The Calamity of a Reborn Witch

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 3: A Resolution of Lovers


Carina attempted to appear unphased as she watched the Crown Prince’s departure down the garden path. Hana and Colonel Isaac approached the Duchess quickly as the rest of Bastiallano’s knights, which had been waiting outside the garden, filed in towards them.

The Viscountess reached down silently to clasp Carina’s hand with an encouraging smile that did not mask the glimmer of uncertainty behind her turquoise-blue eyes.

“What is it?” Carina asked as she focused her attention on the beautiful blonde woman.

“It’s just, I can’t help but worry,” Hana murmured as she turned away from the breeze that blew strands of blonde hair across her face. “We went through all the trouble to leave this place behind, and yet here you are, still being dragged into the court politics.”

“Any freedom we obtained by leaving the Crown Princess’s service was merely an illusion,” Carina replied with a cynical smile as she brushed the loose hair away from Hana’s cheek. “The moment I gave my oath as Duchess, I gained a seat of power that implicitly tied me to the royal family.” The Duchess sighed tiredly and motioned towards the warm stone seats beside the fountain. “Can we sit for a moment?”

“Of course.” Hana slid her arm around Carina’s waist worriedly. “Are you alright? We should head back soon so you can rest properly.”

“That’s fine. I just need a moment to clear my head,” Carina murmured with a quick smile before dropping her head against Hana’s shoulder for a moment of quiet.

The Viscountess held her silence as Colonel Isaac, and his knights moved to form a discreet circle around them. “Kirsi. I understand that you must use Bastiallano’s forces to protect both king and country—but must you make enemies with men like Marquess Borghese?”

“Marquess Borghese is a man far too paranoid to turn a blind eye towards a half-blood shifting the flow of power between Lafeara’s two political factions,” Carina replied with a muffled yawn.

“Political factions?”

‘Right. Even if the Countess had covered the topic of political alliances with Eleanora, that didn’t necessarily mean that Hana had been instructed on the inner workings of the noble’s politics.’

“Every noble Lafearian family with even an inch of power or influence is tied to one of two political parties. The Noble Faction, led by Lord Percy and the Earl of Hawthorne before him. And the Royal Faction, led by the Dowager and those nobles with deep ties of loyalty to the royal family, such as Duke Stryker Hargreve.” Carina took a small breath before continuing. “Earl Ethan was the last Prime Minister before Lord Attwood. He held the most influence over king and country until his death. That is when the political power shifted to the Royal Faction under Dowager Octavia, who made Marquess Attwood Hargreve the next Prime Minister.”

“And Marquess Borghese is a part of the Royal Faction?” Hana asked, her turquoise blue eyes narrowed and focused.

“Yes. Borghese wields a great deal of influence in the Royal Faction, mostly due to his seat in the House of Lords and close relationship to both the Dowager and Duke Stryker Hargreve, who, as you might have guessed, is the Prime Minister’s older brother.”

“I see.” Hana nodded slowly. “So then, at least at the moment, the Royal Faction has the upper hand.”

“For now,” Carina rubbed her neck as she sat up and stared at the pale gray palace walls beyond the garden hedge permitter. “My worry is that things will change in the near future.”

‘Especially given Percy’s great ambitions.’

“Because you are Duchess?”

Carina raised her eyebrows and shrugged. “Perhaps. I’m certain the Dowager had her reasons for giving me her ancestral lands.”

“But—didn’t the Duchy belong to you previously, Kirsi?”

‘Not to me—exactly.’

“It still feels like too much of a coincidence,” Carina deflected with a sigh. “Lately, the Dowager has been acting very out of character from stepping back as regent to allow Nicholas more responsibility; to giving away the base of her power by making me Duchess. Once Nicholas is King, Octavia will have nothing beyond the favors that a few noble houses might owe her.”

“I see your point,” Hana conceded uneasily. “The Dowager has been in power for so long—I’m sure she’s prepared something for her inevitable exit.”

‘The problem is I don’t believe the Duchess intends to retire to public life quietly. The hostility that she and Kirsi still bear towards the Havardur Royal Family—isn’t something you walk away from so easily.’

