The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 705

Chapter 705

Chapter 705

Chapter 705

Hertha, the definition of a gossipmonger, was always on fire. She knew she was more than just curious about others.

Hertha quickly realized that her loud voice might wake Evelyn up, so she nodded to show her understanding.

Thalassa then let go of her. Her face was flushed as she whispered, “Hertha, control your curiosity a little. You know what they say. Curiosity killed the


Over the past ten days, she had definitely been monopolized by Lysander. Because she returned his money, he seemed quite upset. Each time he wanted her, he had a strong intensity, as if he were venting frustration or anger.

But every time, he would hold her while they slept.

Lysander was indeed a strange man. She had never been able to understand his mind.

Hertha realized that Thalassa’s face was now as red as an apple and chuckled a couple of times. Even though Thalassa hadn’t said anything, it felt like she had said everything.

The gossip she was curious about was all over Thalassa’s blushing face.

“Alright, alright, I won’t ask. But this afternoon, accompany me somewhere.” Hertha suddenly said.

“Where to?” Thalassa asked.

“I’ve heard that Alaric is going to a high-end club to play golf this afternoon. I want to run into him there.” Hertha’s round, gleaming eyes were full of anticipation.

Thalassa couldn’t help but laugh. “I have two words for you.”


“Persistent pursuit.” Thalassa said with a smile.

“Exactly! My spirit deserves praise.” Hertha said proudly.

“Good thing my foot is healed now, so I can accompany you. If Alaric had gone golfing a few days earlier, I wouldn’t have been able to join you.” Thalassa said.

Hertha was happy, and they left the house hand in hand.

Hertha drove them to the Holy City Club in no time.

As they approached the entrance, a waiter stopped them. “Sorry, this place is booked.”

“It’s booked by Alaric, right? I’m his girlfriend. He invited me.” Hertha puffed out her chest and spoke confidently.

“Just a moment, let me confirm this.” The waiter pulled out his walkie-talkie to ask if Alaric Falconer had any friends coming.

Hertha gripped Thalassa’s hand tighter, afraid of being rejected. That would be so embarrassing.

Just as she was getting nervous, the waiter let them in.

“Ladies, please come in.”

Hertha’s tense nerves instantly relaxed. She was overjoyed. Using Alaric’s name really worked.

She quickly pulled Thalassa inside with her.

The club was very high-end. It had luxurious marble floors that immediately gave off an air of opulence.

Beyond the reception area was the golf course.

Hertha and Thalassa saw a few men from a distance.

Among them, a man dressed in dark gray casual wear stood out. He was tall and slim, with an extraordinary demeanor. He held a golf club with a noble and elegant posture. With each swing, he accurately hit the white ball. Each ball flew several meters before landing perfectly in the hole.

He was absolutely stunning.

The man turned his face, causing the sunlight to dance on his skin, giving him a gold-like glow. He was breathtakingly handsome, exceptional, and strikingly attractive.

Thalassa recognized the man’s face, and her heart skipped a beat.

It was Lysander!


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