The Calamity of a Reborn Witch

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 4: A Tense Reunion


“What do you mean you don’t know where Jade is?”

Percy emitted another haggard cough into his handkerchief before offering Carina a look of annoyance. “I mean, your little charity case decided to steal from Serilda and poison me before making her escape. I’ve done my best to track her down but I’m afraid I haven’t had any luck, so I can’t give you her exact whereabouts.”

“P-poison?” Carina pressed a hand against her suddenly throbbing temple as she absorbed this second blow.

‘No. How does any of this make any sense? Why would Jade need to steal—’ The Duchess’s eyes narrowed as she recalled the pink necklace that Jade had been wearing the last time she had visited. ‘But—poisoning Percy? Jade would never do that. And why would she run away when she has no one else to rely on in this world?!’

“What about her baby, Benjamin?”

A look of disgust flickered across Percy’s face before he replied neutrally. “Still with his mother as far as I know. He disappeared the same day.”

Carina clenched her hands and scoffed as she stared down at the Earl, who remained seated behind his desk. “Unbelievable! Then, where are Gus and Ivy?”

“I’m afraid that Gus is no longer with us either.” Percy's pointedly neutral smile did little to soothe the shock and anger that washed over Carina as she stepped towards the Earl’s desk.

“Then where is he?”

“My apologies, your Grace, but the slave proved to be ungrateful for all the money and effort I put into restoring his health. I don’t keep slaves who can’t even perform the most menial task at my estate. I’m afraid I had to let him go.”

“Let. Him. Go?!” Carina took another step forward then halted as Hana took her arm with a placating smile. ‘Damn it, how did this happen? They were both here just a few short weeks ago! How could Gus have fully recovered in that amount of time?’ The Duchess grasped the back of the chair that faced the Earl’s desk tightly as she offered Percy a thin smile. “Exactly how did you let him go?”

Percy sighed and tilted his head in the direction of Butler Russell, who had greeted the Duchess and Viscountess at the door pleasantly before bringing them up to the Earl’s study. “Tell her, Russell.”

“Your Grace,” Russell bowed his head apologetically. “I did my best to find Gus an alternative place of service after removing him from Hawthorne Manor. Unfortunately, he could not keep up with the other slaves as he could neither read nor write nor perform basic tasks for prolonged periods. The farm's overseer returned Gus to the slave markets within a few days of his transfer.”

“Returned him? You mean that you sold him?” Carina spun from the servant to his master, who rightfully deserved the blame. “When?!”

“The day after your Grace obtained your new name and title,” Percy replied with a wry smile. “Unfortunately, the manager did not deem the matter important enough to report back to me, and as I have been unwell and was only recently able to return to handling the affairs of Hawthorne’s estates. I learned of the sale only after a new master had purchased Gus.”

Carina sucked in a sharp breath as she tried to control her anger and disbelief. ‘I should have known. Why did I think Percy would keep his promise, especially after I rejected him? This-this is my fault. If I hadn’t been so distracted with becoming Duchess and mastering Viktor’s magic. I should have made sure they were all safe before….’

The Duchess pressed a hand against her suddenly queasy stomach before her gaze snapped back up to the Earl. “And Ivy?!”

Percy’s lips twitched with what might have been a smile. “Miss Ivy is here and in good health. She has completed all necessary training to become a teacher and Matron. I also went ahead and hired a new tutor to refresh Ivy on the etiquette and social skills of nobility—since I assume that your Grace will grant her a title once she is liberated as you did your—other friend.”

Carina was too distracted to pay attention to the cold look that passed between Percy and Hana.

‘How is it you had no problem hiring a tutor for one slave, yet you so easily cast aside another because he was too injured to work?’

Ignoring the faint muscle spasm above her left eyebrow, Carina cleared her throat. “That won’t be necessary. I would prefer that you sign Ivy over to me now. Lady Hana and I have more than enough experience between us to improve any areas where she may be lacking. Of course, I will be more than happy to pay back Ivy’s original purchase fee plus interest along with any additional cost incurred by her lessons and tutors.”

“No,” Percy replied without hesitation.

“No?” Carina’s eyes widened as she glared over the sturdy red oak desk that separated them.

“I’m not ready to sign Ivy over to you,” Percy replied with a curious smile. “At least, not yet.”

“Why not?” Carina growled, ignoring Hana’s worried look. “And what do you mean not yet?”

“I have my reasons.”

A moment passed, during which Carina contemplated the idea of setting Lumi upon the Earl. After all, the scriva had been more than enough to subdue a pureblood like Serilda in the past. She shook the idea away. There was too much at risk, especially with Hana in the room.

“Earl Hawthorne—if you think that I am just going to allow Ivy to remain here after you lost track of two other people—then you have lost your damn mind!”

