The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 73 - Bit Her Tongue

Chapter 73 - Bit Her Tongue

Emperor Yun frowned and tried to keep the emotions he was feeling inside him. His face finally contorted into an ugly one as he threw the scrolls on top of his table to Yu Fangzhu who was standing across him.

"You incompetent fool!" He bellowed, "First, the cave and now, you even dared to rape a woman during the banquet?! Yu Fangzhu!… you really want to anger me, don't you?"

The emperor furiously glared at Yu Fangzhu. He didn't like the fact that not only was the cave where his treasures were located was now gone and the Chu empire was on its way to discover their greedy hearts. A scandal was now on its way to spread across the capital like fire.

"Father, what happened to the cave is an accident. As for the young lady who was murdered… I could swear on my blood as your son and as the prince of this empire that I have no relation with what happened to that woman." Yu Fangzhu kneeled on one knee.

Emperor Yun sat down angrily and didn't want to take a look at this son of his that caused only troubles today.

Normally, Yu Fangzhu was the outstanding son and the competent prince that was loved by the commoners for his humble nature.. Even the officials in the court admired his ideas to make the empire grow bigger.

As the emperor, Emperor Yun overlooked his son's activities even after knowing their dark hearts and intentions to overthrow him. For him, the game that his sons were playing was a good show to watch, and seeing them work their asses off to gather power was quite interesting to see and for as long as it could help his empire, he naturally wouldn't stop them from moving.

However, if they try to rebel against him, no need to think of forgiving them. He will easily eliminate them before they get to rebel. On the other hand, the problems that the princes created, he would overlook it for as long as they could solve it silently and without a scandal that will put dirt on their names.

"Your majesty, the Fourth Prince is right." The empress beside the emperor said. "Even though the handwriting in the letter was similar to the Fourth Prince's handwriting, there is also a possibility that someone copied his way of writing and deliberately caused this to happen."

What the words that the empress had spoken made sense to both Yu Fangzhu and the emperor. They all have their own enemies who wanted to scheme against them and make them lose face in public. Hence, there would be a small chance that the incident somehow was connected to one of their enemies. Another was that the cave might be also a warning to them.

It's just that the royal family couldn't identify who was this enemy that dared to go against them. Their reason doesn't matter to them as once they were found by the emperor, they will cease to exist.

Also, why use the young lady from the Song family to plot against Yu Fangzhu.

That was also what confused Yu Fangzhu. Throughout the years, he tried to make sure his image in the surface was clean and that no one could fault him. And yet, someone actually harbors deep-seethed hatred towards him that they calligraphy expert to copy his handwriting and almost cause his father to lose his trust in him.


"Xiaofei, it is a little bit unfortunate but it seems that we have to part here." Liu Shishi said as she and Lin Xiaofei walked towards where their carriages were parked.

When Emperor Yun saw what was written in the paper, several guards also started to separate the crowd from where the crime scene was. Aside from the Song family who stayed to hear how the investigation was fairing, the crowd that has gathered around was forced to leave the pagoda and the palace.

Lin Xiaofei looked at her and said, "It is indeed unfortunate."

She wasn't talking about how it was unfortunate that she will part with Liu Shishi but the fact that she didn't get to see more of the royal family's reactions and what Yu Fangzhu would look like when he finds out that his handwriting was copied and the crime was put on top of his head.

She doesn't expect the emperor to punish Yu Fangzhu since she knew that the old bastard will not do that to his favorite son. What she wanted to see was the fear they will feel when they realize that their plans were starting to be blocked.

And she planned not to stop at getting in their way even after this.

Lin Xiaofei got inside her carriage. This time, no one from the Lin family tried to step into her carriage as they were feeling nauseous after seeing Song Lin's body.

"Young miss, are you alright?" Su Tang asked her to which Lin Xiaofei only stared at her with wide questioning eyes.

"Your hands have been trembling ever since you went to the palace. Not only that, but your face also turned pale when you entered the carriage. Does Young Miss want us to call Doctor Fang?" Su Tang looked worriedly at her.

Lin Xiaofei didn't know that her hands were shaking until Su Tang mentioned it. Despite the fact that her mind was preoccupied with her thoughts on how she would make Yu Fangzhu's future plans fail, she didn't notice that her emotions were battling against each other.

After a while, Lin Xiaofei finally said, "No need to call for a doctor. I'll take a short nap so, wake me up when we arrived at the Lin residence."

"Yes, young miss." Su Tang answered.

When Lin Xiaofei finally closed her eyes, she didn't sleep as the words of Liu Shishi started to make her feel frustrated.

The thought of the previous owner was in love with someone never crossed her mind. The moment she woke up inside this body, her only focus was to get her revenge and kill her enemies and the thought of romance was never included.


Her involvement with Qu Xing Xu was also an accident as she didn't expect him to be the manager of Hong Pei Lou. If she had known beforehand that the previous owner had a huge crush on Qu Xing Xu, she wouldn't even try to acquire the bomb from him and stayed away.

The bigger problem was that not only did she made a deal with him, but that abominable man also overheard what Liu Shishi told her. Somehow, the thought of meeting him again after today was making her wish she could cut his eyes or ears off.

Even though she had full control over the body she was currently in, she was afraid that the previous owner's lingering feelings will distract her.

"Su Tang…"

"Yes, young miss?" Answered Su Tang who was helping herself with the flower cakes in the basket.

"The young miss from the Liu family mentioned that I admired the Duke of Xin in the past… Why haven't I heard any of this." Lin Xiaofei finally asked after some difficulty.

When Su Tang heard her, she giggled and quickly wiped her mouth that was full of flour and sugar from eating the flower cakes.

She sat close to Lin Xiaofei and smiled brightly, "Young miss, did you finally get to talk with the Duke?" Instead of answering her young lady's question, she decided to ask and gossip.

"…No." Lin Xiaofei lied.

"That's unfortunate, milady." Su Tang shook her head disappointingly, "In the past, you would always feel like fainting when you see him and adored him from afar. I could still remember when you tried to talk to him but bit your tongue and fled before you could say something to him."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaofei open her eyes wide and the tiredness that she was feeling was gone.

"When did that happen?" Lin Xiaofei asked in haste.

Su Tang tilted her head, "I think it was during General Lin's birthday three years ago. That's right. At that time, everyone was surprised by the Duke's appearance and general Lin was happy to welcome him. Young Miss was too shy and didn't even get out to the hall and only looked from afar."

Lin Xiaofei listened attentively and massaged her head. A frown graced her face as she waited for Su Tang to continue.

"However, when the Duke was about to leave. Young Miss blocked his way and it looked like you were about to say something to him. Unfortunately, when young miss saw him smiling at you, you bit your tongue and almost fainted on the spot."

She had no excuse for the actions of the previous owner but she felt that there was no reason for her to faint with just a smile from him. Knowing Qu Xing Xu, he must have smiled at her even not knowing who she was and probably already forgotten their encounter.

After listening to the short narration of Su Tang, Lin Xiaofei covered her face with a hand. She bit her lips and frowned at the same time. She was feeling the second-hand embarrassment from what the previous owner did in the past and the worst thing was that she was currently inside that body and that made her feel horrible.

She didn't know what kind of face will she show in front of Qu Xing Xu when they meet again.

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