Carina tilted her head slightly and laughed at Hana’s anxious expression. “I wouldn’t worry about Marquess Borghese. Even with his secret army, he’ll have a hard time coming after us now.” The Duchess’s ice-blue eyes hardened as she rose to her feet and plucked a blade of grass from her dress. “Even without Bastiallano’s forces, I have grown stronger.”

‘And will continue to do so—once Viktor lets me resume my training.’

“Kirsi,” Hana whispered worriedly as she eyed the stiff, frozen stem in Carina’s hand. “Isn’t the Noble Faction composed of nobles loyal to Percy’s family—nobles who might also be witches?”

Carina’s lips twitched with an approving smile. “You catch on quickly, Hana. Yes, I believe your right, though I don’t know which families or even how many.” Still, with the Hawthorne family leading them for so many generations, it’s not unreasonable to assume Lafeara’s hidden covens may be found among them. “Meanwhile, if I had to guess, the Royal Faction is primarily composed of families without a single drop of witch blood amongst them. Hence their unwavering support of the Royal Havardur family throughout the years.”

Hana nodded. “That would also explain why nobles like Borghese were so vehemently opposed to Nicholas’s marriage to Eleanora.”

‘Well, yes, beyond Borghese’s original plans to have Nicholas marry Priscilla.’

The Duchess snorted. “It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the death of the First Prince was orchestrated by either the Royal Faction or the Dowager just to avoid a witch sitting on Lafeara’s throne.”

The Viscountess shivered and glanced around the garden warily. “But then, why did the Dowager push Eleanora’s marriage through.”

Carina shrugged and dropped the frozen blade of grass onto the pebbled path below. “Even with the Dowager and Royal Faction combined, they would not have the strength to oppose Emperor Arius.”

Hana’s face twisted in confusion while Carina signaled Colonel Isaac that they were ready to leave. “But didn’t you say the Dowager—” she quickly lowered her voice as the knights approached, “—was a witch?”

“I wonder,” Carina murmured as she slid her arm around Hana’s. “I still find the Dowager hard to figure out, but apparently, Octavia has been suppressing her powers for years with the use of the Aconitum flower. Probably since she first entered the palace as a royal consort. It’s possible that such measures were necessary to completely mask any trace of her witch blood in order to achieve her position as Queen with the Royal Faction’s support.”

“This all sounds far too complicated and dangerous,” Hana murmured worriedly as her hand tightened around Carina’s arm. “Can’t we just focus on your new Duchy and the plague?”

Carina couldn’t help but smile. It was a relief to have someone like Hana at her side. Someone she could rely upon and share her secrets. ‘What’s strange is how quickly I’ve come to trust Hana. Perhaps in part because of Maura’s memories, but—somehow, I cannot bring myself to question Hana’s loyalty. The only other person I’ve trusted this much is Ivy.’ A pang of guilt and worry twisted in Carina’s stomach at the thought of her last visit to Hawthorne. ‘I should pay Lord Percy a visit. Now that I’m settled down outside the palace, Jade, Ivy, and Gus can safely come stay with me.’

Feeling Hana’s questioning gaze focused on her, Carina smiled. “It’s not that simple, Hana. Octavia transferring ownership of Bastiallano to me has shaken the support of powerful nobles like Marquess Borghese. On top of that, all the rumors about my connection to Lord Percy and the Hawthorne family will naturally lead them to believe that I will throw my support behind the Noble Faction.”

“But—what if you just stayed neutral?”

The Duchess shook her head as the knights fell in step around them down the path which led towards Lily Palace and their waiting carriage. “That’s not an option anymore. If you knew what horrible things Marquess Borghese has done to the innocent people of Lafeara.”

‘All the children he’s condemned to a life of rape, abuse, and misery.’

For a moment, the Duchess’s footing faltered on the pebbled path as her ice-blue eyes narrowed.

‘Is that why Octavia gave up the Duchy now? To publicly distance herself from Marquess Borghese. Did she somehow find out that Nicholas and I were investigating him?

‘No—that doesn’t make sense. Octavia wouldn’t ask me to overlook Priscilla’s behavior if she knew that I was planning to have the Marquess punished for his crimes. There’s no way Priscilla could survive the public backlash if her father is convicted of treason on top of his involvement in child sex slavery.’