A sharp knock at the study door proceeded the arrival of Marchioness Serilda, who glanced between the glaring Duchess and bemused Earl before moving to her cousin’s side. “Percy, you promised to take a break. Excuse the interruption, Duchess, but it’s time for my cousin’s medication. Come in, Ivy.”

Carina whirled around, a flood of relief tingling across her skin as Ivy entered the room. Her old friend looked just as startled as she paused awkwardly on the threshold, baring a small silver tray with a tiny porcelain teacup placed on top of an embroidered, white-laced napkin.

Ivy’s jade-green eyes teared up for a moment before she lowered her gaze and bobbed a curtsey in greeting. “Your—Grace.”

“Ivy!” Carina quickly moved towards her and smiled awkwardly over the tray between them as the sudden urge to hug Ivy fought its way through her previous frustrations. “How are you? You look pale. Have you been well? I’m sorry I called so late—I’ve come to get you, but—”

“Duchess, if you wouldn’t mind,” Serilda interrupted as she removed the tray from Ivy’s hands. “I’ll take that, thank you, Ivy.”

“Oh, my apologies, Lady Serilda,” Ivy murmured hastily as she bobbed another curtsey.

A flicker of impatience and annoyance crawled through Carina’s stomach as she glanced from Ivy to Percy and then over to Hana. “Lord Percy, would you mind if Ivy showed me downstairs.”

“You’re leaving already?” Percy replied quickly with a note of disappointment. “We haven’t finished our present discussion. And I had hoped to go over the finances of the orphanage with you, your Grace. There have been some changes to the number of staff, along with additional refurbishment to the grounds and slave quarters that are meant to become a residence for the staff.”

Carina raised an eyebrow sharply. “Further refurbishment? I thought the builders would be done by now.”

“It’s mostly ground excavation and landscaping. We thought it would be nice to build a lake for the children to swim in, plus a garden for them to plant some of the many fruits and vegetables they will eat throughout the year.”

Serilda cleared her throat and slid the small steaming teacup in front of the Earl. “Yes. Why don’t you stay for dinner, your Grace? There’s very little time to hammer in the final details before the Earl, and the rest of the nobles court will be busy with the Royal Hunt. The grand opening of the orphanage comes right after, does it not?”

“I—” Carina let out a frustrated sigh. ‘Damn it. I still need to work out the particulars of protecting the hunting grounds and his Majesty.’ “Very well.” ‘Either way, there’s no way I’m leaving without Ivy.’

“Kirsi,” Hana murmured worriedly.

“We will leave after supper,” Carina replied reassuringly as she turned back to Ivy. “Besides, I’ve been very much looking forward to spending time with my dearest friend.” The Duchess clasped Ivy’s hands quickly, feeling reassured despite the guilt which prickled against her conscious at Gus’s absence. Those feelings of regret were only compounded when Ivy flinched and promptly pulled her hands away before averting her gaze. “Ivy?”

“Ivy,” Percy called over his tea patiently. “Why don’t you escort the Duchess outside to the garden. Take as much time as you need to catch up with each other. When you’ve finished, Lady Kirsi, if you wouldn’t mind returning here so that we can finish our conversation and go over the numbers.”

“Yes, Lord Percy,” Ivy replied hastily.

Carina blinked as her old friend quickly spun around and slipped into the hall.

‘Is Ivy—avoiding me?’

A cloud of remorse and guilt fell like heavy chains around the Duchess’s shoulders as she followed after the maid, only remembering to reply to the Earl’s question with a vague, “I’ll return later.”


“Ivy!” Carina didn’t bother to hide the frustration and worry that filled her voice as she called her friends name for the third time since exiting the manor.

Ivy finally paused at the entrance of the garden and turned around to face Carina with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, your—Grace must think me rude. Would you like me to fetch some tea or refreshments, perhaps?”

“What? No, that isn’t necessary,” Carina replied with a dismissive wave. “Ivy—are you alright?”

Now that they were outside in natural light, the dark smudges under Ivy’s jade-green eyes were even more visible against the odd parlor of her face.

“You don’t look well. Did something happen? Is this because of what happened to Gus? I promise you that we will find him as soon as possible!”

Ivy looked even more uncomfortable as she avoided Carina’s eyes.josei

“Ivy, wha-what is it?”

The maid quickly retreated as Carina moved closer and reached towards her.

“I’m sorry, your Grace!” Ivy sputtered as she twisted both hands into her apron. “I’m just—feeling tired. Please don’t worry about me.”

Carina was beginning to feel as if she had been sucker-punched, bludgeoned over the head, and thrown down a well to drown. She took in a quick breath to calm the rising tide of panic and frustration building up within her stomach. “Ivy, I—I’m sorry! I’m so sorry about Gus! I should have done more—I took for granted that you would all be safe here. Jade too—I don’t know how this happened. But I will find them and bring them back. And no matter what the Earl says, I won’t be leaving today without you. Please believe me!”

