The Blessed

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Early the next morning, news that Ling Chenghua was thrown out of her family spread through the whole Ling village. At first, people were still wondering if the old xiucai was crazy. Why did he drive his daughter who was going to get married soon out of the house. Soon, they knew why, they even knew that she got a premarital pregnancy. For that, no villager didn’t hurl all kinds of abuse, even her fiancé couldn’t escape from it. Ling Chenghua’s reputation had been totally ruined, even heaven couldn’t save her this time.

It was already noon when Ling Jingxuan and others heard about it. But no one said a word. Apparently it had been confirmed that she knocked Lady Wang over on purpose, none of them looked happy or what. A nearly forgotten scar got torn open again suddenly, the only feeling they had was heartache. Let alone Ling Chenghua only got her reputation ruined and ended up the same as Ling Jingxuan that year, even if she died, it still couldn’t make up for the damage she had brought to them!

It took the three brothers and a few little buns quite a long time to coax the frustrated Lady Wang. After taking a nap in the afternoon, the family began to get busy again. In the last two days, they had to seize every minute.

In the morning on the 30th, Shopkeeper Zhang came to fetch the goods in person. After knowing that Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan were getting married tomorrow, he sent his best wishes and said he would definitely attend their wedding. This month, they had made over twenty thousand jin of jam. Except that three thousand taels for opening up the wasteland, there was still nearly twenty thousand at hands. So they were rich again and Ling Jingxuan felt much relieved. But he still hadn’t paid back the money he had borrowed from the two little buns, because he had already made it clear beforehand that however much the jam they made this moth was sold, they wouldn’t split the money, but keep it for the expense for the seeds and other things in the field. So actually, it wasn’t that much.

"Be good at home, don't run around, dad will be back soon after getting the marriage paper in the county.”

After delivering the jam and settling the accounts with Ling Jinghan, Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan were about to go to the county as planned. Only if they received the marriage paper today would they have time to entertain the guests tomorrow. Before they left, Ling Jingxuan went to Chu Ci’s place, told him his worries and asked him to take care of the kids, though at such a time, he didn’t think Ling Chenghua and the old woman still had the strength to make a scene here.

"Hmm, daddy, father, watch your steps."

Ling Wen nodded obediently with a big smile. After today, they would also have a decent name.

"Daddy, don't forget to bring me Xinyuan's roast duck. The one at Uncle Zhang's place is not as good as Uncle Wang's."

After almost a month, Ling Wu still remembered the roast duck, Ling Jingxuan tapped his head, "You little foodie, what else do you know except eating?"

"I know a lot, Uncle Chu taught us a lot of things, and I have kept them all in my head. If you don’t believe it, you can test me. I can answer them all!”

Raising his chin, Ling Wu looked quite confident. Ling Jingxuan slightly picked his eyebrows, "Really? Then let me ask you a simplest question, a chicken is hatched from an egg, but an egg is laid by a hen, little bun, can you tell me which came first, the chicken or the egg?”

Hum! Trying to parade in front of him? Still too early!

"Well, the chicken came first. No, no, no, the egg came first. Which came first?"

This question really daunted the small bun, who wore a face of confusion. Meanwhile, not only him, even Chu Ci and Yan Shengrui couldn’t help thinking it hard in the heart. But even if they cracked their head, they couldn’t give the correct answer. What they didn’t know was Ling Jingxuan who set the question also didn’t know the answer. Even those so-called experts in the 21th century couldn’t tell.

"Then think slowly, come tell me when you have the answer.”

Rubbing his nose smilingly, Ling Jingxuan stood up and nodded at Chu Ci, then turned to go out with Yan Shengrui. Poor small bun! He got tricked by their daddy and still didn’t know. There was no answer to this question at all. However hard he tried, he could never get the right answer.

Out of the gate, Old Zhou and Old Song were already waiting there holding a fine saddled horse in their hand respectively. When Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan went out, the two of them respectively handed the ropes into their hands. At first, they were still worried that they couldn’t ride a horse. To their surprise, they mounted the horse swiftly and with a whip, the two fine horses disappeared in the dust.

"Jingxuan, so what is the answer?"

On the official road to the county, two fine horses were galloping. Yan Shengrui who had racked his brain but still couldn’t get the answer finally couldn’t hold it and asked. Ling Jingxuan threw a whip at the butt of the horse, the horse instantly sped up, meanwhile, Ling Jingxuan’s naughty voice also sounded, “The answer is there is no answer!”

" are bad, our boy is going to suffer this time."

Hearing that, Yan Shengrui also sped up, leaving their laughter along the way. Like racing, one was faster than the other. Within an hour, they had arrived in the county. But they didn’t go to the yamen immediately, but went to Baiyunge in the west of the county first, since before they went out, Lady Wang kept nagging that they should buy the suitable wedding costumes here, and Ling Jingxuan also had something to ask the fat shopkeeper to make for him.


Compared with the carriage, the horse was much faster, the two of them stopped before Baiyunge. The waiters in the shop still remembered them, so they hurriedly ran out to pick the reins in their hands. The husband-and-husband-to-be gave each other a look and then walked in side by side.josei

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