The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 398 Top 150s

Chapter 398 Top 150s

Giving a smile in reply, Cain said, "Mn. It was a nice little walk, and we got what we needed. But afterward, Xun and I felt a particular interest. Young master Ping, I believe it's time for us to step into the battle arena."

Those words were spoken so causally, but with supreme confidence. It was as if he didn't see any fear or danger in going to the battle arena.

Waves of murmur leaked from the surrounding faction members. Excitement plainly crossed their expressions.

"Ah! They're finally going to fight! The other factions were truly thinking too much of themselves after all this time. Oh, I can't wait to see their dumbfounded faces when the marvelous duo crushes whoever they face."

"Hmph. If not for the first-time rule, I suspect the marvelous duo could face even the top 30s. But I do hope they face someone from either young master Pei or Fei's faction. I can't deal with how much pride they think they have now."

"Whatever it is, this will be a grand event for everyone to witness Divine Origin geniuses in the making."

All faction members' expectations continue to rise. This was great hope brought about by the marvelous duo's extreme Martial Talent. Nobody there would dare to say they have more talent than them.

'Marvelous Duo?' Cain and Amber didn't outwardly react, but they felt slight amusement over such a nickname. In the end, they also felt that it quite suited them.

"Ah, you finally want to go? Excellent!" Zhou Ping shared equal excitement. He turned over to Steward Que and indicated to follow as he said, "Alright, let's set off promptly. With me and Steward Que, there won't be any type of funny business that typically occurs for any other first-timers."

When hearing this, the other faction members gained an idea. They all shared a look and then promptly split off to spread the news.

A moment later, Zhou Ping and Steward Que took the lead as they flew off from the courtyard.

Zhou Ping flew towards the right side of the manor.

Because of how massive everything was, it took a couple of minutes to actually reach the battle arena.

The battle arena area itself took up its own huge section with the manor. It was specifically designed far different from the rest of the manor, looking more akin to a glorious coliseum that was built with luxurious Divine essence stones which produce a mesmerizing glow.

The battle arena had to stretch on for at least several hundreds of miles. It took up such a large surface area to the point it had no problem fitting hundreds of thousands of people!

At this time, the battle arena was moderately populated. Not too many were out fighting out, but still a considerable amount given the numerous factions across the bloodline descendants.

Zhou Ping's appearance instantly brought about attention.

No matter if they came from a different faction, everyone was wondering what caused the young master to come out himself. Nobody could identify those ordinary-looking youths trailing behind them.

Zhou Ping didn't give anyone a chance to question or stop him. He immediately flew straight into the battle registration corridor and ended up in an oval-shaped room.

There were several other faction members already here, each of them lined up at several front desks.josei

Cain only took light regard for the design of the place. It didn't look too different from God Galaxies' usual luxurious affairs. But what did catch his interest were the golden crystal orbs on each front desk.

These golden crystal orbs weren't anything ordinary or marital related. They all held the presence of Spirit energy!

Amber's eyes lit up for a brief moment as she transmitted to Cain, 'I can't clearly detect it but those far more powerful far surpasses red Spirit energy by a planet-wide margin. I never thought I would be able to see it so soon...but this is golden class Spirit energy! And the ones who control those orbs are golden class World Spirit Master!'

When she brought attention to it, Cain did notice that the people behind the counter that were holding the crystal orbs all wore golden color robes and exuded a powerful Spiritual presence.

Even a gold-class World Spirit Master, a powerhouse equivalent to Divine Star experts just at the Early layers, was only a receptionist in the Zhou Family.

Cain could really understand that this family truly has more depths than he realized.

At this time, unaware of the duo's hidden conversation, Zhou Ping tossed his gaze around the front desks.

His appearance did cause great attention. But he ignored all as he settled his eyes on one desk that had a charming woman as the gold class-level World Spirit Master.

She had just finished up with her last person and Zhou Ping decided to directly stroll up at that moment.

When the charming woman saw Zhou Ping, she brightly smiled, showcasing pearly white teeth that seemed to sparkle. Her expression then lit up with curiosity as she observed the two youths trailing behind Zhou Ping.

The charming woman spoke in an elegant tone. "If it isn't young master Ping. It's been a little bit. And it seems you have experienced some changes since then. These two are the newest members who are causing so many rumors, I assume?"

