The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 234 - Gong Yu, You Are Heartless!

Chapter 234 - Gong Yu, You Are Heartless!

Chapter 234 Gong Yu, You Are Heartless!
One of their enemies behind Gong Yu, who was fighting with the super-bodyguard, tried to shoot that guard. The guard dodged and avoided the bullet, but the bullet flew toward Gong Yu at a high speed.

When Murong Yunxi saw that bullet clearly, her eyes became wider and wider. Her terrified heart stopped suddenly, and even her mind went blank for a second.

Fortunately, Murong Yunxi came to her senses in time. She pushed Gong Yu away quickly and Gong Yu successfully avoided that bullet. However, it was still too late. The bullet flew right by Murong Yunxi’s arm.

Murong Yunxi lowered her head and hummed.

Gong Yu, who noticed that something was wrong with Murong Yunxi, lowered his head and watched her. He noticed a dazzling bloody wound in Murong Yunxi’s arm.

“You got hurt?” Gong Yu looked at Murong Yunxi nervously, tender love filling his eyes.

Murong Yunxi looked up at Gong Yu and managed to smile. “Don’t worry! It’s just skin trauma.”

When Murong Ye realized that Murong Yunxi had been hurt, he immediately rushed over to her nervously. “Are you alright?”

“It’s not a big deal. It’s just a bruise.” Murong Yunxi pretended to be okay as she cracked a big smile.

“Finish this as quickly as possible!” Murong Ye shouted coldly. Their guards tried their best to fight against their enemies. Even Fourth and Lisa joined them.

Murong Yunxi had shot Carl to death, which had made Carl’s people lose their backbone. Besides, Murong Ye’s guards fought more forcefully. Therefore, Carl’s people were completely routed.

In less than ten minutes, almost fifty of Carl’s people were killed here. How quick! Meanwhile, none of Murong Ye’s guards had even gotten injured.

Murong Yunxi was surprised when she saw the number of their enemies that were lying on the ground. “Your fighting skills are amazing!”

Murong Ye smiled slightly and turned around to look at Murong Yunxi’s arm. Gong Yu had already bound her wound up with a handkerchief. However, the handkerchief had turned scarlet with blood. Murong Ye was not shocked because he hadn’t ever seen so much blood before. He wouldn’t frown at blood even if it was flowing like a stream in front of him. However, his sister, Murong Yunxi, had gotten injured. Even a small wound would have made him feel pain.

Fourth suddenly interrupted. “It’s not a big deal. We’ve seen much bigger wounds than that! It is not uncommon for us!” Fourth glimpsed at Murong Yunxi and said, “You’ve done well today. Your training works! It is only a pity that you got injured.”

“It was just an accident. Thanks for the training, though.” Murong Yunxi watched Fourth sincerely with her clear, bright eyes. Fourth, who felt attracted by her eyes, soon turned unnaturally around.

“Let’s go now! Lisa, we’re leaving this to you!” Murong Ye gave his order before going out of the office first.

Gong Yu followed him closely with Murong Yunxi in his arms. He knew that Murong Ye was worried about Murong Yunxi. So was he. They all knew that Murong Yunxi hadn’t been hurt badly, but they still could not stop worrying.

Murong Yunxi had just suffered a bruise indeed. Her arm stopped bleeding shortly after the doctor sterilized it, applied medicine to it, and bound it up. She could still feel a little bit of pain. However, this degree of pain made her look very weak. After all, she hadn’t gotten hurt many times before.

“Is it aching?” Gong Yu watched Murong Yunxi with eyes full of love. His voice sounded quite soft and comfortable, so even her bones could feel it.

In an instant, a refreshing breeze whipped through Murong Yunxi’s heart, leaving a lake of clear spring ripples.

“I’m okay, really. The doctor said that it’s just a bruise. As long as it doesn’t get in contact with water and doesn’t get infected, everything will be okay. Both of you are too nervous!”

“Thank you, Xiao Xi!” Gong Yu’s eyes were full of love. His beautiful amber eyes focused on Murong Yunxi like a magic that could attract someone else’s soul. His soulful staring and soft voice could really arouse Murong Yunxi’s passion.

Murong Yunxi followed her heart and leaned over to give Gong Yu a kiss between his eyes. Her soul was attracted as gently as a drifting feather.

After kissing him, Murong Yunxi raised her eyes and smiled at Gong Yu. Her smile went deep inside her eyes and warmed his heart.

Gong Yu had already lost his head because of her attractive dark eyes. The warm touch of her kiss between his eyes didn’t disappear for a long time, as if a current of warmth had passed through his whole body and warmed his heart.

He bent over to kiss her tender lips but failed to separate them.

Murong Yunxi smiled lightly and bit his thin lips first.

That sound was as sweet as a copper bell. It made Gong Yu’s mind undulate and caused some subtle, unconscious reactions to his body.

