The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 A Coffin For You

“Just who is this girlfriend of yours?” asked Nadia.

Derek smugly answered, “The number one beauty of Southlake City herself, Willow Stewart!”

Nadia was surprised. “Willow? I thought she had just recently gotten married. How did she become your girlfriend all of a sudden?”

She wondered why her grandson would attempt to court an already married woman.

“She’s married, correct. But she’s exactly my type! Nob*dy ever said you can’t score a goal with a goalkeeper around, you know what I mean?”

“Don’t you realize it’s disrespectful to court another man’s woman? Your actions could bring shame to our family if the public learned about this. Why choose her specifically? You have plenty of options to pick from.”

“It’s love at first sight, Grandma. I’ve been in love with her ever since I saw her! I can’t help but think about her every single day!”

“Oh, dear. Do whatever you want, but do not ever marry her. I will not tolerate having the name of our York family be tainted by you courting another man’s wife. Once you’ve had your fun and you’ve gotten bored of your toy, cut her off from ever contacting us ever again!” declared Nadia.

She would not risk having the York family’s reputation be tainted by the news that her grandson’s wife was a married woman who was forcibly taken away from her husband.

“I understand, Grandma.” Derek nodded.

Derek was the eldest grandson to Nadia, whom she had spoiled rotten, causing him to become the arrogant man he was.

Willow was the most beautiful woman Derek had ever laid eyes on. He thought that having her by his side for the birthday party would not only enhance the image of the York family but also cause his peers within the affluent world to be jealous.

He wanted to acquire Willow by any means necessary.

Meanwhile, heavy footsteps from outside the party were approaching fast, as if spelling out an


Guests present at the party all felt uneasy from the footsteps and looked outside of the hall.

They would see a man and a woman aggressively closing into the party hall with their right arms raised high above their head, carrying a coffin.

Nadia’s expression turned for the worse when she saw the uninvited guests showing up with a


The entire hall became dead silent from the shock of the sudden event.

Everyone wondered what they were trying to convey by displaying a coffin in front of Nadia during her birthday party.

“Stop right there! Who are you? You’ve probably come to the wrong place!” Derek’s father, Samuel York shouted at the duo.

He was furious after being disrespected by such a gesture in relation to his mother’s 80th birthday.

Guests at the party began their discussion after Samuel’s words confirmed their suspicions that the duo were not esteemed guests.

“How do they mess up so badly at their work?”

“Oh Gods… It’s such a disrespectful act to bring a coffin to a senior’s birthday party!”

“The two of them are going to be fired after this, hahaha.”

“I think the York family might just erase them from existence instead, after such an indecent and offensive display.”

“This has to be what they call a bad omen, right?”

The duo was none other than Caspian and Sylvia.

No one without the party hall managed to recognize Caspian, except for Benedict, who was defeated by Caspian.

Esteemed guests invited to join the birthday party only extended to the aristocracy of Southlake City.

Caspian and Sylvia were not on the list..

Although Caspian’s wedding from last month had also similarly shaken up the political and business world of Southlake City, most of the current guests were never invited to his wedding. It was only natural that no one could manage to recognize the duo.

Benedict and his men subconsciously took a few steps back after recognizing Caspian. They still remember the fear Caspian had instilled in them.

“We’re right where we’re supposed to be! Congratulations to Mrs. York Senior for her 80th birthday! And this coffin is our gift!” Caspian exclaimed.

Everyone present was shocked by their audacity to present a senior with a coffin as a gift.


“Who sent you? What do you want?” Samuel was furious. He would have allowed the two of them to leave if they had made a genuine mistake, but now he realized that they were doing this on purpose.

“I am Caspian Lynch, foster son of Lilith Ziegler! Today I bring a fitting gift for Mrs. York Senior, a coffin!” Caspian calmly exclaimed.

The crowd finally recognized the man before them as the good–for–nothing husband of


Although none of them would know about his true identity, they still recognized him as the husband of the most beautiful woman in Southlake City.

Caspian’s name was also publicly known thanks to the wedding held a month prior.

Derek was surprised to find Caspian making an appearance right within his home.

He was puzzled as to why Caspian could manage to show up at the party unharmed, as he recalled sending Quentin to deal with Caspian.

“Who is this Lilith Ziegler that you speak of?” Samuel asked with annoyance.

“She is my foster mother!” answered Caspian.

Nadia, Samuel, and even his wife, Dawn, along with several other members of the York family reacted to the name Lilith.

Although Lilith was not a prominent figure within Southlake City, the Yorks remembered her name. After Derek and the Flying Dragons murdered Lilith, the York family used their wealth and power to ensure that news of the incident never made it into the public eye.

If not for the incident, they would never have known who Lilith was.

Guests at the birthday party, however, were left confused as they had never heard of Lilith.

“Who’s that? Lilith?”

“No idea. Never heard of her.”

“This good–for–nothing is probably just looking for an early grave.

“I think we’re in for a show, they’re gonna get beaten up and thrown out of the party!”

Caspian and Sylvia had now reached the center of the banquet hall.

“Sylvia!” shouted Caspian.

The duo then threw the coffin in tandem and it landed right in front of Nadia.


“Our gift may not be as grand as the others. I only hope that you won’t mind that.”

Nadia was angered beyond reason, but she still composed herself. She could tell that Caspian and the woman behind him were not ordinary folk.

She reckoned that they must be here to cause a commotion.

Nadia gracefully replied, “Hoho, an old woman like me would have no use for such an exquisite gift. You may bring it back with you, young man. You might need it for yourself.”

Caspian coldly retorted, “We’re young folks with our lives ahead of us; we won’t be needing a coffin anytime soon. But as for you… You might require this gift more than you think–maybe even today! Think of this as a gift of convenience.”

Nadia was enraged. “What insolence! What are you implying?”

“As the matriarch of the York family, do you condone your own grandson murdering my mother? I’ve prepared this coffin for you! Say your prayers!”


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