The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 235 - Not Sure About the Medicine That Can Be Used

Chapter 235 - Not Sure About the Medicine That Can Be Used

Chapter 235 Not Sure About the Medicine That Can Be Used
Gong Yu saw the doctor’s growingly somber face and felt agitated.

The doctor turned his face and said to Gong Yu in a serious tone,”She has been poisoned!”

“Poisoned? How did it happen?” Gong Yu fixed a gimlet-eyed stare at the doctor, making him feel as if he had been the one who administered the poison.

“My guess is that it is a kind of hidden toxin carried by the bullet. It is hidden, thus it can be easily overlooked, before the effects become visible,” The doctor began to explain nervously to Gong Yu, afraid that Gong Yu might blame him.

“What kind of poison? How can we can get rid of it?”

“We need to extract the toxins and have them tested. We can’t run the tests here because we do not have the equipment here.”

“Then what are you waiting for!” Gong Yu yelled at him in a low, yet horrifying voice, which made the doctor tremble involuntarily.

“I am on my way!” He turned and rushed for the door, as if he were fleeing from a scary space.

The doctor was in such a hurry that he almost collided with Murong Ye.

The doctor immediately steadied himself and greeted Murong Ye,” Big Master.”

Then he rushed out.

Murong Ye knitted his brows and watched the doctor leaving in such a flurry. He asked doubtfully,” What’s wrong with him? I heard that Xiao Xi is ill, how is she? Is the wound infected?”

“She has a fever. The doctor said she was poisoned.” Murong Ye could tell from Gong Yu’s voice, the severity of this matter. His eyebrows seemed to be enshrouded in gloom.

“What poison? Is it serious?” Murong Ye stared at Murong Yunxi, lying on the bed, feeling a pang in his heart.

“We still don’t know yet. The doctor has to wait for the test results. But they are not equipped to run the test here.”


Murong Ye’s head was buzzing. He looked at Murong Yunxi and could not say anything.

After all the meticulous planning, he still missed such an important detail.

He was filled with regret at this moment. He blamed himself for failing to protect Murong Yunxi, from the conspiracy.

He dialed Lisa and the phone was answered within one ring,” Master Ye!”

“Lisa, destroy Jiuqing Gang!” Lisa could clearly hear Murong Ye grinding his teeth, while he spoke.

“Boss, what happened?”josei

“The bullet that Xiao Xi took is poisoned.”

“What? How could it happen? ”

“We had such comprehensive protection. But still, we ignored such an important detail!”

“Boss, I am sorry! It’s my fault!”

“I am also responsible. I failed to protect Xiao Xi.”

“But boss, to destroy the whole Jiuqing Gang is not a small matter. We have removed its biggest leader, but that was only personal business. Destroying the whole gang would be…”

“Are you afraid that you are not capable of doing that?” Murong Ye interrupted Lisa, ignoring her argument.

“Boss, you know I didn’t mean that. I would do anything that you asked me to do. But this is not a trivial matter, Think over it carefully!” Lisa tried to convince Murong Ye. She had never seen Murong Ye behaving so impulsively before. Murong Ye was too rational to give such an irresponsible order.

They were not really afraid of the Jiuqing Gang. But pulling on one strand could cause all the strands to move. Rashness would only bring about relentless trouble. If Murong Ye had made a detailed plan, she would not stop him.

Gong Yu listened for a while. He drew Murong Ye aside and said,”Brother, now the most urgent matter is to cure Xiao Xi. The rest are not that important!”

Later, Gong Yu grabbed Murong Ye’s phone and hung up.

Murong Ye rang his his fingers through his silver hair, trying to calm down. He had to admit that he had been blinded by guilt. The instruction he just gave was totally irrational. Ever since he took over the Murong family, he had never been so reckless before.

He walked to Murong Yunxi’s bed and sat on the bedside. He put one hand on Murong Yunxi’s reddish forehead. The burning heat scalded Murong Ye’s heart.

Murong Yunxi seemed to become increasingly uneasy. She murmured and knotted her eyebrows. Murong Ye bent and put his ears to Murong Yunxi’s lips, trying to hear what she was saying.

