The Blue Eyes

Chapter 108 - AZURE

Chapter 108 - AZURE

Kevin was nervous as hell!

Kris's red car didn't stop speeding since an hour ago. The car currently speeding on a deserted road in a suburban area. There weren't many lights in the area, and it felt like they were trapped in the darkness. Only the car's lamps acted as a flashlight to show the way.

But, the darkness shouldn't be a great obstacle for both of them. They were werewolves with sharp visions, after all.

"Where the hell do you want to take me to?" Kevin asked his lover for nth times. He kept asking the same question, but Kris kept silent while smiling like a psychopath.

Kevin was about to force Kris to stop the car, but before he could do that, his lover's suddenly pressed the brake pedal to make the car completely stopped. The stop was not too smooth, making Kevin's body shoved to the front. Fortunately, he was wearing a seatbelt, so his forehead didn't hit the dashboard.

The scientist was about to scold his evil lover, but he stopped as soon as he realized where they were right now.

The shorter man quickly turned to the man beside him and asked, "Why did you bring me here, Kris?"

Kris didn't instantly answer his lover's question. He unfastened his seatbelt first, and then answered, "My gift is inside. Do you want it or not? If you don't want it, I can take you home now."

The black-haired man blinked at the answer. His hands unconsciously squeezed the seatbelt on his body.

He then inhaled and exhaled for a moment before he started unfastening his seatbelt. "Let's go," he said before opening the car door and started walking toward the old warehouse in front of the car.

Kris just smiled slightly and immediately followed his lover's lead. He quickened his pace to catch up with his lover's long legs.

Kevin didn't hesitate for a moment. He was already familiar with the place even though he only visited the place once. It was completely dark inside the warehouse, and normal humans were not possible to see anything there. Fortunately, the two men were not normal humans.

The shorter man found a familiar horizontal door. Without hesitating for a bit, he pressed his palm on the screen on the door. The lock automatically opened after the scientist unlocked it with his palm.

But, Kevin still crouched down on the door and didn't move an inch. "You sure that your gift is inside? It's not a stupid prank, right?" He asked in a tone full of suspicions.

Kris sighed. It felt like a deja vu.

"I'm serious. My gift is inside. To be precise, it's a gift from your mother," he softly answered.

Hearing the surprising answer, Kevin hastily got up and faced the taller man. "My mom prepared a gift for me? The hologram message is not her last gift for me?" He asked curiously.

Kris smiled tenderly and pressed his right hand on Kevin's left cheek. The cheek felt so cold under his warm palm, but he didn't mind at all.

"This is the real last gift from her, Kev. I'm sure you'd like the gift."

Kevin pondered for a moment. Even after her death, his mother was still full of surprises and secrets. How could a human living with so many secrets? Kevin couldn't understand how his mother could stay sane all these times.

"Alright, I trust you," Kevin finally decided. He then opened the door and said, "Let's go grab my gift."

Kris chuckled a little seeing his lover's cute behavior. He then started walking behind the scientist to enter the secret laboratory. Yeah, that was Selena Beischel's secret laboratory.

Inside the laboratory was also pitched black. But of course, Kevin and Kris got no problems seeing in the dark.

Even so, Kevin was a bit surprised when Kris suddenly turned on the lamps inside the laboratory. "Why did you turn on the lamp?" He asked his lover with a frown.

Kris shrugged before answering, "I just want to check the electricity here. I think it's working normally, so I better turn it off again, right?"

"Wait," Kevin suddenly held Kris's hand that going to turn off the lamp. He hesitated for a moment before continued, "I can see in the dark, but I still feel more comfortable when the lamps are on."

Once again, Kris giggled seeing his cute lover's reaction. "Alright, suit yourself," he said while walking toward an iron cabinet in the corner.

Kevin silently watched his lover's movements. He could see his lover opened the cabinet and took out a big box from the cabinet. After that, the taller man walked back to him.

"This is your mother's last gift," he said while handing the big box to Kevin.

