The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 310 Pure Power

Chapter 310 Pure Power

In another section of the royal descendants, the colorful hair Huang Jaolong, the scholarly handsome Huang Dulong, and one strikingly intimidating young man conversed together.

This young man is one of the most essential youngsters of the imperial family.

His face carried a natural cold expression, and his presence emitted a chilling oppressive aura.

He was a young man who had already experienced numerous life-or-death situations, experiencing the sweet bitterness of Martial cultivation life.

This was the number one genius of the royal descendants, Huang Jielong!

Currently, these three were all conversing in solemn tones. Their eyes showcased a rare sight of severity that wouldn't be present within them under regular times.

Huang Jaolong had a slight tone of degrading as she was saying, "To think there would be a day where I…we need to seriously consider those brats. Grandmother sure is decisively nurturing them."

"That's to be expected." Huang Dulong lightly sighed. "There hasn't been a day where didn't favor them over us. But no use dwelling on the past or their minds. We need to see if we should ally with them or continue to ignore them. In my opinion, at least trying to ally with them would prove beneficial."

Huang Jaolong snorted. "Heh. Do you really think it will be so easy to forget this kind of ally? Those brats haven't experienced a small percentage of what we've been through. They haven't reached a stage where they can look at the bigger picture and ignore past transgressions. I don't doubt they both still greatly resent us. At least, Kali makes it known she does. The best option is to continue to ignore in this short duration."

"Perhaps, but I wouldn't underestimate those two. We can be at least assured they have prowess rivaling the Sacred Sage realm. Who knows how they reached Sky Sage so quickly? But this is just our opinion. What about you, Jielong?" Huang Dulong shifted focus.josei

Huang Jielong's expression remained ice-cold. He didn't even pause for a reply, instantly answering with, "Whether to ally or not, it would be better to decide after this duel. As you said, Dulong, it's best not to underestimate them."

At the highest seat of the royal section, just faintly above the other royal descendant, were Huang Zilong and Linlong.

These two held very different reactions compared to others.

Instead of Huang Dai and Xun's uncertainty. Instead of Huang Jielong's group's calculating nature.

Huang Zilong and Linlong were calm to a frightening degree,

A faint trace of a smile even curled the corner of Huang Zilong's lips as he quietly muttered, "From today onward can potentially change our entire balance."


The battle stage of the Huang Dragon coliseum was incredibly spacious.

It expanded for around 15 miles long and had an entirely gray metal stone surface.

Dragon insignia patterns decorated all across the battle stage, each looking just as extravagant as the art on the coliseum.

This battle stage may seem overly long, but it was truly necessary for fights containing mostly Divine Origin experts.

Clashes from Divine Origin experts cause powerful shockwaves and are hard to contain in a small space.

Although for this duel, nobody was expecting anything extravagant.

In the midst of everyone's discussion, a figure suddenly jumped on stage.

A handsome young man stands tall and proudly, basking in the eager atmosphere.

His Dragon robes majestically flapped against the rushing winds, his hands were confidently clasped behind his back, exuding a bearing that seemed indomitable.

Huang Linlong was ready to fight against an imperial child.

The moment Huang Linlong appeared, another figure also jumped onto the stage.

His appearance briefly shocked the whole coliseum. He was an incredibly handsome man, almost to a beautiful degree!

His shiny, long black hair flowed down to his shoulders, rhythmically waving in a hypnotic dance. His face was truly enthralling, with distinct qualities that were nearly impossible to ignore.

This young man's hands were similarly clasped behind his back in a supremely confident position, seemingly unconcern with the proceeding battle.

"So that's the seventh prince! His looks are really outstanding. He may even look better than the Crown Prince. Moreover, he really is in the Sky Sage realm!"

"He's up against a Divine expert but still looks so confident. It will be an intriguing show."

"Really, to think the seventh prince has such courage. I can't imagine the pressure he may be feeling."

Whispers broke about Cain's grand appearance. Every single eye was on him at that moment.

A character like Huang Linlong, despite having a far higher cultivation realm, was marginally ignored.

Huang Linlong could feel the attention shift from him. However, he kept his expression neutral.

Inwardly, he was thinking, 'The Imperial seventh prince…thankfully, he's not a Divine Origin expert. With this, I can grasp this as an opportunity for myself! I play my cards right; I can possibly even make an ally with the prince.'

As a plan of action formulated within Huang Linlong's mind, he put a polite smile, saying first, "Greeting seventh prince. It is an honor to duel with you."

"Indeed, it is an honor." Cain indifferently nodded.

Without pause, he looked to the skies, asking, "Grandmother, can we immediately begin?"

His decisiveness caught many and Huang Lulong a bit off guard. This boy almost seemed too eager, as if he had an untold amount of abilities for this fight.

The audience became increasingly intrigued.

While Huang Lulong still kept his calm confidence. A glint shimmered within his eyes. 'Then let me see what a Primal Sovereign talent can really do!'

