The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Pay a Hefty Price
Yun Muxi tried her best to calm herself down. As she recalled what happened yesterday night, her facial expression looked worse by the minute. She fainted and was brought away by a few men. When she woke up, she found out that Ding Sisi and Zhao Yuyan were the masterminds. Then, a few gangsters came to feed me poison before that disgusting Brother Hu… Then, the poisoned kicked in, which explained why she could not remember anything that happened afterward!

Yun Muxi hit her head in frustration and the clouds in her heart thickened. She could not help but guess: Could Master Hu have taken her last night? But why was she sleeping beside Gong Yu? Who did she do it with? Or was it both?

Gong Yu looked at her troubled face and found it cute. He wanted to tease her again. He pretended to be kind and asked, “Do you want me to explain?”

She looked at him with some hesitation. When she could not hold it in any longer, she asked humbly, “Last night, did I do it with you or that Brother Hu?”

Talking about Brother Hu, although Gong Yu did not know who that was, it was not hard to guess. Having the idea of Yun Muxi doing it with him made Gong Yu very furious. His voice became cold. “Do you hope that it was him or me?”

Without hesitation, she blurted out, “Of course it’s you!” Then, she felt like biting off her tongue immediately afterward. Her cheeks flushed red and she tried to explain, “I don’t mean it that way…”

Gong Yu’s initial happy face became sullen suddenly. “What did you say? That means you want to do it with other people?”

Yun Muxi explained frantically, “No, I… I…” Yun Muxi found herself digging her own grave and had no idea what she was saying.

Gong Yu went near her and asked forcedly, “What about you?”

Yun Muxi bit hard into her own lips and looked like she was on the verge of tears. Gong Yu continued to ask, “That means you’re willing to do it with me?”

His beautiful amber eyes sparkled and Yun Muxi found her eyes lost in his. He was very satisfied with her little fangirl moment. Picking up his phone, he played a recording.

“Xiao Xi, if we do it under this situation, are you sure you won’t regret it?”

“I won’t regret, please save me quickly. Gong Yu, only you can save me, save me please, please, Gong Yu…”

“Xiao Xi, I’m asking you again. If I do it with you under this situation, will you really not regret it?”

“I won’t regret, Gong Yu, please save me, I’m really in pain! Please…”

“You want to…”

“Yes, only you, only you can do it.”

“Then, when you wake up, you can’t blame me, even if you regret it.”

“Of course, I will not blame you. Only you can save me, Gong Yu. Please, don’t torture me anymore, it’s too much.”

Gong Yu then turned off his phone, set it aside, and stared at Yun Muxi.

She was so embarrassed at her desperate voice and words she could not look into his eyes. She could not believe that those were her words! All the more could she not believe how she behaved last night! She felt like digging a hole in the ground and crawling into it.

Gong Yu pressed his forehead against her ear and said in a low voice, “Seems like you don’t remember anything at all, it’s a good thing I have evidence! Do you need me to help you remember the details?”

At the villa in the countryside.

At this moment, Ding Sisi was sitting on the sofa putting on a facial mask. The incident of the day before made her feel uneasy and she did not sleep a wink that night. When she woke up today, she looked very bad. She wanted to put on a facial mask to brighten her skin.

At the same time, the main door was pushed open. A man with an extraordinary cold aura walked in, followed by a few men in black suit.

Ding Sisi got a shock and quickly took down the mask. Putting on a big smile, she pounced onto the man’s arm and teased. “Hey, Big Master hasn’t visited Sisi in such a long time! I miss you so much!”

“I see that you’re having lots of fun on your own!” The man’s voice was cold and frightening like Hades’.

His voice was extra creepy today, sending chills down her spine, as if she was frozen. With a tint of cowardliness, she cried, “No such thing! Big Master has to be kidding!”

The man bent over and lifted Ding Sisi onto his shoulder swiftly. He took big strides up the stairs.

Ding Sisi was filled with fear, this man naturally gave her that feeling. Although outsiders think of her strong backup, only she knew what she gave in exchange for those!

The man threw her onto the big bed with no mercy. Her weak body bounced twice and sunk slightly into the bed.

