The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 397 Time For Battle

Chapter 397 Time For Battle

"Is that right? From what I'm already gathering, the other young masters must feel quite vexed about our mysterious origins, especially with these rumors going about. Thus, you little three are sent to probe us. But really, do you three honestly believe you can intimidate or subtly impose on us with just meager Peak Stages cultivation? Shouldn't you be warier of unknown foes?" Cain looked right into their eyes as he spoke.

No hesitation in his words, nor did his expression twist in the slightest.

His words were slightly grating on the Pue Faction members' ears. Their polite expressions dropped as they also dropped all pretenses.

Lin Ya, the woman, lightly snorted as she said, "You're talking quite the big game, eh? Do you really think of yourselves as invincible geniuses for simply beating Early Stages Great Divine Seas? Make no mistake, that prowess certainly isn't anything ordinary. But, there is always a higher mountain than you. Holy Lands have several talents just like you and even beyond yours and our comprehension. This also holds true for our battle arena."

When seeing that the other men were going to speak, Cain recalled that in this city, it was forbidden to fight in the streets.

The power of any Great Divine Sea and above is far too destructive for the environment.

Thus, Cain opted for words as he quickly cut off the young men. "Alright, alright. Will talking get us anywhere? Today, we'll go to the battle arena and let you and your faction leader personally witness whether those rumors are true or not."

Guo Qing suddenly crossed his arms with a sneer. "Oh? Do you honestly believe it will be that easy? In the first place, for your first battle, you will only be able to fight in the 150s league as the maximum limit. It's fair so that higher-ranked members can't instantly ponce on some fresh, new faces. Furthermore, from the 200s to 150s aren't any weak Early Stages. Most are Middle Stages and there are even Late Stages Great Divine Seas. I hope this doesn't change your minds."

He, Lin Ya, and Dai Jia couldn't help but develop a sense of suspicion and arrogance about the trio.

Hearing that a Divine Origin can cross over a major realm is just too fantastical to believe unless seeing it with their own eyes. Furthermore, this duo practically ignored everyone ever since they arrived!

Many wanted to know whether these two were just hoaxes or the real deal. And given their seemingly anti-social behavior, many were inclined to believe they were hoaxes, despite Zhou Ping's faction rumors.

Cain and Amber were already aware of the silent storm they caused. Now that they greatly increased their strength, the duo knew it was time.

His face never changed from that small smile. And his tone exuded the utmost confidence as Cain said, "Nope, not all. Well then, I suppose it is time for us to stop being so sneaky. We're going to the battle arena now."

After saying his piece, the duo promptly walked right past Zhou Pue's faction members.

Neither bothered to give them a glance back or even care about the intent looks they gave. They soon flew off only a moment later.

Guo Qing furrowed his brows while dangerously narrowing his eyes. "Well, would you look at this? Seems like their confidence is so high we weren't really needed. I suppose we should report back to the young master now."

Now that the duo cleared away, Ling Ya's expression suddenly shifted from light arrogance to cold and calculating.

She shook her head as she said, "Truthfully, I believe those rumors to really be all that they cracked up to be. If they can show even more, that'll be great. At least this way, the rankings will finally be shifted up. Those from the young master Pei and Fei factions are truly becoming too unruly. They really think they can sallow all other factions whole without even proper strength."

"You say they're unruly, but they truly have their reasons to be so arrogant. Honestly, for the last 5 years, Chun's number 1 position remained unmovable. And nobody could move Cho's 2nd ranked for almost two years now. These two are even stronger than some of the Elders. And their ambitions are growing with each passing day. If those two can really showcase something worthy, we should honestly try to form relations with them." Dai Jai said.

These three youths are indeed a bit arrogant and prideful, but as Divine Realm cultivators, they naturally have their own shrewd side.

Even though these three are more talented than the average person in lower God realms, they actually weren't that talented in this massive Sky Bless City. Naturally, life was numerous times tougher because of it.

They needed to adapt and survive. Thus, for fellow Divine Realm cultivators, not only did these three youths have a particular mindset, but countless others did as well.

This mindset of weighing the benefits and risks.

p The threat of death is practically always around the corner. For the sake of survival and one's own Martial Heart, shrewder, more calculative minds are necessary.

Of course, this didn't mean Divine Realm cultivators can't be genuinely welcoming or empathic. But that would only account on the basis of someone's strength.

Without strength, then nothing can be discussed.

Guo Qing nodded, adding, "And if they're really on subpar, then the young master will need to go with his different plan. Come on, let's get back."


"You really made quite the showy leave. But to think we need to actually ask to know just where this battle arena is." Amber lightly giggled, taking great plight in Cain's expression.

Cain awkwardly coughs while rubbing his nose. "Well, not like we've really been around this manor. Honestly, this place is too huge to wander on ours own. I really don't want to end up in some troublesome that could've been easily avoided."

At this moment, the duo took the direct trail back to Zhou Ping's faction courtyard. They of course anted to back up their confident words from before.

But truly, the Zhou Family's manor is far too massive!

The duo didn't take particular notice of it at first. Their minds were too warped with cultivation, nor did they take any initiative to further any relationship with their fellow faction members.

But now needing to explore, Cain found it bewildering that his Divine Sense, which can cover a range of over thousands of miles, still couldn't reach the edge of the manor.

The miracles of Space Laws and World Spirit Master arts truly were a sight to behold.

With Zhou Ping's badge warding off suspicions and their flight speed, it didn't take long for the duo to arrive back at the courtyard.

Upon arriving, the duo was glad to see that not only were Steward Que here, but also Zhou Ping. They were discussing some sort of event with other faction members.

As they got close, Cain's Chaos soul sense picked up on their conversation.

Steward Ques was the one talking as he said, "Young Master, it shouldn't be too long until the headmaster starts his yearly resource selection, right? I've calculated our improvement this year and...well, it may not be too pleasing to here."

The news didn't sound great, but Zhou Ping was unconcerned. He waved his hand with this seeming supreme confidence and said, "Steward Que, just give it to me straight. Normally, I would feel apprehension, but nowadays, I really feel like our luck will come around."

"I see..." Steward Que's brows tightened for a split second, briefly contemplating two certain people. His expression returned to calm a moment after as he said, "Right. Well, as I said, our faction isn't doing so terribly in the battle arena that it's a cry for concern. But we really need to tighten up our focus. Our members are losing far more often than winning. And we haven't been able to achieve a top-ranked winning in a great while. I'm afraid if he keeps up this kind of streak, there's potential for us to get demoted."

"Ah! That really could problem. But I just know if either Sir Lee or Miss Xun fights, our hopes will become brighter." One of the faction members eagerly chimed in.

A round of agreement was shared with the others. None of them doubted the duo's prowess and only wanted them to show why their faction still deserves respect.

Even Zhou Ping had the same kind of hope. However, he still kept his composure as he said, "Now, now, we really don't want to unnecessarily pressure them. Moreover, the deadline for them to join isn't even up yet. Besides, their talent is not an excuse for us to slack on our training. Sir Lee and Miss Xun should be goals we are working towards to match."

"Mn. I agree young master. I even have plans in the future to go into closed-door cultivation for a breakthrough in my arts." Steward Que spoke in a determined tone.

At this moment, Cain and Amber had already reached the faction courtyard.

Cain and Amber's arrival alerted them all. Intent gazes settled right upon them.

Zhou Ping had a broad smile as he went up to greet them. "If it isn't Sir Lee and Miss Xun? I hope you both had a good time exploring our Sky Bless City?"

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