“I can see that it troubles you, Kirsi,” Hana murmured with a reassuring smile. “If you are determined to take this path, know that I will always support you.”

Carina allowed herself a moment to enjoy the warmth of her friend's support before quietly shaking her head. ‘How could I not take this path when I know how much you suffered as a slave.’

“I am grateful for your support,” Carina murmured quietly. “Still, we must both be careful moving forward, especially during the Royal Hunt.”

When Hana gave no reply, Carina glanced over and followed the Viscountess’s gaze to where a group of familiar noblewomen were cutting across the green lawn to head them off.

“Your Grace?” Colonel Isaac said questioningly with a look over his shoulder towards her.

‘Damn it. If only Nicholas had chosen a less public place to meet.’

“Treat the Crown Princess with the respect she deserves, Colonel,” Carina replied stiffly as the knights upfront came to an abrupt halt.

Crown Princess Eleanora panted as she held out her arms to block their way forward. She was dressed in the usual morning riding attire of men’s garments, which, despite their novelty in this world, complemented her tall, strong figure. Behind the Crown Princess, Major Garrett moved to stand to her left, where his wary gaze shifted among the eight knights that had accompanied the Duchess before settling in on Colonel Isaac.

‘Well, at least we have numbers on our side, even if we had to relinquish our weapons at the gate.’

Major Garrett suffered from no such handicap. Still, his gleaming knight’s sword and armor appeared to have been constructed more for decoration than actual combat.

“Perhaps—I should speak with her,” Hana said quietly as the two parties faced each other with tense silence. Colonel Isaac and three other knights who stood firmly in the Crown Princess’s path quickly moved together to block Eleanora’s sudden attempt to push through them.

“What are you doing? Get out of my way! Do you fools not realize who I am?”

Carina grimaced at the Crown Princess’s familiar, condescending tone. Despite Eleanora’s bristling arrogance and stubborn refusal to step back, the Crown Princess’s face appeared haggard as if from lack of sleep. Her amber eyes remained glued to Hana even as Major Garrett stepped forward to place a hand on her shoulder, attempting to coax the princess away from the unmoving line of Bastiallano’s knights.

“Let me go, Major, and move these men aside! I demand to speak to Hana at once!”

Carina turned to the Viscountess beside her worriedly. “Are you sure you want to talk with her now? We could arrange another meeting—” the Duchess shot a warning glare towards the struggling Crown Princess, “—when her Highness has had an opportunity to compose herself.”

Eleanora’s amber gaze burned like molten daggers as she glared back at Carina.

“If we must continue our relationship with the royal palace, then I think it would be best I settled this now,” Hana replied with measured calm as she released her hold on the Duchess’s arm.

Carina gritted her teeth but remained where she stood as she called out to her knights. “Thank you, Colonel Isaac, you may stand down. Lady Hana would like to speak with her Highness.”

“What is the meaning of such blatant disrespect?!” Lady Meredith, who had finally caught up to Eleanora and her bodyguard, panted as she staggered into place behind her mistress. “Who are you to interfere in this matter? Your knights ought to be beheaded for laying hands on her Highness!”

A nerve in Carina’s left eyebrow twitched at the obvious threat. While it was true that the rules of the royal palace still bound the knights of both Dukedoms, that didn’t allow them to shrink from their duty to protect the Duchess and her friend.

‘I guess that just goes to show how loyal the knights of Bastiallano are to their Duchess.’

“Eleanora, if you want to speak to me, then please remind your ladies to treat the Duchess with proper respect,” Hana cut in sharply. “Better yet, ask them to be silent.”

“How dare you—”

“Lady Meredith! Lady Evelynn!” Eleanora snapped as she turned towards her two rather tired-looking ladies-in-waiting. “If you will not be quiet, then you can return to the palace and wait for me there.”

Meredith opened her mouth to protest and then clamped it shut. Behind the fuming attendant, Lady Evelynn fanned herself and avoided looking in the direction of the Duchess’s party.

Eleanora quickly turned back to Hana with a pleading look. “I just want to speak with you for a moment—privately.” Carina ignored the scowl pointed in her direction.

“As you wish, your Highness,” Hana replied calmly and then gestured towards the water fountain behind them. “We may speak over there.”

