The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 134 - Sending A Letter

Chapter 134 - Sending A Letter

After a day of riding to the Eastern border, Qu Xing Xu and his group of riders stopped in an inn. It was a small tavern. There were customers drinking on the tables spread across the lobby and a stair was on the farthest left side, where it will lead to a few rooms intended for lodging.

"Good evening, boys." The tavern owner greeted them. She was an old woman with a huge stature that you would mistake her as a woodcutter if not for the skirt that she was wearing.

"Are the rooms upstairs available?" Qu Xing Xu asked. He's entourage was all looking relaxed but in truth, they were all high on alert for a possible ambush.

The tavern owner glanced at him and his entourage. Then, she smiled after seeing the quality of the clothes that they were wearing.

Especially, the clothes that Qu Xing Xu was wearing.. Just from a look of it, the tavern owner could tell that the man before her was a person of importance and wealth.

Feeling lucky, the tavern owner didn't waste a second once Qu Xing Xu put a pouch on the counter. The sound of coins was like a song to her ears.

Qu Xing Xu watched as the tavern owner ordered her son to guide them to their rooms. Despite the money that he gave to the tavern owner, Qu Xing Xu only bought three rooms for himself and his entourage. He didn't even accept the offer of the tavern lady to serve them their meals.

In order to keep safe and secure, Qu Xing Xu didn't want his men to be separated from each other. He arranged them to stay in one room with three or four men inside. On the other hand, he took a room to sleep in alone as his subordinates dare not to sleep in the same room with him.

The splashes of water were soon heard just a minute after he got inside the room as Qu Xing Xu washed his arms and face with a basin of water.

He looked around him, checking for any deadly devices installed in the room. He cannot be so careless and relaxed even in a lively and homely tavern as he didn't wish to die just yet.

Besides, he now has a bride waiting for him back home. How can he let his guard down and make her worry about him?

After checking and making sure nothing was amiss, Qu Xing Xu finally rested on the bed with his sword lying next to him.

He suddenly raised his hand and looked at it for a few seconds before a gentle smile broke into his face.

The thought of Lin Xiaofei entered his mind even though he should be thinking of the dangers that he might come across the border. The enemies that he had gained over the course of the years exceeds that of a royalty or a monarch but Qu Xing Xu wasn't afraid. He was never afraid of them.

He had kept himself hidden after he was done with the war. With his grandfather's protection and guidance, Qu Xing Xu really doesn't have to fear anything.

And even after his grandfather died, Qu Xing Xu was still as fearless as he was before.

However, things might change now.josei

Now that he was about to marry the woman he has irrational feelings with, his enemies will try to point their daggers and spears towards Lin Xiaofei. And that's something he cannot allow to happen.

His trip to the Eastern border naturally had some purpose. For example, eliminating the enemies who were close enough to harm his bride.

As he was thinking, a 'thump' sound came from the window. The sound continued for a bit until Qu Xing Xu stood up and opened the window. As soon as the window opened, the bird entered the room shamelessly like its master and perched itself on the table.

With a smile on his lips, Qu Xing Xu walked to the bird and stroked its head. He then saw something tied around one of its legs and took it.

Feeling elated, Qu Xing Xu immediately tore open the small tube containing a letter. He had long prepared a letter to Lin Xiaofei and sent it to her just before he had arrived on the Eastern border.

Qu Xing Xu didn't expect a reply would come so soon. He had expected that she won't even send a letter back to him. He stroked the head of the bird again and walked to sit on the bed so he can read her reply.

As he unrolled the paper, the corner of his lips twitched.

His eyes spared the thought to blink at what he was seeing and only blankly stared at it.

The contents of the letter seemed quite familiar to him. Of course, why wouldn't it feel familiar when in actuality, it was he, who wrote it!

Qu Xing Xu closed his eyes for two seconds, trying to manipulate his mind that he was only seeing things and that his letter to her was not returned to him.

However, even after closing his eyes and having wishful thinking, the contents of the letter still didn't change. It was still the same letter he sent to Lin Xiaofei with his penmanship and signature. He even poured all his mind and feelings in it. Asking how she was doing and that he was doing fine. He even told her in the letter that he would buy anything she wanted for as long as she writes it on a letter to ensure that she will send a reply.

And yet…

And yet, that same letter that was filled with his feelings was now in his hands.

Moving his gaze to the huge bird who sat comfortably on the table, Qu Xing Xu bore his glare at it. The bird must have not succeeded in sending the letter and thus, the reason why his letter returned back to him.

Nodding his head at that thought, Qu Xing Xu felt slightly better after the rejection that he was feeling. He folded the parchment and put it inside the small tube once again, in an attempt to send it again to her.

However, he stopped when he saw a glimpse of something at the back of the letter.

Turning it back, Qu Xing Xu narrowed his eyes at the tiny words written on the back.

It says…

'Stop wasting ink and come back.'

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