The Alpha's Return

Chapter 101 - A Huge Feast

Chapter 101 - A Huge Feast

"Standard issue? That means that there are a lot of them?" Ragnar asked with hopeful eyes.

"Why would you need one of these? You are stuck here for life. You are stuck to a life of killing, battling and feasting. You aren't going to travel anywhere. So you don't have to worry about that." Lucas said.

Ragnar and Bjorn sighed as they shook back into reality. They looked away, and they bounced back into their beds. Time passed slowly, and Lucas was bored, but he did not want to fight again because he did not want to ruin any of the suits that he was wearing.action

"Urgh!" Lucas heard a voice. He turned his head to the bed that was next to him. There was a faint silhouette that was forming over there. With every passing second, the silhouette became clearer, and soon, a proper shape was formed. It was Egil, who was killed by Lucas an hour ago. It seemed that he was coming back to life now.

Egil coughed as he gasped for breath.

"Damn it. I hate it when I die." he said with deep breaths.

"At least now you know that you shouldn't mess with some people. You should know your limits and understand that there is always a much, much higher peak in this world, and that peak has the ability to crush you. Because of you dying, it soured my mood, and I didn't play any longer." Lucas said.

Egil glanced at Lucas, and trembled with fear. He got up, and walked over to Ragnar.

"Who the hell is that devil? He is not a god. A god would never act like that. He is a human, a mortal for sure. How is a mortal that powerful? You all know that we are all equal. Even after decades of fighting, we have never been able to kill each other. He killed me in a minute. That man is a monster, and I need to know who he is." Egil said in a low and solemn tone.

"First of all, no matter how low you take your voice, he can hear you. He is, supernatural in a way. He has the powers of a god bestowed upon him. And that man was there even before we were born. So I am not sure who exactly he is, but he seems to have eternal life." Ragnar said.

"He is immortal? How can that be? I thought that gods did not grant immortality to humans. I thought that they wanted to make sure that the cycle of life kept going." Egil wondered.

"He has the favor of a very powerful god that is pushing even the gods of the underworld away. What can I say, that God cares a lot about him." Ragnar said.

"Guys. It has been one hour since this guy died. He got reborn. One hour has passed. Isn't it time to go to that feast?" Lucas asked.


"What do you mean? You said that the feast starts in an hour. It should be starting now." Lucas said, his eyes turning blue as he growled.

"But we are hell room number one. That means a lot. We are always the ones who come at the end, and we will be given the front seats. We cannot exactly go first. That would break precedent." Bjorn said.

"When is Odin going to arrive?" Lucas asked.

"In another hour. He will be the last one to arrive, obviously. Why would a god wait for someone?" Erik chuckled.

"So I have to wait another hour?" Lucas grumbled. He sat back down and took his suitcase. He unzipped a compartment and took out a phone. He turned it on and started playing a few games on it.

"What wizardry is that? Pictures are moving on it like it is real life. And that too on a small box that you can carry with your hands. What kind of sorcery allows such a thing?" Erik asked with shock.

"Right. You guys are from the last millennium. You don't understand any of this shit." Lucas sighed.

"What is this? This device does not emanate any power from it, other than some sparks, but I am positive that the almighty Thor did not imbue his power into this. It feels like an ordinary device that some random person can hold." Egil wondered out loud.

"You guys cannot come to the mortal world, so you don't understand how much the world has really changed. People like you are useless now. Even an ordinary guy on the street can kill you if he has a gun. But you cannot bring guns here. That is why you think that the new generation is useless. As for the number of things that they invented, you cannot even enjoy them because you are stuck here. So I am not even going to bother explaining to you what the hell this is, and why it is so awesome." Lucas said.

The four in the room grunted, but they did not say anything in response. They looked at Lucas with silence as he continued to game on the phone.

"Let us have a little warm up before we go on to the feast. Seeing a new arrival, there might be some stupid idiots who want to challenge us." Erik said.

"Aye." Bjorn agreed and the four got off their beds and stepped onto the vast space available for them to fight.

They locked hands as they started wrestling with each other. Lucas looked at this and chuckled.

"What are you? Kids? Fight like real men. Let me see the blood." Lucas laughed. "No wonder no one died. You all fought like pussies."

Egil looked at Lucas with fuming eyes, but he decided to ignore Lucas. They continued to tussle and slowly wrestle, wringing each other onto the ground, and soon were covered in sweat.

"Bah! This is boring. No wonder he always tells me that staying in Midgard is better. There are a lot more interesting things to do there than here. Now let us get going. An hour has passed, and I cannot watch this horrible sight any longer." Lucas said as he stood up.

The four stopped tussling and took a few towels that were just lying around. They dried themselves.

"I will lead you there, but I beg you. Do not make a commotion. Odin is not exactly the forgiving bunch. He does not like variables that he cannot control." Ragnar warned Lucas.

"I know more about Odin than anyone here does, so do not worry. I know how to deal with that cry baby coward." Lucas said.

"What did you just call the great Odin? How dare you blaspheme the god that gave you everything in life?" Egil scowled.

"Just shut up and keep walking. Let the gods handle this bastard. We are not powerful enough to do it. Why leave a chance to dine with Odin himself because we wanted to fight some crack head." Erik told Egil as they continued to move. They left the room.

The hallways were similar to the room that Lucas and Angela were greeted by when they entered Valhalla. Gold designs all over, and shields covering the ceilings. It was as if this was a king's palace. There was extravagance everywhere, but there was only one problem. No one was to be seen.

"Where is everyone? I thought that I heard a lot of heartbeats here, but they all disappeared." Lucas asked.

"They are in the feast of course. Where else would they be?" Ragnar said.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let us get going." Lucas said.

They walked across the corridors, with Bjorn and Ragnar leading the way. Erik and Egil were standing behind Lucas. They did not dare show their back towards Lucas, afraid that he would do something to them if he was pissed at something.

Soon, they stopped in front of a huge door. There were two handles, and it appeared as though there was a huge army behind it. The loud cheers and the clanking of swords could be heard from even a few meters away from the door.

"Wow, they surely are going all out for something that happens every day, are they not?" Lucas chuckled.

"This is a very important part of the day. We can show off the skills that we learnt in front of gods, and valkyries alike. Some of us have been very lucky to gain the favor of other such passionate people during the feasts, and it leads to a pleasure that not many here can enjoy." Bjorn said.

"Right, right. You can't bone here as much as you can in Earth. Forget it. Let us just go in." Lucas said as he held the doors.

"You cannot-"

"Leave him" Ragnar sighed as he told Erik.

"But the doors cannot be opened by us. They can only be opened by the valkyries. We cannot do it even if we work together." Erik said.

"You think that it going to stop him?" Bjorn laughed.

Lucas did not care about the conversation behind him. He held the handles and pushed. His muscles started bulging. A creaking sound came from the doors. Soon, they started moving.


The door swung aside as a bright light greeted them.

Lucas grinned.

"Welcome me, Valhalla. Your boss is back."


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