The Blue Eyes

Chapter 236 - CAN'T BELIEVE US?

Chapter 236 - CAN'T BELIEVE US?

The Lowells had left the orphanage. Kevin would feel less worried if there was a person who escorted his parents home, but Benjamin kept telling him that they would be alright by themselves. He didn't even understand why his parents' mentality could be so strong and unaffected by what had just happened.

Kevin, as a young generation with many miseries in his life, was still a little shaken by the brutal act. Maybe the attack was just a random shot with no specific target, but it was still a terrifying experience for him.

After the Lowells left the orphanage, the youngsters gathered in the living room to discuss some matters. The atmosphere was tense as neither of them dared to make a sound. They waited for each other to break the silence, but neither of them was willing to fill the void with their voices.

Until finally, Kevin sighed heavily before breaking the tension in the room. His blue eyes fixated on the pregnant lady, who was sitting side by side with Blue on a couch.

"You didn't tell Mrs. Hasler about the party tonight, did you, Jule?"

Kevin didn't mean to be suspicious of the pregnant lady, but among the people who attended the party today, Julia was the closest one to Grace Hasler. She even tried to defend the lady earlier, and that was kind of strange in Kevin's eyes.

"I didn't tell anyone about the party, Kevin! I know that you have a tense relationship with Mrs. Hasler, so why should I let her know about the party?"

Julia's reasoning made sense. Julia knew Kevin quite well, and she exactly knew that the relationship between him and the boss of the Intelligence Agency was not good.

"Then, do you know why did she happen to be near here when we were attacked by the mysterious people?" Kevin, despite knowing that what Julia just said made sense, still wanted to interrogate his friend.

"Mrs. Hasler said that it's just a coincidence, right? This orphanage is in a strategic place, and some main roads are surrounding this place. It's possible that she happened to pass the road before the attack happened."

Perhaps it would be useless to interrogate Julia. Grace Hasler might have had a relation with the attack earlier, but Julia would defend her boss until the end.

As far as he remembered, Julia was a realistic person, but now the pregnant lady could trust her boss even if her boss was suspicious.

That was irrational, but Kevin couldn't bring himself to suspect Julia too. Julia might keep shielding Grace, but it didn't mean she had something to do with Grace's plan.

Kevin was tired of arguing with the pregnant lady, and he chose to turn his head to Kris. The latter flinched. It seemed that Kevin would interrogate him next.

"Where are your guards, Kris?" Kevin questioned his fiance in a stern tone. "They should have been guarding the party earlier, right? But why didn't they be there for us when we were attacked?"

Kevin openly asked the question in front of other people, and it seemed to surprise Kris a little. The other people looked clueless, but he knew that he still needed to answer the scientist's question.

"Steve isn't feeling well, and he asked for a day off. I asked my other guards to do something else, and they are currently not around. I miscalculated it, Kev. I didn't expect that they would dare to attack us openly like this."

Kevin was speechless and was a bit upset by his fiance. They both had known that their opponent was dangerous, but Kris still dared to patch his guards to do something else instead of guarding the party.

Kris was quite meticulous most of the time, so Kevin was a bit disappointed by his fiance now.

"What are you talking about?" Blue decided to chime in while furrowing her brows. "The only attack you've ever experienced was the attack in Chilad, right, Uncle? But why did your conversation earlier sound like there was another attack other than that?"josei

Blue was smart, and the two men couldn't deceive the girl easily. They glanced at each other, and it seemed that they were pressed to the corner and couldn't escape the girl's suspicion.

"There was indeed another attack before tonight's attack, Blue," Kevin confirmed the suspicion, and Kris widened his eyes at him. "There was another attack in our apartment. That's why we know that we are in a danger."

Blue, Jack, Julia, Luke, and Casper were stunned after hearing Kevin's confession. Blue and Jack, who had already known a lot of things related to the investigation, were surprised as well, so the other three people were surprised more.

Even Kris was surprised because Kevin suddenly revealed a secret they kept before.

"Why did you tell them about it, Kev? We have agreed to hide this matter from others, right?" Kris hurriedly butted in.

Kevin looked disappointed in him, but that shouldn't be the reason behind his reckless action, right?

"I changed my mind, Kris," Kevin replied while turning his head to his taller fiance. "We started the journey together, so they deserve to know the details. And even if we tried to keep them safe by ousting them from this investigation, our opponent had attacked us when we were together. It's no use to keep them away from us."

Kevin remembered Grace's case. The lady felt hurt because his mother wanted to keep her safe in distance. Perhaps it was a good intention, but for the people who were left behind, that was a hurtful act.

That was why Kevin changed his mind. He didn't have time to inform Kris before, so he ended up telling it directly to them all.

"You two wanted to keep us away in the beginning? Is it just because you want to keep us safe, or because you two can't believe us?"

And suddenly Jack's cold question silenced the people in the living room.

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