The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086

Bruce could tell by Susan’s expression that something was up. It looked like there might actually be a

chance for Susan and Lysander.

Intrigued, Bruce’s eyes sparkled with interest as he eagerly inquired, “So, how far has it gone with you


Susan’s irritation grew under Bruce’s anxious gaze. She was fuming over last night’s debacle, where

her seduction of Lysander had backfired, landing her in the arms of some old geezer instead.

The more she tried to push the memory away, the more her parents brought it up.

Her mood, just beginning to settle, flared up again. She pushed Bruce with a huff, “Get out, I need

some rest!”

Bruce stood, noting Susan’s evasive look and the way her eyes darted away, hiding something about

Lysander from him.

His smile faded, replaced by a chill in his gaze, “What’s the deal, Susan? You’ve flown the coop, and

now you’re keeping secrets from your old man? You think you’ve become too good for us? If Thalassa

hadn’t told me about you cozying up to Lysander, were you planning on keeping it under wraps


Susan, who’d already kicked off her shoes and climbed into bed, yanked the covers up to her chin. But

at Bruce’s insinuations, she tore the blanket from her face, her eyes welling up with anger and hurt as

she glared at him.

“Why don’t you trust your other daughter then? Believe whatever she says! If I had really snagged

Lysander, do you think I’d be in this mess?” she retorted, her breaths coming in gasps.

Her parents were blind to the humiliation and distress she’d suffered, only fixated on her netting

Lysander for their gain. Her emotions erupted violently.

Bruce, taken aback by her outburst, locked eyes with her tearful gaze, not seeing triumph but the look

of someone who’d been wronged.

It dawned on him that something unpleasant might have happened to Susan.

His expression softened with concern, and he moved closer, “Did something happen? Tell me, and I’ll

sort it out for you.”

Susan’s gaze flickered away, wiping the tears that had fallen, “It’s nothing… just feeling a bit sore about

not being Lysander’s girl, that’s all.”

The foolishness of the previous night, not ending up with Lysander but losing her virginity instead, was

a secret she couldn’t bear her parents to know. They would just add to the chorus calling her a fool.

Susan swallowed her grievances.

“Don’t worry about it. Every failure brings you closer to success. There will be other chances. Don’t let it

get you down,” Bruce consoled her, then hesitated before adding gently, “There’s been a crisis at

home. You weren’t here during the day, but your mother and I had a huge fight.”

“Don’t you two always?” Susan said, looking away.

“This was different. Your mother played the stock market and lost all our savings.”

“What?” Susan turned sharply, her eyes wide with shock, “You mean we’re broke? How am I supposed

to rely on you to grease some palms to get me close to Lysander?”

“Calm down, kiddo. Your mom’s a wizard with stocks- this market hiccup was just a fluke. that hit us

hard. Give her a bit of seed money, and she’ll turn it around in a heartbeat,” Bruce said, his faith in

Lucy’s stock-picking skills unshaken. Their comfortable lifestyle. wasn’t just the result of his hustling;

Lucy’s savvy investments played a significant role.

Otherwise, how could they, without a business or family fortune, live in luxury and in a mansion?

He was convinced Lucy would earn the money back. The real headache now was finding the capital to

start over.


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