The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 She’s My Girlfriend!
When Yun Muxi woke up, it was already evening. She had a good sleep and was full of energy and recharged. When she tried to get out of the bed, she felt a rheumatic pain coming from her lower body, as if it was purposely reminding her of what happened exactly. Yun Muxi looked around her and saw that there was no one in the room. Her anxious heart was calmed instantly. A written note and a dress were lying on the table. She walked over and picked it up.

“Xiao Xi, I have a schedule to go to, so I left early! I have to go to B City and will only return tomorrow. I’ve prepared new clothes for you and there’s also a card with some cash. I’ve already paid for the hotel fee. When you wake up, call a cab and go home! Niannian is being taken care of by Gu Yuxuan, don’t worry too much! Take care! See you tomorrow! From: Y”

Seeing this familiar handwriting and the letter Y, Yun Muxi instantly remembered the person who used to send her flowers, food, fruits and afternoon tea every day at the same time. It was the same handwriting and ‘Y’ as the card in the flowers. This clear cursive handwriting led her to instantly recall why it looked familiar. This was the handwriting on the plaque in front of “Hidden Treasure Pavilion” in Duanmu Gongyu’s world!

So the crazy guy who always sent her food and flowers were Gong Yu! But why did he stop?

Yun Muxi thought about it for a while and realized he seemed to have stopped after he saw Niannian.

Yun Muxi put down the note. There were a bank card and a small deck of cash on the clothes beside her. She picked up the clothes and entered the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, the marks of love caused her cheeks to flush red. She gently caressed the hickey on her neck. The image of their intimacy flashed past her mind. She was deep in thought that she became flustered. She muttered to herself, “How am I going to face Gong Yu in the future?”

Yuan Muxi took a shower and changed into clean clothes before getting out of the bathroom. The skyline was already painted fire-red. Not far away, the curves of the mountains and the mesmerizing sunset formed a beautiful scenic picture. However, Yun Muxi had no time to admire this scenery. She left the hotel hurriedly and rushed home.

The moment she entered the door, Niannian ran to her excitedly, shouting happily, “Mommy! You’re back! Have you finished acting? Daddy Yu said that they were making you act yesterday and didn’t tell me to make it real. I was so scared; I thought that you’re really being brought away by bad guys!”

Niannian’s vibrant face was like the sun, brightening Yun Muxi’s currently cloudy heart. Her lousy feelings went away instantly. She hugged Niannian lovingly and did not let go for a long time. Niannian was her angel, a present from God, and also the motivation for her to continue living. If it was not for Niannian, she could have bitten her tongue to death last night. If she really did that, perhaps, she would have been a cold corpse right now.

Gu Yuxuan walked out of the kitchen and was surprised to see Yun Muxi too. “Xiao Xi, you’re back! Gong Yu said that you had some urgent matter, so he asked me to take of Niannian. I tried to call you but found out you didn’t even bring it! Next time tell me beforehand, luckily I was free today. What would happen to Niannian if I wasn’t free?”

Yun Muxi nodded and smiled. “Okay, I got it! Thank you, Xuanxuan.”

Gu Yunxuan pretended to be mad. “What are you saying! There’s no need to thank me! I’m cooking now, it’ll be ready soon, I’ll call you guys later.”

Then, she rushed back to the kitchen like a gush of wind. Yun Muxi let go of Niannian and entered her bedroom. Picking up her phone that was lying on the bedside table, she found two missed calls. One was from Gu Yuxuan and the other was actually from Mou Yilin. It was at this moment when Yun Muxi suddenly remembered. She wondered how Mou Yichen was doing in the hospital. Looking at the notifications, the call was made this morning.

She hesitated a bit but still ended up calling back. “Hellow? Yilin, you looked for me? How is Yichen?”

Mou Yilin heard Yun Muxi’s unusual sadness in her voice. “Xiao Xi, Yichen woke up, but he lost his memory! The doctor said that there was nothing to worry about his body, his elbow fracture just needed some healing and the blood clot in his brain has been removed. But this memory lost, for him to remember, it could take him a week, a month, a year, or perhaps never. My parents are worried sick! You know how much they care about him, and he’s the only heir in our family. If anything happens to him, the Mou family is doomed for! So I’m calling to see if you’re able to come and visit him, maybe you can help him remember something.”

After hearing Mou Yilin’s words, Yun Muxi asked with hesitation. “Then, your mother… will she be okay if I go over?”

Mou Yilin hesitated too. “How about this, I’ll send my mom home later. You should come over at night.”

Yun Muxi agreed quickly. Mou Yichen’s current situation was definitely because of her. Even if it was not, he was a very important friend to her; it was her duty to visit him. Even if his mother would be there, she should not reject.