“She is calling for you!” Murong Ye looked up and turned to look at Gong Yu. He hated to admit that it was not him that Xiao Xi asked for. This gave him an uncomfortable feeling which could not be expressed. It was terrible.

Gong Yu stared at Murong Ye and noticed the stark loneliness in his eyes. But he still walked over to Murong Yunxi’s bed and held her hands.

“Xiao Xi, I am here!” Gong Yu’s gentle voice surrounded Murong Yunxi. She stopped murmuring and settled down, as if she had accepted his message.

The doctor returned and went into the room. He stood in front of Murong Ye and told him the basic situation,”Big Master, we have contacted the blood testing center. They will send someone in a minute. I am going to physically cool Xiao Xi down. We can’t risk giving her any treatment, in case there might be secondary poisoning.”

“Ok, do as you say.”

With Murong Ye’s permission, the doctor started to do physical cooling. But until people from blood testing center came, Murong Yunxi’s body temperature did not change.

“Master Murong, I am Randell, the one in charge at the blood testing center. We are now going to do a blood test for Miss Xiao Xi.”

Murong Ye nodded. He fixed his eyes on Murong Yunxi nervously, not loosening up for a second.

Randell stepped forward and drew some blood for the test. He then withdrew from the bedroom and started to test the blood with the equipment they brought over.

Time passed. There was no news came from Randell. The family doctor could not help sweating as Murong Yunxi was still having continuous fever. No matter what he did, her temperature still didn’t drop. He worried that even if the poison could be removed, the fever was still high. The responsibility and consequence were something he could not bear.

Murong Yunxi seemed to be getting worse. Her body grew pale and her arms twitched slightly. Murong Ye and Gong Yu were both horrified. The doctor became even more panicky. He couldn’t let anything happen to Murong Yunxi, otherwise he had nothing to compensate for his patient.

While the family doctor was praying, Murong Yunxi started twitching, this time, not just her arms, but her whole body. The family doctor hurriedly came forward and tried to settle her. Gong Yu and Murong Ye also moved nearer to Murong Yunxi’s bed, in a tense manner.

The twitching stopped and Murong Yunxi was still for a while. The family doctor was all sweaty and exhausted.

Right at this moment Randell walked in. From his somber face, the situation was definitely not optimistic.

“How is it?” Murong Ye asked calmly, yet deep aside he was afraid of receiving any bad news. He looked at Randell’s face and knew that there might be bad news.

“This type of toxin is currently not recorded in our research base. My conclusion is that it is a kind of deadly toxin that was extracted from some unknown plant. We are not sure about the cure for it!” Randell told Murong Ye everything he knew, although it was not very useful information.

“Are you giving her a death sentence? Are you telling me that there’s nothing you can do?” Murong Ye questioned loudly, almost yelling at Randell.

Gong Yu sank to the floor, as if his soul had left his body.

Suddenly confronted with this blow, cool-headed people like Murong Ye and Gong Yu lost their tempers, or rather, they couldn’t keep their cool, because Murong Yunxi was the one that was suffering.

Randell hesitated for a while. He pushed up his eyeglasses and said,”There’s a way, but I am not sure that it will work.”

Gong Yu eagerly grasped at the last straw. He tottered over to Randell, clutched his arms, and asked desperately, “What is it?”

Murong Ye saw a slight ray of hope. With eyes that flickered with expectation, he looked at Randell.

“Our center has just developed a kind of detoxifying medicine, but it has not been clinically tested yet, which means that we are not certain of its effects, any sequela it might cause and whether or not the poison can be removed. Generally we do not have any verification yet.”

Randell finished talking and his eyes lingered on Murong Ye and Gong Yu’s faces. He was waiting for their response.

“What do you mean?” The last staw that Gong Yu had grasped at, seemed to float away and he was desperate again.

“You mean that Xiao Xi will serve as a guinea pig for your test and whether or not your experiment will succeed, remains unknown?” Murong Ye was saying something that he was unwilling to believe, but it was the truth!

Randell said,”Yes, I am terribly sorry for this result! You decide if this medicine is to be used. I’ll fully cooperate, no matter what decision you make.”

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