The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 399 Direct Descendants

Chapter 399 Direct Descendants

Cain and Amber were both already aware of Great Divine Sea differences.

Cain could even recall his grandmother saying, '3rdfall has no future beyond being a weak Divine Star person. 4thfalls have the possibility of reaching the Divine Ruler realm. 5thfalls can challenge the Holy King borders. 6thfalls are possible minor Heavenly Venerates. 7thfalls are average Heavenly Venerates. 8thfalls are perfect Heavenly Venerates with the slightest possibility of going beyond. And 9thfalls...they're a rare legend that even Divine Mortals have a tough time achieving.'

Her lessons made Cain briefly confused at this moment.

Wanting to reach higher fall stages requires Dao Core Traces and fully comprehending every single bit of its essence.

This was the equivalent of perceiving the slightest trace of the grand Great Daos themselves. Only this way can one quickly create both Divine Qi and Divine Law essence Marks.

On paper, the tasks seemed relatively simple.

But actually doing it is an immense challenge for anyone. The Spiritual Sea would be extremely slow when comprehending the complex, mysterious principles within the Dao Core Trace.

Furthermore, if one reaches their talent limit, their Spiritual Sea would never be able to surpass a certain border. They would be forever stuck within one fall stage, forcing them to form their Great Divine Sea.

Thus, 3rdfall and 4thfalls are the most common. 5thfalls are several times more special, but not anything completely outrageous. While 6thfall and up are great genius territories.

But just reaching the 5thfall stage alone should be an immense challenge for even great geniuses.

However, when Cain and Amber poured their all into cultivating, neither had any problem in reaching the 5thfall stage. They easily shattered through the Martial perception barriers that formed within their Spiritual Seas. And they can smoothly control the Dao Core Traces essence to form new essence marks.

Cain could even say it was as easy as breathing for him. The only thing he could attribute this to was his innate high comprehension and attainment level, which is far superior to even other special geniuses.

Shi Wei even taught him that a high attainment level matters if one wants a bright future. But what attainment level was needed for such a smooth time within the Divine Origin realm was a mystery to Cain.

Plus, there are also the mystical principles of the black lightning fused within their cells. The help it provides is equally great, though its origin is still unknown.

Even so, Cain and Amber know of the power difference a fall stage Great Divine Sea warrior would have. Some of them can possibly cross a small, minor boundary in terms of their prowess.

However, none of this could even make a small dent in the duo's determination.

Cain's small smile never changed as he said, "We are aware of the differences. But we are also aware of where our own prowess lies. I will be fighting first, so please show me around the 150s."

The charming woman felt a bit puzzled. That brief sensation she felt before and Zhou Ping's seemingly great confidence. When she glanced over at Zhou Ping, he only had a confident smile, as if this decision was the most natural thing in the world.

Before she could say or do anything else, a loud clamor suddenly erupted around them.

" think not only young master Ping is here but also young master Pei! Seems like exciting about to happen."

"I'm not surprised. Those two, despite looking unassuming, are supposed to be great geniuses that can face Great Divine Sea warriors despite their Divine Origin cultivation. I don't believe it, but who knows? Maybe they do have some tricks up their sleeves."

"I'm not expecting much really. They could just face the weakest warriors in the battle arena to just scrape by. Maybe they have some skill in controlling an artifact or talisman to enhance their strength."

Previously, discussions were quiet because of Zhou Ping's presence. But now, with another direct bloodline descendent and someone ranked higher than Zhou Ping, the faction members started to feel a surge of courage.

At this time, a handsome young man slowly strolled into the registration room.

Every step of his exuded great confidence. His presence could engulf anyone. Arrogance and pride stemmed from his very bones. The flashy, golden robes he wore perfectly suited his proud attitude.

Cain's Divine Sense swept over this young man and he felt slightly surprised. This guy far surpasses Zhou Pei. He was actually a Late-Stage Great Divine Sea warrior.

'Thinking about, didn't we read this guy was 5th ranked among the descendants? No wonder he could swagger about like this,' Amber suddenly transmitted to Cain's mind.

Cain held similar sentiments and didn't even feel threatened by this young man at all. He simply kept quiet for this proceeding show.

Zhou Pei didn't spare anyone else a glance. Only a brief gaze landed on Cain and Amber before he focused entirely on Zhou Ping.