Eleanora’s face brightened noticeably as she and Major Garrett circled the Duchess and her knights towards the fountain.

“Colonel Isaac will accompany you, Lady Hana,” Carina called out when the Viscountess hesitated to follow.

Eleanora quickly spun around. “What? Don’t be impertinent, Maura! I asked for a private audience!”

“And yet your bodyguard is accompanying you. I’m merely sending along one of my knights to ensure the Viscountess’s safety.”

“Do you honestly believe that I would harm Hana?!” Eleanora retorted incredulously.

‘Harm her, perhaps not. But I don’t trust you to let Hana simply walk away either.’

“Colonel Isaac will be discreet, your Highness,” Hana interjected with a nod towards the knight assigned to her. “In any case, he will only report back to the Duchess who is well aware of our relationship.”

The Crown Princess looked flustered for a moment but then nodded her head and motioned eagerly towards their destination. “Fine. As long as he doesn’t interrupt us.”

“Your Grace,” Colonel Isaac bowed his head to the Duchess swiftly and then offered his arm to Hana, whom he escorted after the pacing Crown Princess.

Carina did her best to ignore the prickle of anxiety that crawled up her spine as she watched the two ex-lovers walk away. ‘Haa. Why am I so bothered? Given how we left, it’s a good thing that Hana has been given this opportunity to give Eleanora a proper goodbye.’

“I see your head has clearly enlarged with your new position,” Meredith hissed sharply the moment the pair were well out of range.

Carina resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she folded her arms to wait. Her fingers tightened against the silk fabric of her dress the moment Eleanora reached out to take Hana’s arm before pulling the Viscountess into a tight embrace.

‘It’s fine. Stay calm. Hana will signal if she needs me.’

“Her Highness will doubtlessly invite Lady Hana back to the palace,” Meredith added as if pointedly looking for holes in the Duchess’s cold exterior.

Carina snorted. “And why would Hana bother listening.”

“Well, you both left quite a few interesting personal items behind,” Meredith said coyly. “Especially you, Lady Maura.”

“I might be willing to turn a blind eye to the Crown Princess’s blunder in forgetting my new name and status.” Carina turned to pin Meredith in place with a warning glare. “But for a mere daughter of a Viscount to ignore the title and name granted to me by their majesties?”

Meredith’s brown eyes pinched with sudden uncertainty as she dropped her gaze from the Duchess’s malicious smile. “I-I misspoke.”

“Perhaps I should teach you a lesson to ensure that neither of you misspeaks again?”

Meredith and Evelynn both flinched as the three knights closest to them took a single step forward.

“Then again, why should I care about the useless prattle of my inferiors?” Carina finished with a note of pointed boredom as she returned her gaze to Hana and Eleanora’s conversation. Even from this distance, it was clear that Eleanora was worked up about something, while Hana appeared to be losing her patience.

‘How much longer should I give them?’

The Duchess turned her gaze sharply to the knight on her right. “Go bring my carriage here. We will depart as soon as Hana is finished.”

‘I’d prefer to avoid any other surprise encounters on our way out.’

“Yes, your Grace.” The knight closest to her dipped his head in acknowledgment and then turned sharply towards the exit. The remaining knights adjusted their position around Carina, who returned her attention to the heated conversation between the ex-lovers. Eleanora was still stubbornly clinging to Hana’s arm.

‘Damn it. If I have to use my knights to break them up, that will only further ignite the rumors about their relationship.’

As strange as it was that Hana appeared to have given up all emotional attachment to Eleanora so quickly, Carina was far from convinced that the Viscountess no longer cared about the Crown Princess’s wellbeing.

‘Still, however heartbroken Eleanora maybe, I can’t let her manipulate Hana like this.’

“What are you doing?” Meredith called out sharply as Carina moved determinedly towards the fountain. “How dare you interfere with her Highness’s con—” The attendant stumbled back as one of Bastiallano’s knights stepped forward sharply to block her path.

Carina ignored them as she strode towards the fountain where Hana was straining to pull free from Eleanor’s grasp. Colonel Isaac and Major Garrett exchanged warning glares on either side of the struggling ladies. Their tense posture did nothing to reassure the Duchess’s worry.

