The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Give My All to Revenge
Ding Sisi’s pupils enlarged and she stared at the man in fear. Once again, the image of that dying woman appeared in her mind again. Her face was as pale as a sheet of paper, and she could not stop shivering in fear.

What’s happening? What did she do wrong? She had always made sure everything was in his favor. She lived every second in fear and did everything carefully, in case she makes a mistake and triggers him. She had always thought that as long as she listened well and satisfied his requests, she would be safe. Hence, she was always the longest-serving and most comfortable bed-mate for Big Master.

She had always thought that she was smarter than the rest. She did not ask for status or love; as long as she was satisfied material-wise, as long as she was successful in her career, she was satisfied in all things! Big Master cared about this quality a lot, which was why she had really gained a lot in these years.

However, she had never thought that today was the day where he would put an end to all that she had. Even worse, she dared not imagine if she would still be breathing the air on earth the next day.

Ding Sisi was so occupied with fear; she had forgotten how to cry. She murmured, “Why, why is this happening! What have I done wrong…”

The man shouted toward the door, “Second!”

The door was pushed open instantly. A man wearing a black suit walked in. He had sharp eyes and nose, and was very tanned. He lowered his head and stood in front of Big Master, calling in a low voice, “Big Master!”

Big Master glanced at Ding Sisi again with overflowing hostility. There was no trace of affection or reluctance in his gaze. Instead, it was full of hatred and disgust, as if Ding Sisi was a fly that could only disgust people. He ordered Second coldly, “Let this woman go through the show she put up yesterday, then throw her outside.”

Upon hearing that, Ding Sisi immediately fell onto her knees and hurriedly crawled forward. She threw away all of her dignity as she pleaded, “Big Master, please, no! I will not do it again, please let me go this time around! I’m in the wrong! Big Master, please, no…”

Before she could crawl to him, he had already taken big strides and exited the room! He was disgusted with the place. He felt like the air was polluted and he was in an extremely bad mood. He needed a place to vent.

The man called “Second” turned to the door and ordered in a low voice, “Do it!”

Two other men in a black suit came in and grabbing one side each, they brutally dragged her out…

When Ding Sisi woke up again, the blue sky greeted her when she opened her eyes. The sun was extra bright and it hurt her eyes. She had to close her eyes again. Then, she felt a piercing pain in her body. All of her joints felt like they were on the verge of breaking. Her skin felt like it was on fire, and she felt like she had been torn apart between her legs.

Ding Sisi recalled immediately. That terrifying scene replayed like a fast-forward film, occupying her whole mind. She furrowed her brows in pain and her tears finally came flooding out of her eyes. Her tears were full of pain, but silent. She felt like a big hand was squeezing her heart very tightly, trying to suffocate her.

Ding Sisi comforted herself, “I am still alive! This is good, I am actually still alive!”

Just as she was trying her best to withstand her pain and suffering, rejoicing over the fact that she was still alive, she heard some whispering around her. She opened her eyes again in confusion. It was still the same blue sky, but to her dismay, there were so many people! There were many people standing near her and they were pointing at her while whispering among themselves. Their faces were full of disgust and hatred. There were even people taking photos of her using their phones…

A time bomb went off in her mind, and she felt an immense pain in her head and started hearing some buzzing in her ears. She sat up in fear and looked around. She was lying beside a trash can, and when she looked down, she found herself completely unclothed. The scars of love, as well as bruises from all the beating, were planted all over her body. She was a disgrace to be seen, and an eyesore.

At this moment, Ding Sisi was like a broken sail in the middle of the sea during a heavy storm. She was lost and scared, facing a huge survival crisis.

How could this happen? She was just rejoicing over the fact that she was still alive, but at this moment, there was not much difference between life and death! Indeed, Big Master could go to the extremes. This ending was worse than death, and she really wished that she was dead instead.

People around her saw that she was awake. An elderly granny took off her jacket and covered her. She said with much pity, “Lady, hurry and wear this, this is a disgrace in our society.” She then shook her head and walked to the side while murmuring, “Young people nowadays are so open! They can even do this kind of thing! Walking around on the streets like that… if their parents found out, they would be so heartbroken. Sigh, this is such bad behavior!”

Ding Sisi wrapped herself tightly with the granny’s jacket. However, her milky-white legs that were now covered with red, blue and purple bruises were still uncovered, exposed for the whole world to see! She stood up while trying to balance herself. She felt a pain that shot directly to her heart. Clenching her teeth together, she took in a deep breath and dashed forward as fast as she could.

