The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 311 Emotional Upheaval

Chapter 311 Emotional Upheaval

A Divine Origin expert, entirely using all of his Divine Qi, Divine Source Laws, Spirit Weapon, and Heavenly Rank cultivation manual, was unable to suppress a mere Early Stage Sky Sage.

But then again, was Cain just a mere Early Stage Sky Sage?

At this moment, it suddenly clicked in the surrounding audience's minds.

"Di-Divine Mortal?!?!?"

It was like an unintentional symphony as thousands of people blurted at the same time.

Martial Hearts waver at talent never seen before.

Many outright stood from their seats.

This was an unprecedented event ever since immemorial times!!

Cain could only feel please with everyone's reaction. And he suddenly had a devious idea to take it up a notch.

His Chaos energy surged, a bright green light flashed within his eyes, and a moment later, Cain had vanished!

The very next moment, he suddenly appeared right behind Huang Lulong as if he had instant teleportation.

"Space Laws?!"

The audience was pulled into even greater bewilderment, many not daring to believe what they had just witnessed.

'Huh?!' Huang Lulong felt a tremendous ominous sensation.

But his reaction time and the speed of his thoughts were far too slow to react to Cain's Chaos teleportation.

'Draconic Lightning Claw!'

Cain's arm flashed a blinding blue light. Lightning essence surged out of it, forming a dominating Draconinc Lightning Claw.

Cain's arm was like a streak of blue as he violently swung down at Huang Lulong's black!

At the split moment, a fiery red light attempted to cover Huang Lulong's black, trying to bring a flimsy defense.

With a thunderous bang, Huang Lulong was once again sent flying like a cannonball.

Blood squirted out of him in crimson streams. Powerful Lightning essence tore through his protective Divine aura and wreaked havoc in his internal body.

The pain was immense, yet no painful wails could be heard. Huang Lulong had violently gritted his teeth. At this point, complete ruthlessness shined within his eyes. His violent Draconic instincts emerge!

He didn't care about the use of his energies reserves, pouring a massive amount to suppress the invading energy.

At this time, Cain flapped his Draconic Lightning Wing, turning into a stream of blue light to pursue Huang Lulong.

The relentless pressure, massive humiliation, and tremendous pain all snapped Huang Lulong's mental state.

Before Cain could approach, Huang Lulong shouted with intensity on a similar level to a vicious beast.

"Haah!! Swords of Flames!"

A massive tornado of fiery sword lights erupted from Huang Lulong's body. It rose like a pillar of flames from beneath him while stopping his momentum.

His power was pushed to the absolute limit; he was unleashing a Heavenly Rank Killer Move!

The power surge caused Cain to briefly stop.

Martial Skills or Killer Moves can dramatically increase one's power output at the cost of a massive drain on energy reserves capacity.

Huang Lulong's Divine Qi and Divine Source Law reserve rapidly drained away in exchange for a powerful attack.

Submerged within, Cain's scenery was now a fiery hell.

The Sword of Flames had sword lights engulfed with Fire Law Marks, it all converging into a seemingly entrapping tornado.

For a brief moment, Cain felt a minor sensation of pressure.

Within the middle of the Sword of Flames, he calmly analyzed, 'If I was a normal opponent, this move would cause massive heat pressure. My defenses would be burned, and it would greatly drain my energies reserves capacity. Not a bad skill.'

He may be caught within, but Cain's presence didn't lighten in the slightest. In fact, his suffocating aura only increased.

His only plan of action to escape the entrapment was to overpower it with absolute strength!

Cain's palm opened, bringing out the golden Spiral Sword.

Spiral Sword in hand, Cain's prowess surged to a greater degree. The previous slight pressure was instantly vaporized.

Cain clenched down the Spiral Sword hilt, cleanly swiped out, and discharged a massive Draconinc Lightning Claw from the blade's tip.


The enhanced Draconinc Lightning Claw shredded the Sword of Flames tornado into wisps of orange lights!

There wasn't a single point of resistance!

'Damnit!' Huang Lulong grits his teeth, his mood dropping to the pits of the abyss.

That one move massively expanded his reserves capacity with zero success!

But just when Huang Lulong was worrying, a flash of an idea streaked through his mind.

In that moment, Cain had suddenly teleported to Huang Lulong's right side, his Spiral Sword slashing at him with lightning-like speeds.

This time, however, Huang Lulong was prepared.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed on his face. He poured over 50% of his energies reserves, a mix of both his Divine Qi and Divine Fire Source Law, into his right arm, causing the flesh and bones inside to painfully burst.

Because of such violent methods, his defense was at its absolute highest.

With a loud energy explosion, Huang Lulong was sent flying again, but he managed to just barely guard against Cain's teleporting strike.

As he soared, Huang Lulong gained a crazed smile. 'Let's see who's faster!'

Huang Lulong revolved his energies reserves to their absolute limit. Fire Law Marks erupted from his Inner World, soaring and temporarily infusing all throughout his internal body.

His whole body was engulfed in a massive form of brilliant flames. The flames rapidly converged, forming into a phantom of a fiery Sword ray!