“Your Highness, I believe it is time for Lady Hana and myself to leave,” Carina spoke up sharply.

Eleanora spun towards the Duchess and her knights. The tears glistening down her cheeks caught Carina by surprise, but the wild look in the Crown Princess’s gaze sent a chill down her spine.

“Eleanora,” Hana whispered out with a wince. “Please, let me go.”

“No-no!” Eleanora shouted, her expression torn, bewildered, and utterly broken. “How could you leave me like this, Hana? How could you—why did you stop loving me?!”

“I’ve explained all this to you before,” the Viscountess replied tiredly. “Regardless of whether you believe me or not, I do not love you, and I will not stay by your side any longer.”


“Your Highness!” Carina tightened her grip on the folds of her cloak as she fought to suppress the cold magic that prickled against her fingertips. “Please remember where we are. His Majesty has already removed the knights that were guarding the entrances. If others were to enter and witness your behavior—it would only harm your Highness’s reputation further.”

“Be silent, witch!” A flicker of something that might have been Eleanora’s subdued powers burned behind the Crown Princess’s eyes as she whirled towards Carina. “My mother already told me how you threatened her and me the same day you became a Duchess.”

‘Is she—trying to expose me now?’ Carina exhaled tensely. Major Garrett’s attention shifted from Colonel Isaac to the Duchess’s as his hand firmly gripped the hilt of his sword.

“I won’t deny that I warned Lady Isabella to refrain from harming or coming after Lady Hana or myself in the future.” Carina shook her head and offered the Crown Princess’s a pitying expression. “I have no wish to harm your Highness or your family. But that does not mean I will tolerate your childish behavior any longer.”

A single look and nod were all that was needed for Colonel Isaac to act. Still, Carina was impressed with the half-witch’s reflexes. As the Colonel used his left hand to blind Major Garret with a blast of cold magic, he disarmed the stumbling man with his right.

Hana reacted quickly to the sudden chaos as she twisted her arm free and then sprinted past Isaac towards the Duchess and her knights, who quickly circled around her.

“Are you alright?” Carina asked worriedly as the Viscountess rubbed her forearm tenderly.

“It’s nothing,” Hana replied with a quick shake of her head. “What do we do now.”

The Duchess glanced over to where Isaac stood above the fallen bodyguard, with Garrett’s sword pointed at the Major’s neck.

“Stop this at once!” Eleanora snarled, hesitating even as she glanced between Garrett and Hana.

“That’s enough, Colonel,” Carina called out quickly. “Return the Major’s sword. We’ll be taking our leave now.”

Isaac nodded as he stepped back and thrust the sword into the ground beneath Major Garrett’s feet. A bright flash of cold magic locked the blade into place before the Colonel spun around and returned to the Duchess’s side.

“No, Hana! Please, wait!”josei

Carina shot an annoyed glance at the two attendants who stood by as the Crown Princess chased after them. ‘Are they incapable of reasoning with her, or do they want Eleanora to humiliate herself?’

“You can’t trust her, Hana!” Eleanora continued, her voice twisted with fear and desperation as she tried to shove her way past the knights blocking her path. “Maura is the Dowager’s spy. Why do you think she entered my palace as a lady-in-waiting, to begin with? The Duchess told her to turn you against me! Please, Hana. Think! What other reason is there for a Duchess to care about a foreign noble with no background who was once a slave!”

‘I will rip her tongue out if she—’

“Don’t listen, Kirsi,” Hana whispered tensely as she wrapped an arm around Carina’s waist. “Eleanora is not herself right now.”

“You’re the one she’s insulting, not me.”

“And I don’t care what she says,” the Viscountess replied with a sad smile.


“The Hana who once belonged to her does not exist anymore. Nothing Eleanora says or does will ever hurt me again.”

Carina raised a brow worriedly at Hana’s emotionless proclamation but nodded and focused on the path ahead. Whatever Hana’s reasons for cutting ties with Eleanora so cruelly, it didn’t matter to her.

‘I came here to protect Hana, and there’s no better place to keep her safe than at my side.’

The sound of footsteps scuffling against the ground behind them confirmed that Eleanora had not given up. “Please, Hana! I need you here with me!”

“Please conduct yourself as is appropriate for a Crown Princess,” Carina called back coldly over her shoulder. “We are not the only ones in this garden anymore.”

