The Blessed

Chapter 307

Chapter 307

"You…you…you…you b*tch! I must have been blind to have defended you! Jinghong, as your second uncle over. I will throw her out of the family!”

Seeing that she still tried to deny it, Ling Qiyun got so mad that he nearly couldn’t breathe, then made the decision without thinking.


Ling Chenghua couldn’t believe her ears, eyes wide open. She couldn’t imagine that her father who had always spoiled her would throw her out. But the first thing that popped out of her head was not regretting, but her dowries. If she was really thrown out, she could never have a decent wedding. And her reputation would be totally ruined. Maybe Zhang Hu would even refuse to marry her!

"No, my lord, you can't do that. Chenghua is our only daughter, and now she's about to get married, how can you have the heart to throw her out at such a time?"

The old woman couldn’t keep silent any longer. Wearing a head of messy hair, she rushed forward and grabbed Ling Qiyun's arm. She could never see her daughter being driven out.

"You can go with her if you can't stand it."

Ling Qiyun was determined this time, with that pair of dark eyes staring at the old woman. Until now, he finally realized that why people all said the first thing a man should consider when marrying a wife was considering whether she was virtuous. Before, it was true he had no idea of his wife’s doings at home, because he had no heart for that, thinking that a husband shouldn’t always eye on things inside the house. So be it big things or small things at home, he basically left them all to her. Seen from now, he was wrong, totally wrong. His negative act not only harmed his wife, but also made his sons alienate from him, now this home already couldn’t be called a home.


The old woman stared in disbelief. Having been a couple for decades, she could almost tell at a glance whether he was serious or bluffing.

"Mom, don’t throw me out. I didn't do it on purpose, I swear. How can dad throw me out for that? Mom, persuade dad for me, mom…”

Seeing that she looked hesitated, Ling Chenghua moved forward to hold her hand, crying. The old woman moved her eyes between her husband and her daughter. If she really got repudiated at this age, it was impossible for her family to accept her, even she herself had no ability to survive. But…if she stayed out of it, her beloved daughter would…

"Shut up! Why can’t you admit it! Know your mistake and correct it, that’s a good thing. Your dad is not a fool. As long as you admit your mistake, he will forgive you.”

Stuck in a dilemma, the old woman’s head having been rusty for so many years finally worked, on the surface, she was scolding her daughter, actually she was telling her what to do. The crying and yelling Ling Chenghua looked confused, soon she reacted, bang, knelt before the old man, “Dad, I know I am wrong. Please give me a chance. I am getting married. You can’t throw me out now. Dad, if you still don’t want this daughter, can you wait after I marry out? Dad, are you trying to force your daughter to die?”

Ling Chenghua was like weeping blood, only wishing to impress the old man, this was her only chance, if…she even dare not imagine what would happen.

"You can’t say it like that. Chenghua, there is something you don’t know. Lady Wang may never get pregnant again because of this thing. You know, Chenglong and his wife have always wanted a considerate daughter. But you completely break their dream. What’s more, they moved out because of that thing. It’s all because of you. Shouldn’t you take the responsibility? Dad, you can’t lose your head on this. You know, Chenglong is a filial son. Him moving out is only a moment’s impulse. If you still side with Chenghua, you’d lose your second son for good. There is another thing you may not know. Today mom called Chenglong over. You should know what it is for, right?”

But…how could Ling Chengcai let her get what she wanted? He had hated her to the bones. Finally he got a chance to remove her once for all, how could he miss it?

The old man who actually already softened his heart got more determined on hearing that. Ling Chenghua gnashed her teeth, but she also knew that now was not the time to quarrel with him. She threw her eyes at the old woman. Her mom was the one she could count on now. She could never get driven out of the house at such a time.

"Shut up, Chengcai!"

The old woman trembled and turned to stare at his son, those mean eyes were like being quenched with poison. Ling Chengcai twitched his mouth embarrassedly, but seeing that his dad’s gloomier face, he directly shrank back. He’d like to see how Ling Chenghua could solve it!

"My lord..."

"Shut up! If you say one more word, leave immediately, I Ling Qicai can't afford such kind of wife like you!”

The old woman who was about to speak for Ling Chenghua again shrank back under the old man’s yelling. Throwing a merciless stare at her, the old man coldly turned to Ling Jinghong, "Go call your second grandpa now."

"Yes, grandpa."

Ling Jinghong turned around and walked out.

"No, dad, you can't do this to"josei

Seeing that, Ling Chenghua got frightened and her face turned pale. She crawled over at him, while Ling Qiyun kicked her away, “Never call me dad again. I don’t have a daughter like you. Ling Chenghua, from now on, you have no connections with my Ling family. For the sake you were once my daughter, you can take the prepared dowries with you. In the future, better behave yourself!”

Looking at her coldly, Ling Qicai said word by word, but in his heart, he was thinking his second son and his family who had moved out. As a father, he felt so sorry for them.


With a scream, Ling Chenghua passed out. And the old woman hurriedly ran to embrace her, tears falling off. Ling Qiyun was unavoidably worried, after all, that was his favored daughter for over twenty years. But, soon, after knowing she had already been pregnant under Doctor Zhou’s diagnosis, that last sorry feeling deep in the heart was gone. On that very night, he threw Ling Chenghua out of the family.

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