An odd look flickered over Ivy’s face as Carina stumbled over her apology. ‘Was that—disgust? But why? Is it—because I failed to protect Gus again?’

Carina quickly closed the distance between them, pinning Ivy against the hedge bush as she grabbed the startled maid's arms. “I will use the full force of Bastiallano’s knights to find them, Ivy. I swear it!”

“The Duchess will do her best to rectify this situation and ensure that your friends are safe,” Hana said soothingly as she placed a hand on Carina’s shoulder. “Kirsi, I believe Ivy is unwell. We should let her return to her rooms and rest properly while we sort out matters with the Earl.”

“What?” Carina focused on the sweat rolling down Ivy’s temple and neck. The maid was biting down on her lip with a grimace of pain and looked on the verge of tears. “I-Ivy?”

“P-please, let go of me, your Grace.”

A moment of harsh deja vu hit Carina as she hastily removed her hands from Ivy’s arms and stumbled back. ‘No, but I—I didn’t grip her that tightly.’

Hana gently placed an arm around Ivy’s waist and guided the maid over to the stone wall of the fountain, where Ivy sat down.

‘This—something-something is wrong. Ivy’s reaction to Hana—who she’s never met before—is completely different from the way Ivy reacted and looked at me.’

The only possible explanation for Ivy’s strange behavior sank its teeth into Carina’s chest as the Duchess took a slow step back and then turned to leave the garden. She ignored the crows perched along the hedge bushes and the surprised murmurs of the servants as she threw open the side door, stormed down the hall past the Manor steps, and then flung open the door to Percy’s study.

“You will provide me with every piece of information you have on Gus and Jade’s last whereabouts!” Carina moved swiftly towards the Earl, ignoring the startled look of alarm on Serilda’s face as the Marchioness stepped back. “And then I suggest you pray to Viktor or whatever god you hold dear that they are both safe and sound.”

Percy’s winter-grey eyes glimmered with amusement as he leaned back against his chair to offer Carina a cynical smile. “Your Grace, need I remind you that I took Jade and Gus in as a favor. The moment they left my house, willingly or otherwise, I was no longer responsible for their well-being. So, I fail to see why—”

Carina’s hand dropped lightly onto the edge of the red oak desk, which splintered cleanly down the middle as rigid shards of ice burst through the dense wood. A single breath later, the desk collapsed with a bang as scattered letters, toppled documents, and three vials of black ink rolled down to the floor at Percy’s feet.

“Listen to me carefully, Earl Percy Hawthorne,” the Duchess whispered as a wave of frost rolled out from beneath her dress to coat the carpet, walls, and windows in vines of ice. “If you wish to retain what friendship remains between us, then I suggest you do your best to assist me in tracking them down safely.”

Percy nodded somberly as he brushed splinters of wood and splotches of ink from his vest and trousers and then rose to his feet. “And if I still can’t track them down?”

Carina’s eyes narrowed as the temperature in the room dropped sharply. She watched as Percy and Serilda stiffened, their gaze shifting to the ghostly image of Lumi, who appeared behind the Duchess with a low, warning growl.

“You do not wish to become my enemy, Lord Percy,” Carina answered with a thin smile. “You are not the only one who can throw a tantrum and break things.”

Percy’s lips twitched with another irksome smile before he bowed his head with a resigned sigh. “The Covens will do their best to fulfill your request, Duchess Krisi Valda.”

Carina’s eyebrow twitched again at the mention of Krisi’s name. She turned her attention to Serilda and who mirrored her cousin’s words, although in a less friendly tone. “The Covens will have my appreciation and gratitude once they are both found. In the meantime, signed papers or not, I will be taking Ivy with me.”

“Your Grace would forcefully deprive me of a maid?” Percy murmured with a frown.

Carina folded her arms and offered him a questioning brow and dangerous smile. “Lord Percy, would you deny a Duchess such a simple request?” Lumi’s ghostly image solidified behind her as the scriva bared its fanged teeth.

Percy appeared to consider his options for a moment before shrugging. “Who am I to deny the Duchess the company of her friend.” He stepped through the chaotic mess of the broken desk and bowed towards her. “I hope the Duchess will forgive my failings, and I promise to keep a closer watch on those you hold dear in the future.”

‘Was that a threat?’ Carina bristled as the Earl took her hand and brushed his lips against the back of her wrist.

“I will be sure to deliver Ivy’s papers as soon as I locate them,” Percy added with an apologetic smile as he released her hand and straightened.

Carina clenched her teeth but decided not to question the Earl’s convenient excuse. Knowing Percy, he would have an explanation prepared, and unlike a pureblood air witch, she could not tell when the Earl was lying, although Carina’s gut told her not to believe a single word the pureblood said. “Then I trust I can leave the final details of the orphanage to you, Lord Percy. I’m afraid the day has rather worn me out, so I will be returning to Bastiallano immediately.”