Kevin stared at the box for a moment before he looked up at the man in front of him. "It's for me? It's not dangerous, is it?" He asked doubtfully.

Kris snickered while shaking his head in disbelief. "It's from your mother. She wouldn't ever hurt you, just like me."

Uh, the brown werewolf still had the gut to flirt at this moment!

Kevin scoffed and accepted the box from his lover. It was a big cubicle box. The side length is probably around 45 cm. It was in sky blue color, soft color for a soft man like Kevin.

The handsome scientist carefully opened the box, and he was surprised to see what was inside the box. "A doll?" He asked dumbly.

The dumb question got Kris dumbfounded. "Are you really Kevin Beischel the genius scientist? Can't you differentiate a doll and a robot?" He asked in frustration.

Now it was Kevin's turn to chuckle mischievously. "I was just kidding!" He replied. "Of course, I know it's a robot. I'm not stupid!"

Kris sighed in relief. He thought his genius lover turned into a stupid guy after going through so many tribulations in his life.

"Yeah, that robot was created by your mother," the taller man stated.

Kevin didn't respond. He carefully took out the robot from the box and examined it. "It's cute. My mom could create a robot too? She could create monsters, weapons, bombs, and even robots?"

Kris was speechless when he heard Kevin's question. The young scientist sounded so sarcastic when he asked the question.

"The robot's code name is AZURE-38, but you can just call it AZURE. It has artificial intelligence, and it will be your secret assistant from now on."josei

Kevin frowned after hearing Kris's explanation. He looked up at Kris and asked, "I have two questions." His almond eyes blinked innocently. "First, why did my mom name this robot AZURE when its color is white? Second, what do you mean by a secret assistant?"

Kevin looked smart and innocent at the same time, and the sight seemed adorable in Kris's eyes.

"I've guessed you would ask those two questions," he replied while taking over the small robot from Kevin's hands. "This is the answer to your first question." His index finger slowly pressed a tiny button on the front side of the robot. Not long after, the robot 'awake.'

Kris quickly put the robot on the floor as the cute robot started standing up straight on the floor. Its height was only 45 cm, and its whole body was in white.

It had four limps that looked short and chubby. It also had an almost rectangular head, and there was a black screen on its head. The screen glitched for a moment before it showed a smiley face.

It looked up at Kevin and scanned Kevin's body right away. After finished scanning, the small robot 'smiled' brightly and said, "Hello, Master Kevin. This is AZURE-38. How may I assist you?"

Kevin was slightly taken aback as he watched and listened to the speaking robot. The voice was so cute, just like a little kid. Kevin couldn't help but smile at the scene.

"My mom named it AZURE because it has a pair of blue eyes?" Kevin asked in amusement.

Kris nodded and answered, "You're right. It looks like both your mother and your father were obsessed over blue color. They created everything in blue color, didn't they?"

Kevin chuckled and picked up the robot, holding it in front of his face as if he was holding a baby. "This robot is super cute! You're so cute, AZURE!" He said while giggling cutely.

Kris was stunned as he stared at his lover. It was the first time he saw Kevin looked so happy and free after his parents died. Kevin did not look gloomy all the time, but he knew that he was still grieving over his parents' death.

"Don't be fooled by that little devil's fake cuteness. One time, it broke my finger when I scolded it a little. That thing is the real devil."

Kevin frowned after hearing Kris's accusation. "Are you really a little devil, AZURE?" He asked the cute robot.

"No, Master! I'm a robot, but I have an angel heart. The one who is the real devil is Kris over there!"

Kris's eyes widened, and his face looked angry, but Kevin just chuckled at the sight.

"So, you've known this robot for a while, Kris?" Kevin asked while putting back the robot on the floor.

"Yes," Kris answered. "Professor created this robot in early 2038. That's why it has 38 in its code name."

Kevin nodded in understanding. "But, why did my mom create this robot for me as my secret assistant?" He then asked again.

Kris's expression turned solemn, and he stared at the scientist deeply. "This robot is the one that will extract the antidote from inside your body.

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