Without any warning, he calmly strolled over to Zhou Ping while saying, "Well, well, Pei? You're finally deciding to show off your new cards? Really, I wonder what level your geniuses will challenge for their first time?"

Zhou Ping's face slightly twitched. His expression nearly collapsed, but he managed to maintain a decent public facade. Naturally, he can't lose face no matter who it is. Especially against his rival siblings.

Just when Zhou Ping was about to speak, Cain suddenly spoke up. His voice was calm without a hint of wavering as he said, "Young master Pei. I was just about to challenge someone in the 150s."

He didn't need to say anything more. His words instantly caused a great round of jeers.

"Really? Really? Hahaha!! Does this kid really believes beating some ordinary Early Stages with some tricks is the same as fighting a high fall stage Late Great Divine Sea warriors?! Truly too much of a joke..."

"At least this way, we can see whatever cheating means he has in the open. His confidence has to come from somewhere."

"To think he's really going to bring his young master down like shameful."

Many disdained, others joked around, and the more average faction members felt second-hand embarrassment at the thought of disgracing their young master.

Everyone's reactions weren't exaggerated at all. After all, nobody was able to record Cain and Amber's first duel. Then after that, neither made any public appearances until today.

Without actual proof, how can anyone so willingly believe a genius legend that not even many across the whole Divine Boundless Heaven can be achieved by two nameless youths?

The spread of rumors started for people to believe items, tricks, or cheating were involved. Anything that didn't involve the duo's personal prowess made the most sense.

Even Zhou Pei had a mocking smile as if he had just found a greatly amusing clown. He was about to talk, but Cain had already ignored him and everyone else.

Cain wordlessly grasped the Spirit Crystal Orb, injecting his Divine Sense into it. His mind was promptly taken to a large list floating in a black void.

On the list was every warrior that managed to make it on the battle ranking.

Cain moved fast and spread his Divine Sense all the way until he reached the 150s range. He only needed a moment before choosing a perfect target that'll benefit him, Amber, and Zhou Ping's whole faction.

His soul energy poured inside this person's name, causing it to glow up just a second later.

When the process was done, Cain's mind returned to the room. Everything had happened in an instant from the outsider's perspective.

And before anyone could speak, Cain's battle badge glowed up and an indifferent voice ranged out from it.

"Participant 150 Luo Shi had accepted the challenge. New participant head to battle stage 3 immediately."

The reaction was instantaneous.josei

"Hm?! He actually went through it! Not only that, he chose Luo Shi??"

"This kid must be really ignorant. That Luo Shi is ruthless and cold as they come. His Sword Laws are terrifying and he's a 5thfall Late Stage Great Divine Sea warrior. I haven't seen Luo Shi lose or even struggle with any other Late Stage warrior. This kid is too naïve."

"But now that he made his move, it's impossible to back down. Hehe, unless he actually does forfeit. But that would be more shameful than just losing outright."

Zhou Pei's mocking smile only broadened after this little stunt. "You truly don't know what disparity means, do you?"

All reactions, jeers, and disdain landed on death ears for Zhou Ping's group.

p Cain simply asked Zhou Ping, "Can young master lead the way? There's nothing to say here."

As he spoke, he stared directly into Zhou Ping's eyes. His natural aura concentrated only on Zhou Ping.

Truthfully, Zhou Ping felt drawn to argue back and not simply take this bullying. But that all stopped with one look from Cain.

That seemingly ordinary face contained a terrifying gaze. One that couldn't be ignored or argued against. Only obeyed with absolute obedience.

Zhou Ping quickly sobered up and nodded with his previous calm smile.

Then He, Steward Que and flew right out under everyone's gaze. Following behind them were Cain and Amber. Their direction headed directly over to battle stage 3.

"Hmph. This kid wants to act all mysterious. Alright, I'll see just what tricks he has that fooled everyone else in that faction." One faction member called out, and many others agreed with him.

Some still stayed, as they already showed very little interest in this matter. But all else rushed over to battle stage 4.

Zhou Pei knitted his brows. He wasn't actually able to get in a word in with Cain's decisive and quick movements. The feeling of slight annoyance sprang within him.

Zhou Pei similarly strolled towards the battle stage, though his route was different from others.

At this time, the charming woman stood bewildered. A weird thought couldn't stop from appearing within her mind. 'Could-could he really win all on his own?'

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