The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

hapter 63 A Coffin As A Gift

“Yes, sir!” Sylvia understood that Caspian wanted to keep Willow away from witnessing the horrors that were to come.

Caspian turned toward the dazed Willow. “Willow, let us go.”

She was still afraid that the Flying Dragons would enact revenge upon them. “Why did you just go back on your own words? You just said that you would let him go!”

“I did. I’ve let them go, as I promised. What happens next has nothing to do with us.‘

Willow was left utterly speechless.

She would not dare to intercept a general officer like Sylvia either.

Not even the police would be able to do anything about Sylvia thanks to her title.

“Let’s go.” Caspian brought Willow back to the car.

As the couple left, Willow realized she was slightly delighted as she had also wanted to enact revenge on the gangsters that killed Lilith.

She was just worried that Caspian’s actions would bring in further troubles. With Sylvia now at the helm, she could not care less about what happened to their enemies.

She followed Caspian back onto the Rolls Royce. However, she was actually interested in watching what Sylvia was going to do.

Caspian calmly said, “Don’t look outside.”

She could not help but feel that Caspian had completely changed as a person, and she felt as if she was meeting a stranger once more.

He no longer resembled his good–for–nothing self. The current Caspian seemed hostile at times, and his eyes reflected purpose and dedication. To Willow, he really seemed like a different person.

Willow could only wonder if Lilith’s death had pushed him off the edge.

She also wondered about how a general officer like Sylvia was treating Caspian with the utmost respect and heeded all his orders. Perhaps Caspian had made great achievements during the war in the South Aridlands and was promoted even beyond Sylvia.

She could not yet confirm her suspicions, but she was proud and delighted to imagine that Caspian had become a hero of Diatoran.


After confirming that the couple had left, Sylvia began her session with Wade.

Wade was trembling with fear as he stared at Sylvia. “What… What the fuck are you going to. do to me?”

“Look at your own men … Broken limbs scattered everywhere. Now look at you

You seem as

healthy as one can be. Don’t you think it’s only fair to share the pain of your brethren in battle?

Sylvia wished that she could have more than just Wade to deal with.

Before Wade could realize his fate, Sylvia had already decided her first course of action.

With a flash of the knife, Wade’s left arm was cleanly detached from his b*dy.

“Oh my fucking God!”

Noticing blood pouring out of his b*dy, Wade let out a blood–curdling screech.

None of his men would arrive to help him as they also lay limbless around him.-

Wade continued to beg for mercy. “Please! Let me go! I’ve learned my lesson! Please! You’ve already taken one of my arms! Please, spare me!”

“Madam Ziegler was a kindhearted person and she ended up dying tragically in the hands of you scumbags. She suffered so many wounds and beatings as she died… You will have to suffer tenfold in order to make it even!”

Sylvia finished her speech and began bringing the stage play to a climax.

Within the Rolls Royce, the couple could not hear a single thing happening outside.

Willow, however, let her curiosity get the better of her. She peeked at the rearview mirror and happened to witness a glimpse of Sylvia’s performance.

She subconsciously trembled and covered her eyes, no longer interested in witnessing the bloodbath.

Caspian sighed. “I told you not to look, didn’t I?”

“Why does Sylvia seem to respect you so much?” asked Willow.

“We’re comrades in arms, as well as good friends.”

The sudden downpour before the fight had completely soaked Willow.

At the moment, her beautiful figure was on full display, enhanced by her glittery wet skin.

Caspian, however, was not in the mood to enjoy the view. He made his return from war only to find his foster mother murdered in cold blood, all he could think of was revenge.


Ten minutes later, the skies gradually cleared up.

Sylvia approaches the car.

Caspian then rolled down the windows.

“Caspian, it’s done.”

Caspian nodded and turned to Willow. “Willow, you should head back for now. I still have something to do,”

Sylvia seemed eerily calm as if nothing had just happened before her arrival. Her clothes were clean without a single drop of blood, despite having just returned from performing an


Willow sheepishly asked, “Where are you going?”

She was still terrified from the bloodbath.

“Don’t worry about me. You should go home, freshen up, and have a rest.” Caspian promptly got out of the car after replying.

Caspian’s cold and dismissive tone left Willow without the courage to question him further. She then started the car and drove home.

After Willow had left, Caspian finally got back into the SUV with Sylvia.

“Where are we heading to, Caspian?”

“To the York residence.”

“Yes, sir!” Sylvia was also excited after knowing about his next target.

Revenge was a dish best served cold.

“But before that, we need to prepare some gifts for the party. Let’s head to the coffin shop.”

Sylvia asked, “What are we heading there for?”

“For a coffin, of course. It would be the perfect gift for that Mrs. York Senior of theirs. It would be rude if we entered the party without a gift in hand.”

Caspian was ready to teach the York family a lesson.

Sylvia smiled and replied, “That truly would be the most appropriate gift for the occasion.”

Over at the York residence, the house was thoroughly decorated with beautiful lighting to celebrate Nadia’s eightieth birthday.

Nadia had assumed the role of the matriarch of the York family ever since her husband had


The Yorks were one of the most affluent and powerful families within Southlake City. The birthday party for the matriarch involved many other powerful men and women within the political and business world paying their respects with gifts.

The brightly lit York residence was almost littered to the brim with various gifts to curry favor with the Yorks.

Nadia looked at the fully seated hall filled with esteemed guests and noticed that Derek had an empty seat by his side. “Derek, you’ve said that you will be bringing your girlfriend with you today. Where is she? Is she alright?”

“She will be here soon,” Derek answered with certainty.


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