The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 133 - A Mystery Solved

Chapter 133 - A Mystery Solved

Both Lin Xiaofei and Gu Yan turned to where the scream came from.

The people down the ground was the same and had a curious look on their faces as they moved their gazes to the brothel that was now livelier than yesterday night.josei

The shrill screaming still continued and accompanied by several gasps and screams after screams as probably the people inside the brothel became curious why there was a scream of terror inside and saw the reason for it.

Seeing people in the brothel and down the ground going nuts over what happened, a pleased smile graced Lin Xiaofei's lips.

She then said, "Let's go. The crowd will get bigger and it won't be fun anymore."

Fun? Gu Yan glanced at her with wide eyes. From what he could hear from the people who came out from the brothel and was talking about what they saw, there should be nothing that could be described as fun at all.

As a man who handles a lot of things and maimed several others that normal people would be so scared of hearing about, Gu Yan could say that he enjoyed eviscerating his enemies and especially, his master's..

He had accompanied Qu Xing Xu since he was a teenager and because of that, he couldn't count the bodies and things that he had to slice through.

However, he had never seen or heard of any female that described the murder as fun. Yes, he had seen and worked with female assassins, and honestly, they were all skilled and did their tasks well. But not in the name of fun. They killed because of their name, reputation, and money.

Staring at the certain female that had spoken of murder as fun, Gu Yan finally had another first time in his life.

And unfortunately, it wasn't from a stranger but the future wife of his master. Meaning… He had to serve her at all times and with full submission.

"Certainly, young madam." Gu Yan surrendered to his fate faster than he could move to kill his enemy. The earlier he accepts his future, the less it would make him worry.

The only thing that could make him worry was when Lin Xiaofei finds out what his master did.

"Pardon my rude manners." Gu Yan said as he offered his hand to which Lin Xiaofei took.

"Why not just carry me on your back?" Lin Xiaofei asked him.

Unlike earlier, Gu Yan didn't carry Lin Xiaofei over his shoulder and only held her hand so that he could help her travel across the tiled roof of the several establishments around them.

Of course, he could carry her and quicken their pace but in fear of being seen by some of Qu Xing Xu's subordinates spread across the Zheng Empire, he feared that his master would fly back to the Capital and behead him with his glaive for touching his bride.

"I cannot carry anyone with my old back." Gu Yan lied through his teeth. He meant no offense to Lin Xiaofei who weighed as light as a feather to his mighty strength.

Lin Xiaofei stared at him for a few seconds. Her eyes were definitely not buying it as he had already carried her over his shoulder earlier but she didn't try to comment or argue with him.

"Alright then, let's go back to the residence." She told him to which Gu Yan only answered with a nod and with his actions.

He jumped from roof to roof with Lin Xiaofei still holding his hand. He made sure that the only thing that she was holding was his wrist that covered with his sleeve and no skinship would happen as a certain master of his would definitely skin him alive.

"Uh… young madam?" Gu Yan spoke when they were meters away from the brothel.

"What is it?"

"Er… that… Did you perhaps ordered your guard to kill someone inside the brothel?" Gu Yan asked as he didn't have eyes that could see through walls and see what was happening behind it.

"You know my guard?" Lin Xiaofei didn't answer his question first and asked him.

Gu Yan gulped hard. "Yes, I've seen him around you before."

"Is that so?"

"Yes…" He gulped once again.

After a long pause that could eat Gu Yan alive because of his impatience and anxiety, Lin Xiaofei finally answered, "No."


"No, I didn't order him to kill anyone..." Lin Xiaofei said as her eyes indulge the scenery before her.

Gu Yan sighed in relief but stiffened when he realized there was nothing to be relieved about. He certainly heard from the people who came out from the brothel earlier that someone was murdered but the murderer was not in the crime scene. It was such a mess but then…

If Shen Mo wasn't ordered by Lin Xiaofei to kill someone… then, who was the murderer?

Sadly, the mystery didn't take long for it to be revealed as Lin Xiaofei helped him to solve it.

She said: "Because I was the who stabbed someone."

Gu Yan wanted to turn his head to the side and look at her. However, as if there was a missing screw around his neck, he couldn't turn it to move and look at her.

That's why, he only used his mouth and was forced to say, "Wonderful." And certainly malicious and deadly, thought Gu Yan.

"Indeed." Lin Xiaofei nodded her head.

With that, the journey back to the Qu residence was shared with their silence. One was satisfied with the answer of Gu Yan and felt proud of herself while the other was continuously swallowing the bile in his throat as Gu Yan couldn't help but think that they would soon share the same fate as the one she killed today.

Another, he was having trouble with how he would report what happened today to his master through a letter. If his master heard of this matter, he would definitely put on a proud smile on his face.

That possibility was not naught.

Glancing at his young madam, Gu Yan made a mental note to warn his master before he comes back home.

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