Due to their strong emotions, the temperature in the bedroom seemed to rise. The chemistry they produced filled every corner of the room. Time seemed to stop, leaving the two of them losing themselves in their feelings.

Murong Yunxi fell asleep in Gong Yu’s embrace. Gong Yu felt extremely satisfied as he looked at her flushed face and slightly curled mouth.

His satisfaction stemmed from the fact that she belonged to him only and he could guarantee her a sweet and happy life. He also curled up the corner of his mouth unconsciously, letting a happy smile form there.

At the moment, he thought that it was worth giving up everything for her. He would never regret living only for her. He felt quite content with her by his side.

As Gong Yu was losing himself in this feeling of happiness, his phone vibrated lightly. He took out the phone and discovered that Seventh Brother was calling him.

Gong Yu sat up and got out of bed. He walked to the window and answered the phone lightly. “Seventh Brother!”

Seventh Brother’s complaint came from the other side of the line. “Gong Yu, when will you come back?”

Gong Yu lowered his voice and replied, “It may be a while. Why?”

When he noticed Gong Yu’s bad attitude, Seventh Brother felt really dissatisfied. He couldn’t help complaining some more. “Don’t you think you are being very shameless? You accompany your wife, but you leave your business to me! Besides, you know that the news of your reclusion shocked everyone! You should come back and have a press conference to explain everything. You’ve given the reins to passion. You have no professional ethics or personal loyalty as a partner.”

Gong Yu ignored Seventh Brother’s complaints and just said one thing. “I’ll leave it all to you. If you really need me, I can video call you to chat. I can’t really come back now!”

Gong Yu’s tone showed his lack of consciousness as a partner. Instead, he sounded like a hands-off boss who acted all casual. Seventh Brother felt even more discontented. “Gong Yu, you can’t do that! Omnipotent Murong Ye is there, right? You can’t do anything from over there. Come back at once and you can return after the press conference. Remote video calls are too insincere. Displeasing the media will not be beneficial to our company’s development in the future!”

“It’s complicated here. I can’t walk away. As long as you don’t ask me to come back, I can completely support your every decision!”

Gong Yu turned around to look at Murong Yunxi, who was sleeping on the bed, for fear that his voice would wake her up. He felt relieved only when he saw Murong Yunxi sleeping peacefully.

“Oh my! Gong Yu, her brother is like a God that’s always with her. Why do you feel worried? Come save your partner, please! Don’t put your wife over our friendship. Don’t abandon me!”

Then, Seventh Brother pretended to cry in an extremely dramatic manner.

“I told you. I can do whatever you want me to, except come back. That’s it! Tell me when you set a date!”

Gong Yu was about to hang up. However, Seventh Brother, who had waited till early in the morning for this international call, wouldn’t let him go easily.

“Wait! Gong Yu, aren’t you my partner? How can you let me do everything alone?” Seventh Brother complained in a sad tone, sounding like a young wife.

Gong Yu frowned slightly. A feeling of impatience was evident in his chilly tone. “Stop! Stop that now! This is settled. You figure this out! Goodbye!”

“Hey! Gong Yu, you are really inhuman!”

“Unless I’m mistaken, it’s early in the morning there, right? Hurry back to sleep. Stop wasting your time with me!”

Then, Gong Yu hung up decisively, giving Seventh Brother no chance to yell out.josei

Seventh Brother complained, “Gong Yu, you are so heartless! I really owe you a lot in this life!”

Seventh Brother threw his phone away and threw himself onto his bed. He had no idea that Gong Yu had been losing himself in the satisfaction of embracing his wife and their lingering passion before his call.

Gong Yu went back to bed and watched Murong Yunxi’s face become more and more flushed. She seemed to not be sleeping well. Her eyebrows were slightly knitted, her eyelashes went up and down, and her mouth had started to hum.

Gong Yu tensed up in a minute. He reached with his hand to gently cover Murong Yunxi’s forehead, shocked to feel that her temperature was high.

Murong Yunxi did have a fever. Her temperature was quite high. Gong Yu fetched a thermometer to take Murong Yunxi’s temperature. While waiting for the result, Murong Yunxi moved more restlessly. She did not only kick the quilt away, but she also started moving restlessly. Obviously, she felt extremely uncomfortable at the moment.

Gong Yu started feeling increasingly worried. He had a foreboding that Murong Yunxi must have gotten seriously ill.

After taking her temperature, Gong Yu was shocked by the high figure. His heart almost stopped beating. Panicked, he hurried to feed Murong Yunxi with antipyretics. However, Murong Yunxi was too unconscious to swallow the pill. Gong Yu had to get warm water and physically keep Murong Yunxi cool as he called the family doctor.

Gong Yu stated Murong Yunxi’s condition simply on the phone. He hung up after the doctor told him the do’s and don’ts.

In a while, the family doctor came in a hurry. The doctor looked more worried when examing Murong Yunxi’s body.

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