Neither Percy nor Serilda raised any objections as they bowed and curtsied silently before her.

Carina left the study without another word and quickly gathered Hana and Ivy. She relayed their change in plans, which Hana happily accepted, then led her friends back towards the front of the manor, where Colonel Isaac and the rest of the knights were waiting.

Only after their carriage had left the Hawthorne estate behind did Carina dismiss Lumi, whom she had left in the Earl’s private study to keep an eye on both of the pureblood cousins. The Duchess glanced restlessly across the carriage to where Hana supported Ivy with an arm around the bewildered maid’s shoulder.

“But—what will I do at the Duchy?” Ivy asked with a timid glance in the silent Duchess’s direction.

“Since you’re not feeling well, I would suggest you rest as much as possible,” Carina replied promptly. “Feel free to request whatever meals or drinks you like. Tomorrow, we’ll start on a new wardrobe for you.”

Ivy's jade-green eyes widened with an odd look of panic before she blinked and replied, “But I’m still only a slave, your Grace.”

“You’ll be a noble again soon enough, so you need to look the part. And please don’t call me that!” Carina grimaced at the harsh tone her words came out in. “Please, Ivy. Anything but that.”

“Her Grace also goes by Kirsi now,” Hana supplied with a helpful smile.

Ivy nodded slowly and looked down at the hands still twisted up in the apron she wore. “I—suppose I can’t call you Lady Maura anymore.”

‘No, though Kirsi hardly suits me any better.’

“Then—Lady Krisi?”

“Just—Kirsi—when we’re alone,” Carina replied in a strained tone.

Ivy nodded, then removed her hands from her apron as she wrapped her arms around her waist. “I will do my best your—Kirsi.”

The older but remarkably frail girl tilted her head with a beaming smile that instantly banished the dark thoughts howling behind Carina’s eyes.

“Thank you, Ivy.”

“For what?” Ivy raised her brows inquisitively.

“For being—here.”

‘Alive and safe.’

Ivy smiled brightly once more. “Of course, Miss—I mean—Kirsi.”

Carina laughed awkwardly and watched as the Viscountess removed her cloak.

“You look tired, Ivy,” Hana said with a gentle smile as she folded the light material and placed it on the maid’s lap. “There’s plenty of room to lie down if you’d like to take a nap.”

“Oh! No, I couldn’t!”

“Suit yourself,” Hana replied with a shrug. “But use it until we find you something more suitable to wear. You’re the Duchess’s guest, and it wouldn’t do for the servants to confuse you as a maid.”

Ivy blanched and nodded solemnly as she hurriedly reached behind her back to untie the apron.

Carina frowned as the Viscountess switched seats and settled down beside her.

“Ivy looks so drained of energy,” Hana whispered as she leaned towards the Duchess. “Perhaps we should summon a doctor to examine her later.”

“Let her have a decent meal and good night’s rest first,” Carina whispered back. “If she needs a doctor, then she’d much prefer me over some strange man.”

Ivy had never been one to seek medical attention, especially after an uncomfortable encounter with a local herb doctor.

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Hana murmured and then brushed her fingers through the curls of her blonde hair thoughtfully.

Ivy glanced between them with a look of unease as she pulled the Viscountess’s cloak around her shoulders. Soon enough, she settled down to curl up on the carriage seat and quickly closed her eyes.

‘She really was tired. Ivy would never dream of behaving that way around nobles otherwise, even if one of them was me.’

The Duchess rubbed the knot of tension in her shoulder and neck as she contemplated everything necessary to ensure Ivy would be comfortable at the Duchy.

‘For now, Ivy should get as much rest as possible before the Royal Hunt begins. I’ll bring her along if she feels up to it. There’s no better way to be reintroduced to high society than in the presence of Lafeara’s future King.’

A yawn broke free as Carina’s eyes fluttered shut, momentarily pulling her from the daydream of colored fabrics, designs, and dresses that would suit Ivy’s complexion and jade-green eyes. ‘I think Ivy knows how to ride. I seem to recall Gus mentioning something to that effect before.’

“Rest, Kirsi,” Hana whispered as she pulled the tired Duchess’s dropping head towards her right shoulder. “I will wake you both up once we’re back home.”

‘Home?’ Carina arched a brow even as she allowed Hana to pull her closer.

The richly decorated walls of Bastiallano’s castle were a far cry from her old room in the Turnbell family home. Carina had never once considered her residence in the palace as anything other than a temporary resting point.

‘It would be nice to have someplace I can call home.’ The Duchess smiled and placed her hand over Hana’s before allowing her heavy eyes to close. ‘This is close enough.’

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