The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 Anyone Else

Caspian’s words shocked the crowd to their core.

They began to whisper and discuss what unspeakable acts the York had committed to attract such hate from Caspian.

“What insolence! You barge into my house and spout nonsense? How dare you! Send the two of them out!” Nadia roared with anger and annoyance.

Several b*dyguards appeared from the shadows and approached the duo.

For a powerful family like the Yorks, they had specially trained individuals assigned as security personnel, each with their own specific skills.

Derek finally had the courage to speak up after the b*dyguards had appeared. He walked over, pointed straight at Caspian, and said, “Who the hell are you? What audacity! Do you dare give a coffin to my grandma as a gift? Guards! Break their legs! We’ll have them crawl out of here!”

Derek loved this feeling of being powerful.

“So, you’re Derek York?” asked Caspian.

“Yours truly. I don’t care who you are, but your funny jokes made against my family will be met with appropriate punishment.” Derek stood before the family’s b*dyguards without a hint of fear.

Suddenly, a slap reverberated across the party hall. Derek was sent sprawling to the ground.

Derek’s face was branded red with the shape of Caspian’s hand.

Caspian’s slap was so sudden that everyone present was caught off guard.

“Oh!” By the time the crowd had realized what had happened, they collectively hissed out in pain for Derek.

They could not believe that the eldest grandson of the York family was disrespected in full view of the public.

Caspian proceeded to step onto Derek’s chest. “You are the reason I’m here. I’m going to kill you… No, I’m going to butcher you like poultry!”

Derek proceeded to yell for help. “What are you guys standing around for? f**k him up!”

The b*dyguards were hesitant to make a move due to their benefactor being pinned on the ground by their target.

Dawn was heartbroken to see her son being trampled on the ground. She wanted to check on Derek but was repelled by Caspian’s intense and murderous gaze.


Samuel, too, was furious. He decided that the duo needed to be punished severely in order to retain the York family’s image. “Guards! Teach them a lesson and throw them out of here!”

“You seem to be quite powerful… I’ll allow you to land a few hits on me. Come on,” one of the b*dyguards said.


He intended to distract Caspian for an instant so that he could move Derek out of danger.

Sylvia spoke up in response to his provocation. “Forget it, you scum! You’re not even worthy enough for Caspian to deal with. Come on now, I’ll wipe the floor with all of you!”

The crowd never expected the beautiful–looking woman beside Caspian to be able to speak such harsh and arrogant words.

“Cut the crap and get me out of here already! Beat them up and teach them a lesson!” Derek was getting annoyed with how hesitant the b*dyguards were being.

The b*dyguards then sprung into action and swarmed around Caspian.

Sylvia stepped forward to fight them.

A few thuds could be heard as several b*dyguards were sent flying to the ground.

They remained on the ground while holding onto their chests with pained expressions.

The sudden shift of events left the crowd stunned. They could not believe that the b*dyguards were instantly taken care of before they could even manage to land a hit on the duo.

It was even more shocking for the Yorks themselves. They had known of their b*dyguards abilities for the longest time and were shocked to find them easily defeated.

And they were instantly defeated by a woman at that.

The crowd could only wonder who the beautiful woman standing beside Caspian was.

They surmised that Caspian would be a man of even greater strength if such a powerful woman was acting as his mere subordinate.

“Anyone else wants to try fighting us?” Sylvia stretched out her hand and invited her challengers.

She was also furious about the death of Lilith and wanted to teach the York family a lesson.

Nadia began to panic as she realized the duo had come prepared.

“Bring us Mr. Segal,” Nadia whispered to the housekeeper beside her.

“Yes, madam!” The housekeeper hurriedly ran toward the back of the hall.

Soon after, an elderly man in black robes appeared.


“Mr. Segal, if you would. Please drive the two of them any from the party a respectfully requested the man’s assistere

The mun’s name was Stove Segal. He was an operalleled fighter. He was so powert Nadia treated him with nothing but respect. He was considered a guest of honor for the Yorks

“Of course.” Steve nodded in agreement and wasted no time.

He walked toward the duo with a steady and confident pace

Steve walls with an immense intention to harm another human being, Sylvia subconsciously frowned as she became wary of his presence

“Step back Sylvia Leave this to me,” said Caplan

“There’s no need to trouble you, Caspian I can deal with him. Sylvia could tell that the elderly man was no ordinary fighter, but she was still confident in her abilities

“I went to have some fun, that’s all.”

“Yes, sir.” Sylvia nodded and took a few steps back

Caspian still had Derek pinned down on the floor as he calmly excizime “Come on then, show me what you’ve got!”

Steve carefully scanned Caspian from head to toe. Caspian seemed to be casually waiting for Steve to make a move without any attempts to defend himself, and yet, Steve could not find any openings whatsoever

Caspian’s carefree attitude had made Steve hesitant to even test the waters.

“What are you standing there for? Just beat him up!” Derek began to panic as he wanted to get any as soon as possible.

Derek was familiar with Steve’s abilities and was confident that he could help.

And with that, Steve made the first more

He started the fight with a simple jab

Caspian responded to Steve’s simple attack with an attack of his own.

The fists of the two men collided against one another and let out a loud boom.

What followed suit, however, was the sound of bones cracking

Steve was sent flying from the impact, with his right arm bent into a strange shape.

The crowd turned to Caspian and realized that he was not even fazed

Steve swiftly got back up on his feet.


He began to panic, and his expression sank when he realized his right arm was distorted beyond recognition. His fist had turned into mush with his bones sticking out of what once used to be his arm.

The gory scene left the crowd shocked and rendered the entire hall silent.

The York family’s secret weapon was defeated by Caspian with just one punch alone.

Steve could not believe that the prized fist of his was rendered useless in an instant.

No one had expected the infamous good–for–nothing of Southlake City to be so powerful.

Nadia, along with the rest of her family, was completely dumbfounded by the events. unfolding before them.

“Is this the best the Yorks have to offer? He doesn’t seem any different from the security guards patrolling the neighborhood. Do you have any more tricks up your sleeves?” asked Caspian.

No one had dared to speak up any longer.

“If that’s all, I shall now have Derek pay for all the sins he has committed!”


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