The three ladies who had appeared through the garden entrance in front of them stepped aside hurriedly to allow the knights and Duchess to pass.

Apparently, even the presence of an audience could not shake Eleanora’s resolve.

“If you won’t let her go, Maura. I’ll break down the walls of your castle and bring her back myself!”

Carina smothered a snort of disbelief. ‘With what army, Eleanora?’

“Hana, please! You must visit me. What happened before was a mistake. Please give me the chance to prove it to you.”

Carina had never been happier to see the elaborately decorated carriage of the Duchy before in her life. At the same time, the number of eyes upon them after leaving the garden had only increased.

‘Please, Eleanora, stop before you ruin your relationship with Nicholas permanently.’

“I still have your belongings, Hana? Should I send them to you?”

“No.” The Viscountess let go of Carina’s arm once more as the knights circled around the carriage.

Carina watched silently as Hana turned to face Eleanora. For a brief moment, the Duchess felt a moment of pity for the desperate look of relief that flooded the Crown Princess’s face.

“What?” Eleanora murmured.

“I don’t want or need any of it,” Hana continued. The Viscountess tone and look of disapproval appeared to shake Eleanora.

The Crown Princess stepped back with a look of confusion as Major Garrett hurriedly caught up to her with his sword. “I don’t understand, Hana,” Eleanora whispered. The amber eyes which had once shown with such unshakable resolve now trembled beneath her furrowed brows. “Why?”

“Because I don’t want anything that reminds me of you and your family.”

Eleanora flinched visibly beneath the disgust that layered Hana’s words.

“Is that not good enough?”

The Crown Princess’s finally appeared to be at a loss for words. Lady Meredith and Lady Evelynn made their appearance through the garden entrance and quickly moved to their mistress’s side.

“Hana,” Carina called out softly.

“I wish you good luck with your marriage, Eleanora. For all that that is worth,” Hana continued mercilessly. “Please refrain from interfering with my life from this point forward.”

‘Okay, wow.’ The Duchess stepped aside wordlessly as Hana finally turned and headed for the carriage. Colonel Isaac assisted the Viscountess inside and then offered his hand to Carina, who worriedly followed her friend into the carriage.

Hana remained silent as they pulled away. The soothing sound of the carriage’s wheels against the cobbled paving quickly drowned out beneath the horses of the knights that followed.

Carina fidgeted with the sleeve of her dress as they passed through the dark tunnel and finally left the royal palace behind.

“I-I think I might have been—too harsh,” Hana whispered worriedly, finally breaking the silence.

Carina shook her head quickly. “Don’t worry about that now. I should have stepped in sooner. I didn’t think Eleanora would lose all composure like that.” She glanced down to where Hana was still rubbing her forearm and wrist. “We should get that looked at.”

“It’s only a bruise. Nothing’s broken,” Hana replied with a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I just thought that if we had to keep meeting, I should avoid making things awkward—but now they really are a mess.”

“It would be best to avoid any social occasion the Crown Princess will be attending,” Carina quickly agreed.

“But what about the Royal Hunt? And the opening of the orphanage?”

The Duchess grimaced.

‘Okay, so much for giving Eleanora time to calm down.’

“Let’s just do our best not to engage,” Carina suggested soothingly.

‘But—speaking of the orphanage.’

“Would it be alright if we dropped by Hawthorne Manor on our way back?”

Hana turned towards her quickly. “But you promised!”

“I know, but I haven’t seen Ivy, Gus, or Jade in some time now. I won’t get a chance to see either of them until after the Royal Hunt if I don’t go there now. The number of things I have to finish before we leave has only piled up while I was—sleeping.”

The Viscountess sighed and shook her head. “I suppose I can’t argue with that since I delayed our return already by speaking with Eleanora.”

“That’s not what I—” Carina blinked as the loud rumble from her stomach cut her off.

Hana sent her a knowing look. “Perhaps we should pick up something to eat in the market before we pay the Earl a visit.”

“That would probably be a good idea,” the Duchess replied sheepishly. “There’s a bakery I know that makes the most delicious pastries.”

The Viscountess’s expression perked up almost immediately. “Do they—have strawberries?”

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