The Alpha's Return

Chapter 100 - Massacre

Chapter 100 - Massacre

Blood splattered everywhere. Egil, the big man, was standing still, but his left arm was no longer there.

"And I thought that you were actually a little powerful, but it looks like I have to be disappointed here." Lucas sighed. He was behind Egil now, and he was holding Egil's left arm. Blood was spilling out from it, but Lucas held it such that the blood did not fall on him.

"What an utter waste," Lucas said as he dropped the arm in his hands onto the ground. He then disappeared once more, and Egil, with the one hand that he did have started blocking the attack that was coming towards him with his only remaining arm. He raised his right arm to block what was coming. His warrior nomer was not for shame, as he perfectly saw the attack that was coming towards him, and blocked Lucas' punch to the face.

Without any arm to punch back, however, Egil was forced to raise his legs to kick Lucas. Lucas looked at this and sneered. He moved his left arm and blocked the kick that was aimed at his groin. Then, he held the right arm of Egil and started squeezing on it hard. With just the force that he put on the arm, Egil's face changed, and he quickly tried to retreat. But Lucas did not give him a chance to. He punched forward with his left arm, and Egil was not in the right stance to defend.

He coughed out blood from his mouth, and he fell to the ground.

"You see, I hate it when people offend me. Unlike many of those goodie two shoes, I am not the kind of guy who just allows people to offend me and take it inside. I need to vent. So I have to either kill the guy or teach him a lesson. You aren't going to die even if I kill you right now. So I don't even have to think about it." Lucas smiled. He disappeared once more, and reappeared right above Egil.

"See you in an hour." he said, smiling. A foot came crashing towards Egil's neck, and his neck got separated from his torso.

"Wow, that was just one sided." Bjorn said.

The body of Egil started fading away, and it disappeared. Lucas flicked the little blood that he had on his hands to the ground. "Valhalla is true heaven indeed. I need to get in here after I am dead. I certainly do not want to go to hell." he said, chuckling.action

The short man, Erik, who was standing next to Egil all this time, was shivering. He saw how fast the fight went through, and how Lucas dominated Egil in every step of the way.

"You monster. How does someone like you even exist?" Erik said, stuttering with fear.

"I am what you call a demi god. I have the powers of a god within me, but I can not use them fully. Don't worry though. The powers that I showed you right now are just normal human powers. I just showed off my expertise. I do have quite a bit of fighting experience, and I pride myself in being a good fighter, with good instincts." Lucas said.

"A demi god? You are the son of a god?" Erik asked with a worshipping look on his face.

"Oh god no! I am not the son of a god. Yuck. Imagine it. I am your son. Fenrir, I am your son. You are my father." Lucas laughed as he joked around.

"You are a Fenrir sympathizer?" Erik suddenly said with a solemn tone.

"A Fenrir sympathizer? What do you mean by that?" Lucas asked.

"You just joked that you would be Fenrir's son. You got your powers from the wolf that would swallow the almighty Odin, and would destroy Asgard? How the hell did you come here? Who let you in?" Erik asked.

"Oh dear, another serious guy. These people are such muscle heads, they don't know how to think, and all they care about are the gods and fighting." Lucas shook his head.

"Who are you really? And now that I know how you fight, do not think that you will be able to kill me as easily as you killed Egil. I am not that easy and opponent, and I am not in the habit of looking down on anyone." Erik said seriously.

"Don't worry. I just completed a kill. I won't kill immediately. Let me sleep for now. It was a little late when I left, and I haven't slept a wink last night because someone was so stressed out for some reason." Lucas said.

"I told you. I just needed to take a few breaths. It is the first time I came to Asgard in hundreds of years. I have so many to meet, and my father will be here." Fenrir bellowed within Lucas, but the others could not hear Fenrir.

"You think that this is a joke? You are in the land of the great warriors of the world who have upheld justice their entire life. I will not allow an upstart who thinks that destruction is the way to go, to stay in this sacred place, and go to the hall and dine with the great Odin himself." Erik barred his teeth.

"Right! Odin will be dining with you guys. When is the feast?" Lucas' eyes sparkled as he looked at Ragnar.

"It is in an hour. But are you sure that you want to meet Odin? Are you certain that he will not kill you the moment that he lays his eyes on you? I am sure that he is not already thrilled that you are here." Ragnar said with a hesitant tone.

"I don't care. I came here for a purpose. I should just complete the task that I came here for, and get going. After all, I only came here as a messenger. I am not here as Lucas the red wolf. I am here as a part of the council that the gods appointed to the mortal realm." Lucas shrugged.

"Fine, but I hope that you do not cause a lot of trouble. We do not want to get into any problems. It has been a while since the hell room number 1 has gotten any deaths and seeing that you are the one that broke this tradition, there will be a lot of challengers this time around." Ragnar said.

"There are going to be challenges? This is getting better by the moment. I should speak with Odin into getting me a permanent room here or something. I would love to spend the rest of my days here than in some boring city dealing with so many hassles." Lucas' eyes lit up."

Ragnar nodded with hesitation as he sat down on one of the beds. Erik looked at Lucas with hesitation and sat on one of the beds as well. It seemed that they all had beds assigned for them. Lucas went to the bed on the end, which he was sure no one was occupying. He took out his shirt, which had a few drops of blood on it. He took out his suitcase and opened it.

The moment that he opened it, the suitcase sprang to life, and it started opening and becoming bigger and bigger. Soon, it became as big as a closet itself, and suits were hanging on it like it was an actual closet. Lucas stripped and he took one of the suits. He turned back to see what the others were doing.

They were looking at him with jaw dropped faces.

"Never saw a body like this? Turn around you perverts." Lucas barked.

They quickly looked elsewhere. Lucas wore the suit with a red shirt inside and a normal pant and blazer. He then stroked one of the doors of this closet, and the closet started shrinking, and it turned back into a suitcase. He then zipped the suitcase back together and put it back on the ground.

"Alright. Now I am presentable. No more fights until I meet Odin and get the entire thing that I came here for, done with." Lucas said.

"That suitcase. How did it do that? I have never seen any artifact work like that. It was like magic. Was it one of the dwarves' masterpieces? For something to work like that." Bjorn asked with a shocked face.

"Oh, this was what you were looking at? This is just a standard issue for all of the council members and subsidiaries. It is just an easy way to store a lot of clothes, because as council members, we have to meet a lot of gods, and the color combinations are always a pain to get right." Lucas said.


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