’s stead.”

Wade lost his shit once more. He realized that his momentary relief was just a false alarm.

He had only realized that Sylvia was a general officer for the military.

Willow, too, had never expected Caspian to go through such a loophole.

Sylvia had been holding herself back in order to protect Willow as she was ordered. She was nothing but delighted to finally be given some action.

“Yes, sir!” She took over the knife from Caspian.

Caspian laid down his orders for his subordinate. “Take your time, but let me bring Willow back into the car first. You have fifteen minutes, make it a show.”


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