9 o’clock at night.

Yun Muxi arrived at the door of Mou Yichen’s room. He was already transferred to the VIP room. He was lying silently on his bed and Mou Yilin was sitting on the sofa. Yun Muxi felt more at ease when she did not see their mother. She knocked and entered. At that instant when she entered Mou Yichen’s line of sight, his eyes lit up immediately. His bright and piercing eyes gazed towards Yun Muxi and he cried out in surprise, “Xiao Xi, you’re here!”

Mou Yilin was shocked and glanced at Yun Muxi before turning back to Mou Yichen, asking, “Yichen, what did you say? You know Xiao Xi?”

Mou Yichen stated as-a-matter-of-factly, “Shouldn’t I know her? She’s my girlfriend!”

At that moment, Yun Muxi and Mou Yilin felt like their brains were going to explode! Mou Yichen forgot about everyone but Yun Muxi, and he even thought that she was his girlfriend!

Yun Muxi answered awkwardly, “Yichen, but I’m actually not…”

Before she could finish, Mou Yilin disrupted her, “Look, Xiao Xi, you indeed have a charm! Yichen forgot everyone but you! This makes us family members so sad!”

As she talked, she kept signaling to Yun Muxi with her eyes, telling her to not speak the truth. Yun Muxi received the signal and temporary refrained herself from saying those words.

Mou Yichen exclaimed excitedly, “Xiao Xi, come and sit over here! Were you busy these two days? I didn’t see you when I woke up this morning!”

Yun Muxi walked over awkwardly and sat by his bedside. She had just sat down when Mou Yichen suddenly grabbed her hands affectionately and looked into her eyes with overflowing admiration.josei

Yun Muxi wanted to withdraw her hands but he held on very tightly. She could only give in to him.

“I had something to do yesterday so I left first. After I finished my stuff today I came over to see you right away!”

“Oh, so that’s what happened! I thought you’re despising my current state and has stopped liking me!”

Yun Muxi was at a loss of words. She could only smile faintly. “Yichen, me and Yilin will go find out more information from the doctor, I’ll come back soon.”

Then, she got up and pulled Mou Yilin out of the room.

“Yilin, his current state…”

“Xiao Xi, I know that this is hard for you, but I have an absurd request. Yichen can only remember you now. Can you please pretend to be his girlfriend for a while? We will help him to remember things together. Once he recovers, everything will return back to normal, okay?”

As they spoke, they arrived at the doctor’s office. Mou Yilin knocked gently and led Yun Muxi in.

“Doctor, my brother seemed to have forgotten everyone but Xiao Xi. But he thinks that she’s his girlfriend. What do we do in this situation?”

The doctor looked up and glanced at Yun Muxi in surprise. After giving it some thought, this was the advice the duo heard, “This should be considered a good sign. Since he can only remember this lady right now, then this is the only hole that we can enter through. However, I would recommend that you guys don’t tell him the truth for now. It must be important for him to think of it this way. It is something that he cares a lot. Once we tell him the truth, he might not be able to handle the blow and will start to seal himself up. This will definitely not be beneficial to his recovery.”

Mou Yilin nodded and smiled, “Hmm, okay, we got it. Thank you, doctor!”

After exiting the office, Mou Yilin looked at Yun Muxi with a begging gaze. “Xiao Xi, you heard what the doctor said, it’s exactly what I thought. So, I’m begging you, will you help Yichen? Please!”

Although Yun Muxi was in a difficult position, she did not find it good to reject again. She nodded and agreed.

When they returned to the room, Mou Yichen still hung onto Yun Muxi. His gaze never left her. He smiled and asked, “Xiao Xi, what did the doctor say?”

“The doctor said that this is a good sign, it will be a good hole to break through for your recovery.”

“Oh, then that’s good! By the way, Xiao Xi, will Niannian be okay being alone at home when you’re here?”

“Yichen, you remember Niannian?”

“Of course, she is your kid, how can I forget her. She even calls me Daddy Chen. Niannian likes me a lot, if I forget her, she’ll be so sad.”

Yun Muxi forced a smile. At this moment, her feelings were extremely complicated. She could not tell if this was a good or bad sign.

“Yichen, are you tired? Do you want to sleep? It’s not early!”

“I’ve been sleeping the whole day, I’m not tired at all, I just want to talk to you.”

At this moment, Yun Muxi’s phone started ringing. Seeing the caller ID showing ‘Gong Yu’, she rejected the call without a second of hesitation. However, it rang again the next moment.

“Xiao Xi, don’t you want to pick that up? It seems to be urgent.”

Yun Muxi gave an awkward smile and accepted the call reluctantly. “Hello?”

“Xiao Xi, have you reached home? What are you doing? Did you miss me?”

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