His eyes were filled with coldness and hostility. He was beyond terrifying today and Ding Sisi could not help but plead softly, “Big Master, I’m not feeling so well today, why not…”

Without waiting for her to finish, the man sent a tight slap across her cheek. It left a bright red mark instantly, and fresh blood spurted out from the corners of her mouth.

“Hmph! I see that you’re still not sure of your identity? Since when do you get to say no? I have to remind you, you’re just a toy for me to vent my anger, and you’re nothing to me! Seems like I’ve been too lenient lately, seeing how you’re not just arrogant outside, but also daring enough to disobey me!”

“No, I don’t dare! Big Master calls the shots. I know my identity, I’m in the wrong, please don’t be angry.”

Ding Sisi was especially in fear right now. He was especially scary today, and she could not help but recall of that horrible scene.

There was once a girl just like her. When he lost control of his temper, she died right in front of her eyes.

Afterward, there was another girl who suffered a fractured spine after saying something wrong. She never stood up again and lived like a dead person. This resulted in depression and she committed suicide when she was left unwatched.

She heard more stories like those, but Ding Sisi had never seen them in real life. However, these two were enough to scare her and put her in check. She had never dared to anger Big Master.

Although Big Master was generous in their daily living expenses, giving them no restrictions, it applied to bedroom matters too. He treated them brutally and there were many instances when he would beat them up. Ding Sisi had even witnessed instances when he would beat girls to death. Hence, she was all the more terrified of him.

Ding Sisi looked at him in fear and tried to tame him, “Big Master, then let me have the chance to serve you properly, you haven’t been here to visit me for over a month.”

The man ignored her and went straight on…josei

Every time this happened, Ding Sisi found herself very pitiful. In order to enjoy the fame and glory, she had to suffer this pain! But she did not regret, she was willing to do so because she did get what she wanted. She felt it worthwhile for all that she had today.

Actually, Ding Sisi was born into quite a wealthy family. However, she had no position in the family. For one, she was a girl, and two, she chose to enter the acting industry. In her family, actors were clowns. When she made the decision, she was forsaken by the family.

Since she could not rely on her family, then she can only rely on outsiders. She chanced upon this opportunity and had become one of his women since then. Actually, she was not even treated like a woman, but more like a toy. She did not even know his surname. This was because she was not qualified enough. She only knew that everyone called him “Big Master”, so she followed suit.

Once, she tried to ask him, but all she got in return was a tight cold slap and a sentence. “You don’t need to know, don’t ask.”

Stepping onto this one-way journey, Ding Sisi did receive a lot. She got the money and status, and opportunities came flooding her way. She could live her own life outside, but here… she was worse than an insect.

Actually, her life was not so difficult on other days. That was because Big Master did not come here often. Sometimes she would not see him for a month. When he was here, all she needed to do was to serve him with much caution. Then, she would be worry-free and carry out her own activities on other days.

According to what she knew, Big Master had many women, but the ones who stayed for long were not many. That was because those women were too greedy and could never be satisfied. They were always asking for more. In addition, he was not someone to mess with. One wrong answer could lead to their downfall.

After the man relieved himself, he left her immediately. He took a shower in the bathroom. Upon changing into new clothes, he got ready to leave. Just then, his phone started ringing.

He did not even look at it before answering, “Hello?…”

After finishing the call, his cold aura surged and strong hostility was felt from him as if he was possessed by Hades. He turned and stared at Ding Sisi with the coldest and fiercest stare.

Ding Sisi was completely unaware of what she could have possibly done wrong to trigger such a big reaction. She crouched and started taking small steps back, leaning towards a corner of the bed. Terrified, she asked, “Big Master, what’s wrong? Did I do anything wrong? Didn’t I satisfy you just now? I don’t think I did anything wrong?”

His facial expression was extremely terrifying. She saw this look when she witnessed that woman died back then. Until today, that scene gives Ding Sisi nightmares and she was extremely scared. Would she become the second her today?

His icy cold voice rang, “Ding Sisi, your good days are over! Be prepared to pay a hefty price for what you’ve done…”

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