Zhou Ping lightly laughed. "Indeed they are. This is their first time coming to register at the battle arena. I personally came down with Steward Que just in case to prevent any mishaps. I know how special these other World Spirit Masters can act."

With a dazzling smile that can swoon the hearts of men, the woman eagerly said, "You never have to worry about that with me, young master. I always promote fairness above all else."

At this moment, Cain and Amber strolled up to the desk.

Amber's face was complete indifference, while Cain had a small smile. He stared directly into the gold-class World Spirit Master's eyes without any hint of trepidation. "I suppose we should introduce ourselves, right? My name is Lee, and this is my wife, Xun. We're both here to challenge."

"Ah, right." The woman seemingly kept a professional mask. But internally, she wasn't sure why, but she felt a chill crawl through her.

This boy's gaze penetrated right into her mind. He clearly wasn't here to mess about or boast, even with Divine Origin cultivation. Any lingering suspicions or doubt within the woman's mind was temporarily suppressed.

She hurriedly took out two badges from under her desk and handed them over to the duo.

Without even needing to be prompted, the woman took the initiative to explain, "All Sir and Miss needs to do is pour your soul energy into these badges. Once a connection is formed, you will appear on the battle ranking. And as first-timers, nobody can challenge you. But you can only choose all the way up to 150."

"In total, just how big is the battle ranking? We didn't ask before." Amber suddenly spoke up to ask.

"This...the number is quite lengthy. With so many bloodline descendants, each with their own large factions, I can estimate there are around 400 warriors who can even make the battle ranking. The rest were unable to defeat even their first foes. I would suggest Sir and Miss go for the high 300s range if you want a decent reputation. These people are mainly peak Early Great Divine Sea warriors."

"Just the early stage?" Cain had to fight back a scoff. "Not interested in that. But this large number is curious. Just how powerful are the ones at the 150 mark?"

The woman was a bit taken aback at how confident both he and Amber were. Their bearing was unwaveringly calm as if they have the true mark of geniuses.

Shaking her head of this thought, the woman still tried to explain it with genuine slight worry on her face. "The 150s are mostly Late Stages Great Divine Sea warriors with special prowess. Some made it to the peak of the Stage. While others had a high fall stage when breaking through the Divine Origin realm! I'm sure you're aware of what this means, right?"

The Divine Origin realm to the Great Divine Sea realm is a massive chasm any Divine realm cultivator must temper themselves to crossover.

Many wanted to simply rush through the Divine Origin realm to reach the Great Divine Sea realm.

However, doing the bare minimum of just reaching the 3rdfall stage severely limits one's combat prowess and future Martial talent.

Each fallstage one can surpass will cause great changes to one's Inner World. Their Inner World space stability becomes several times more powerful and the borders of the Inner World greatly expand.

After the Divine Origin realm, it becomes increasingly harder to strengthen the Inner World space stability. It requires a tremendous load of essence and surpassing fall stages provides this kind of essence.

With better space stability, the more powerful energy any Martial cultivator can absorb. A weak Inner World space can't possibly absorb the energy from even the Divine Star realm.

Another advantage in the fall stages is the greater Inner World essence marks. Not only do essence marks strengthen space stability, but it also expand one's energy reserves and increase the thickness of their energy.

With more essence mark energy layering on top of each other, it perfectly fuses together to create a thicker form of energy, thereby enhancing one's prowess by several degrees.

Even if one has average attainment in either the Source Law or Heaven and Earth Path, the more essence marks can still raise their prowess far beyond the ordinary cultivator.

And finally, which is perhaps the biggest advantage, the greater the fall stage, the better one's comprehension would be about the Divine Way.

A high fallstage cultivator could potentially comprehend a greater portion of Divine Qi and Divine Laws than even a Middle Stage Great Divine Sea expert. This all causes their Spiritual Sea perception abilities to broaden to unimaginable levels. The borders of their Spiritual Sea massively increase to where one's mind can process things at sonic speeds.

Increasing the Spiritual Sea in the Divine Origin realm prevents the difficulties one faces in the Great Divine Sea realm and above. Where wanting to increase your Spiritual Sea perception and borders is just as immensely difficult as strengthening the Inner World space stability.

If one can accumulate in the Divine Origin realm and reach high fallstages, their future would be very bright!

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