The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 72 - Complications

Chapter 72 - Complications

Lin Xiaofei followed the figures of the emperor and empress with her calm eyes. Deep inside, she was waiting what kind of pretentious act the royal couple will show in front of everyone else.

And just as she had expected, the Empress was the first one to react.

The Empress gasped and her face that has been plastered with an aloof smile suddenly paled and the palace maid beside her was quick enough to hold her hand to complete the act.

"Heavens! What is going on here?" The Empress looked shocked but there was no hint of fear in her eyes as she looked down on the figures of the Song family, probing them to answer.

The fact that someone was killed in the palace wasn't rare and was done frequently. However, because the royal family was meticulous when it comes to their reputation, they continued to cover up their secrets and dirty deeds that's why, when the royal couple saw the violated figure of Song Lin, they couldn't help but feel annoyed and couldn't wait to take Song Lin's body away to feed the dogs.

With a crying face, Song Lin's mother walked up to the Empress and said while sobbing, "Your majesty! Please, give justice to my daughter. She's a sweet and an innocent girl! Please find the beast that did this to my daughter!"

The Empress was fast to avoid the hands of Song Lin's mother and covered the disgust in her eyes as she put on a sorrowful look..

"Madam Song, don't worry. Since this incident happened in the palace, we will surely investigate this." The empress paused before she added, "Just that… what was Song young lady doing in the Winter Moon pagoda when the young ones should be watching the sunset in the pavilion?!"

The first part of what the empress said was said with sincerity and promise to give the justice that Madam Song was asking for her daughter and Madam Song was glad. However, the latter part of her words was spoken with underlying question and meaning.

While everyone was looking at the Song family with pity for what happened to Song Lin and admiration for their dedication to getting justice for Song Lin's demise and with the empress' question, everyone was suddenly pulled from their trance as they also wanted to gossip and know what really happened.

However, how could Madam Song know why Song Lin came to the Moon Winter pagoda when she never heard any reports that her daughter left without anyone's notice. Besides, there was no sight of her maids around. Thus, making things even more complicated.

"Tha… that is…" Madam Song frowned. Even though she was married to the Second Master from the Song family, she didn't grow up in a successful family and didn't have the fortune to get a skilled teacher for her to know the twists and turns of every word that was used.

On one hand, Madam Song wanted to say that she didn't know why her daughter came to the pagoda but if she did say that, her image as a respectable madam and a mother will be ruined, for she will be blamed for not looking out for her daughter which resulted in Song Lin's demise.

On the other hand, if she were to say an excuse and answer that Song Lin got lost and came to this pagoda. The monster who did this to her daughter will be blamed but that also doesn't mean she will not share the blame with the beast. People will surely think that she didn't teach Song Lin well for her to wander around and get lost when she should have gone with her peers to the pavilion.josei

Disappointed that his wife couldn't get over her options or fork out an idea to deal with this question, Master Song came forward and cupped his hands in front of him while he bowed his head.

"Your majesty! It must be that some evil man took my daughter here while she was on her way to the pavilion." Unlike Madam Song, Master Song was skillful and knew what to say, "Please, do give justice to my daughter's poor soul."

Although, Master Song sounded affectionate and sorrowful for what happened to his daughter. If one were an expert to see one's real heart and intentions, one could see that Master Song didn't even shed a tear nor did he looked angry after what happened to his daughter.

On the contrary, Master Song finds it disgusting to look at the lifeless body of his daughter. He showered her with precious things and spent money to raise a beautiful daughter that he could use to make bonds with a higher ranking official by sealing their relationship with marriage but it seems that his plan was to be put on hold after Song Lin's death.

If he only knew that Song Lin would die now, he would have packed her things and let her marry someone at an early age.

However, thinking about it again. Master Song could use his daughter's death to get something from the royal family. Among the court officials that knew what the royal family was really like, Master Song will not let this opportunity slip past his hands.

Waving his hand, Emperor Yun finally spoke after seeing the Master and Madam Song pleading for justice.

"Seeing that this incident happened at my palace. As the emperor, I must find out the truth to this matter." He glanced at the guards and called out, "Guards! Investigate this matter as soon as possible. As for the Song family, since such a horrible fate has happened to your daughter. I must compensate you for your loss."

Emperor Yun was a sharp man and grew up in the palace where one should know how to be shrewd and fierce against their enemies. However, as a ruler, he was not compassionate to his subjects and greedy for power even when he was already at the top.

He didn't even call for an investigator to look for answers but instead, let the guards beside him take the matters in their hands.

Once Master Song heard that he will be compensated with this incident, his uneasy heart felt light and gleeful. At least, he could get something out of his daughter's demise.

"Thanking, Your Majesty!" Master Song pretended to be appreciative of how the emperor handled the matter.

On the other side, Madam Song's eyes were bloodshot. She didn't expect her own husband and father of her daughter would accept things as is. He didn't even try to stop the guards that touched their daughter's body to investigate and didn't even try to disperse the crowd that had gathered around them.

She hated her husband and the royal couple but she couldn't do anything when she was only a woman of lowly background and didn't have enough backings to demand justice for her daughter.

If the girl who died instead of her daughter came from a Baron or Duke's family, surely, the emperor will even detain everyone who was present to question and investigate.

Feeling remorseful for the sake of her daughter, Madam Song could only cry in silence.

While the emperor was making his statement, the guards that he ordered to investigate the incident also didn't delay their work.

However, because they were guards and not an investigator, they're actions were done clumsily. But despite that, their keen eyes didn't stray away from the main points.

Aside from the obvious fact that she was violated, the bruising was starting to form in the victim's neck and one could deduce that it was done by hands.

As they continued to look for evidence and some strange things that could help them solve the problem, one guard suddenly rushed to the emperor after seemingly found something on the ground.

"Your Majesty, this paper was found near the body." In all honesty, the paper that was flind by the guard was not near nor far from the body but because it was found in the crime scene, he concluded that it was related somehow.

Raising his eyebrows, Emperor Yun took the crumpled paper from the guard and didn't rush to look at what was inside. He swept a glance at the crowd who craned their necks and widens their eyes in an attempt to get a clearer view of what was inside the emperor's hand.

With all eyes on him, Emperor Yun had to open and read what was in the paper since he already said his word that he will give justice to the Song family.

However, who knew that one his eyes fell in the writings on the letter, the emperor had a shocked look on his face as he couldn't help but secretly glance at a certain person.

The emperor wasn't shocked at what words were written in the paper but he was astounded that the handwriting of the person who wrote the letter was especially familiar.

Suddenly, the emperor felt complicated.

Unknowingly, his eyes stayed on the figure of the person whom he remembered and memorized to have the same handwriting as the person who wrote the letter.

It was Yu Fangzhu.

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