Just a few steps later, a young man called her, “Ding Sisi, hold up!”

He ran up to her and fished out a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from his bag. Handing them to her, he said, “These clothes are clean, you can wear them first! I was once your fan. Although I don’t know your story, I can’t just sit back and watch you embarrass us ‘Si-chou’s (fan club name).”

Then, he took out 200 dollars from his shirt pocket and shoved it into her hand, before turning around to leave in disappointment.

Immediately, Ding Sisi’s eyes became watery again. Her fans would probably never like her again! She had really lost everything…

Ding Sisi did not know how she arrived at her manager Sister Yamei’s house. She had nowhere else to go. After thinking through the list of possibilities, she realized that she had no friends to rely on! Although Zhao Yuyan listened to her, Ding Sisi knew that she was just trying to suck up to her and gain some benefits. Now that she was in this state, Zhao Yuyan would probably be the first to despise her, let alone the rest. As for her house, that was completely out of the question. At a time like this, her parents would beat her to death. The Ding family could not live with this level of ridicule. Besides, she was already despised because of her job and was the child they paid the least attention to. Now, her family would probably want to cut all ties with her and chase her out.

Ding Sisi lifted her tired arm and pressed the doorbell. Very quickly, the door was opened. When Sister Yamei saw her, she nervously looked around before pulling her in quickly.

“Sisi, what the hell is wrong with you? Do you know what kind of pictures is circulating on the Internet? I’ve already closed one eye on other days, but you’ve gone way overboard this time! Do you know that you’re ruining your own future? I have no solutions for you this time, you settle it yourself!”

Sister Yamei blabbered on and on without noticing Ding Sisi’s facial expression. When she heard Sister Yamei’s words, she lost all hope completely. In the past, she did use Big Master’s power and money to solve many problems. But this time, she had no more support!

Ding Sisi was drained of energy. She let herself fall onto the sofa, curled up her body, and buried her face in her hands…josei

Seeing that Ding Sisi was not responding, Sister Yamei flared up even more. “Sisi, how can you still be in the mood to sleep? Don’t you know how far the pictures have been circulated? Think of a way to solve the problem as soon as possible, if not, you’re really doomed this time! Things get harder to control if you let them grow!”

Ding Sisi did not respond and remained dead silent!

Sister Yamei could no longer tame her anger. She went forward and pulled her up. She had expected so much more out of Ding Sisi. “Ding Sisi, if you want to give up on this job, then go do it yourself. Don’t pull me along, I’m already over 30, I can’t afford to play with you!”

Ding Sisi put on a solemn face and replied, “Sister Yamei, I’m really done for, my future is ruined!”

Sister Yamei was taken aback. She asked in confusion, “What do you mean by that?”

At this moment, Ding Sisi was so calm, even she herself was surprised. She looked at Sister Yamei in her eyes and answered seriously, “Literally what it means!” Then, she pushed away Sister Yamei’s hands that were on her arms. She sat down and continued, “I was kicked out, I will not have any more backup in the future. I bet my family will get tired of me and probably kick me out too! I don’t think I’ll have any more chances to regain my fame. I’m completely doomed.”

Sister Yamei froze at her words and zoned out.

“Sister Yamei, thank you for all of your compromises these years. Could you do me one last favor? Find me a place to stay. Didn’t I transfer some cash onto your card? Help me to get settled. If the company wants to terminate the contract, help me to settle it. If there are still money left, take them all as a gift of gratitude.”

Sister Yamei hesitated before asking, “Is it really the end? Can’t you go and beg him? You’ve followed him for so many years, and there must be some kind of relationship between you two!”

Although Sister Yamei was Ding Sisi’s manager and knew everything about her, she had never seen this backup of hers before. She was even more unclear about his background and history. All she knew was that he was a big character and he was powerful enough for her to be disqualified to find out.

Ding Sisi shook her head and was strangely calm as she said, “There’s no use! You guys only see me in my glamour; you don’t know that I’m nothing to him. I’m not even qualified to beg him. I chose this one-way path, and I should have known that I could end up losing my life!”

This time around, Ding Sisi was in complete despair. However, she was strangely calm about it. She had no more chances to regain what she had and was bound to go downhill. She could only wait for the storm to come. She looked outside the window peacefully and said in a low voice, “After everything is over, if I still have the ability, I will give my all to revenge on that woman, even if it means we die together! She can’t have the future that I don’t have…”

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