'Light of Flame!'

Huang Lulong had fully turned into a phantom fiery Sword ray and streaked towards Cain at blinding speeds.

If any other 1stfall Divine Origin expert were to face this kind of speed, they would find it nearly impossible to react to!

Even Cain felt a noticeable sense of pressure.

However, before Huang Lulong even got close to him, Cain's Dragon slit pupils suddenly pulsated. Sharp fangs protruded from his mouth as he opened it wide, revealing his whole Draconic heritage.

In this instance, his soul energy fully erupted!

'Draconic Pressure!'

The Dragon blood within Cain's Soul Core burst out of his mouth in the form of a mighty dragon roar!

Cain's Dragon roar reverberated throughout the whole coliseum; his Draconic Pressure engulfed them all.

The peak Mortals directly collapsed to their knees.

1stfall Divine Origin experts felt a splitting headache nearly crack their minds open.

And even 2ndfall Divine Origin experts experienced a stuffing pressure in their chest.

All there, no matter if they were the royal descendants of the highest Huang Dragon figures, was genuinely enthralled by Cain's majestic Dragon presence.

And Huang Lulong, who bore the full brunt of the attack, abruptly stopped before vomiting a copious amount of blood!


Huang Lulong only had a lower tier of Huang Dragon blood within him. His variation of blood has been incredibly diluted by numerous degrees. It naturally couldn't compare to a direct royal descendent.

Against Cain's imperial bloodline, Huang Lulong Soul's Core and veins fearfully quivered as if it had met its true king! He had zero ways to resist!

Since Huang Lulong was completely defense, Cain took upon the opportunity.

He flashed right in front of Huang Lulong, crashing his fist straight onto Huang Lulong's chest.

Cain's punch brutally caved in Huang Lulong's chest, causing bones to crack and part of his lungs to rupture.

The residing fist force sent Huang Lulong flying off the battle stage, blood pouring from his mouth all throughout.

Moments later, he crashed onto the ground, forming a small crater in the soil.

Silence, complete and utter silence, engulfed the coliseum.

Bewilderment took whole the coliseum and even spread outside of it.

If anyone were to come close, they would feel a sense of an awe-struck sensation.

The same scenes continually replayed in everyone's minds.

First, Cain effortlessly dominates Huang Lulong, forcing him back with every move. Then unleashing attacks that directly affected thousands of powerful people.

When the realization struck them, it was like a nuke went off in the coliseum.

"The-the seventh prince! He really is a Divine Mortal!! This is too-this is just too shocking! Can this talent really be counted on the same level as others?!"

p "Divine Mortal…Divine Mortal…nobody in Middle or High God Galaxies or even smaller Heavenly Great Worlds can compare!"

"Ah! This is fate! This is our great destiny for us Huang Dragons!!"

The whole entire coliseum was in a state of intense emotional upheaval.

Youngsters shot to their feet, passionate excitement twisting their expressions, heat blasting from their eyes.

Young men had admiration in their gazes. While young maiden was swept by the atmosphere, gazing upon Cain as if he was a great hero.

The seventh prince had just showcased an immense disparity of Martial talent, reaching a level that is near impossible to achieve.

But were their Martial Hearts shaken?

Absolutely not!

In fact, many felt their Martial Hearts stir with a tremendous fiery blaze. A new invigorated hope inspired in them, a new future filled with countless riches was ahead of them.

This scene was quite similar to when Cain showcased heaven-defying Martial talent within Azure Lightning City.

At that time and in this current situation, his status underwent a fundamental change because of the future he could tread on.

Admits all the noise, the Dragon Elders and other high-up Huang Dragon figures were in the same state of excitement.

Many were secretly discussing among themselves, endlessly praising Cain.

"The seventh prince has not only grown-up, but he surpassed expectations to an immense degree! Now Supreme Ancestor actions make perfect sense."

"Indeed, indeed. Supreme Ancestor is always wise! She must've been biding her time since all this time."

"With this, the royal descendants' situations will forever change. I pray they can also see the huge light in this."

At the royal descendants' sections, Huang Zilong, Linlong, Dai, Xun, Dulong, Jielong, Jaolong, Leilong, and Keilong all had their world shocked to utter bits.

Some were even standing and unleashing intent gazes on their little brother, who was once a cultivation waste.

Their calm emotions were in chaos. Their Martial Heart trembled like a world-splitting earthquake.

At the same time, feelings that came from the depths of their very soul subconsciously slipped out of their mouths.

"Divine Mortal…for the rest of my life, I won't be able to forget this battle. A change is on the horizon!" Huang Jielong's cold face was now abnormally pale, but a fire was blazing within his eyes.josei

"Just how can they transform so quickly? This isn't the work, or more so, it is impossible to be the work of a higher master. It's coming from the depths of his soul!!" Huang Zilong's gaze had completely changed when looking at Cain.

Huang Linlong slowly nodded, saying, "I believe the decision is already set. It is imperative to get closer more than ever. A Divine Mortal can't be underestimated no matter the situation."

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