At this time, Shi Wei's booming voice spread throughout the coliseum.


At the very start of the battle, everyone was intent on seeing Cain's first causal probing strike and inspecting just how powerful it would be.

However, Cain had a different plan in mind.

Many would not use their full strength in order to smartly conserve their reserves capacities.

But for Cain?

A cold killing intent arises within his Martial Heart.

He spared no expense, unleashing all of his strength from the very start!

'Chaos Spirit Force!'

'Draconic Lightning Aura!'

'Soul Form!'



A volcanic eruption exploded out of Cain!

Luminous blue lightning energy mixed with light shades of green shrouded Cain's body in a majestic, graceful energy aura.

His mighty Draconic Lightning Wings tore out of his back, ripping through his Dragon robes.

Cain's aura surged to unbelievable degrees. Within his dantian, his Qi Origin Marks pulsated, his Lightning Law Sphere poured unending streams of Lightning essence into the faint Lightning Law Marks, similarly causing them to pulsate, and his Sky Sage mist turned denser.

The battle stage arena shook beneath the explosion of aura.

Unbelievable power that belongs to a Sky Sage infused into the atmosphere, exuding a suffocating sensation.

This was the power of Cain's full strength!

In that moment, the whole coliseum fell into a stifling silence. Eyes were popped wide open, bodies were as stiff as statures.

Nobody could believe this unfathomable power they were sensing.

Huang Lulong's calm, confident demeanor collapsed. He bore the full brunt of Cain's full strength and immediately felt a massive threat to his life!

It was tremendously difficult to breathe, move, and to even think!

'Wasn't he just…no, he is just a Sky Sage warrior! So why is his prowess unfathomably strong?!?'

Huang Lulong felt a sense of terror, but he had no time to ponder such a question.

The moment he sensed a threat to his life, he immediately erupted his Inner World!

Divine Qi discharged, his Divine aura washed out with an imposing might, attempting to suppress Cain's aura.

One would expect Divine Qi to immediately suppress any mortal energy.

However, Huang Lulong Divine aura not only failed to suppress but was still drowned out by Cain's entire aura.

It was like a giant stone was getting thrown into an ocean. The stone was undoubtedly powerful, but against the mighty and endless ocean, it was only inevitable that it got washed away without any resistance.

Realizing this, ruthless spread through Huang Lulong's mind. His battle intent surged as he decided to not hold back a single bit.

'Sun Sword Art!'

Brilliant orange flames swirled out Huang Lulong, forming into his own energy aura.

Within his hands, a gleaming sword that continually exudes burning flames had suddenly appeared.

At this time, Huang Lulong was crazily revolving the Sun Sword Art, surging his Fire Law Marks, bringing forth his full power!

'Chi, Chi, Chi!'

Visible to the eyes were metal sparks, the sound of violent metal clashing reverberated throughout the silent coliseum.

The airwaves released by Huang Lulong's whole Divine aura struggled against Cain's full-powered aura.

Before fighting, the two geniuses had already clashed. Auras are a release of strength that can directly affect the environment.

Energy auras are at a higher level, being capable of discharging more of that person's strength.

And Huang Lulong was feeling an increasing sense of crisis. A large portion of his Divine aura was being reflected back onto him.

His own airwaves crashed down upon himself, and the sense of tremendous pressure hadn't lightened in the slightest.

Huang Lulong's pupils heavily contracted. 'Just how is he so lax using his full strength like this?! My energies reserves are already dropping by the second!'

At this thought, Huang Lulong knew he needed to finish this fight very quickly.

However, Cain had the exact same thoughts.

The only reason he waited this long to attack was to make his mark.

Now that no excuses could be made, it was time for the show to begin.

A cold smirk curled Cain's lips. His Draconic Lightning Wings flapped as he turned into a blue trail of lightning.

Cain's fist swung out with an indomitable pressure.

There was no skill or tact.

Only pure power.

Furthermore, his speed was amazingly swift. In an instant, he nearly crossed over a whole mile, approaching dangerously close to Huang Lulong's face.

Huang Lulong's pupils shrunk to pin needle sizes. He instinctively reacted, swinging his Blazing Sword out at speeds that seemed like an orange flash.

Lightning fist to the flaming sword, their attacks violently clashed.


Energy shockwaves burst all around, it being a mix of Divine energies and Mortal energies.

The shockwaves of the collision swirled around the entire coliseum.

Everyone could clearly sense who was the victor of the first clash.

"Ngn!" Huang Lulong stuffily grunted as he was sent flying out like a bullet.

He had to stomp his feet on the metal ground, dragging himself to halt his momentum.

Coming to a stop, Huang Lulong attempted to ferociously glare at Cain. But he couldn't suppress a lingering fear.

His blood was violently tumbling. Foreign chaotic energy was causing a great sense of discomfort throughout his internal body.

In just one strike, Huang Lulong came out in the losing position.

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