The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 406 50%

Chapter 406 50%

The first day Cain wanted to comprehend this simple yet complex statement, it caused a powerful headache that nearly threaten to split his head in half.

For any other mere mortal cultivator, these Chaos Words would have smashed their Spiritual Sea apart. Even Divine realm cultivators wouldn't be able to escape their Spiritual Sea from collapsing.

Cain could tell that even his unfathomable grandmother would be powerless against Chaos Words. After all, her soul sense is simply unable to ever perceive the principles that lie within Chaos energy.

Only Cain, because the Chaotic Emerald created a permanent link within his soul's core, could he continue to perceive Chaos Words.

The splitting headache he experienced on the first day gradually change to a more comfortable sensation.

As of today, Cain could finally perceive Chaos Words with a calm expression.

The principles of 20% Chaos energy were nearly completed by Cain's Spiritual Sea. He only needed a little bit of time now.

With each passing minute, the sensation of a perception barrier breakthrough gradually emerged.

This was the final separation Cain needed to barrel through.

In Cain's mind, only a few minutes passed so far. But on the outside, 4 hours had already passed.

Amber lazily watched on as nothing different happened within these hours. But after only a few minutes later, a flash of green sparkled within her vision.

"Hm?" Amber suddenly sat right up, her expression finally shifting into curiosity.

A faint layer of green energy slowly shrouded Cain's body. It appeared nearly translucent at first, but as the minutes went by, it started to manifest more into reality.

Soon enough, this green energy completely shrouded Cain in the same manner as his Draconic Lightning aura.

Narrowing her eyes, Amber made a guess. 'I can't sense any of its principles, so this must be Chaos energy? Wow...this is...'

Amber felt drawn into the Chaos energy. She couldn't even blink her eyes in fear of missing even a second of Chaos energy. This was the first time Chaos energy left such an immense impression on her. It was night and day compared to the Chaos energy used before.

5 more hours passed by within a blink of an eye.

Neither Amber nor Cain was even aware of the passage of time.

At this moment, the perception barrier for the 3rd layer of Chaos energy fully formed inside Cain's Spiritual Sea.

Cain remained calm. He only needed one final push to break this barrier.

All of his Chaos energy perception accumulation gathered at this very moment. Soul energy continually flowed into Cain's Spiritual Sea, enhancing his thoughts to his absolute limit.

After a few moments, a thought gradually formed. 'Chaos energy is the foundation of everything. If I wish to fully control it, I will need to fully fuse into its principles. I need to harmonize with Chaos. My soul and Chaos energy will completely fuse together!'

The soul energy swimming through Cain's Spiritual Sea suddenly converged altogether. The massive stream of soul energy shot forth and into the Chaos energy perception barrier, overloading it within a few seconds.

Green cracks of Chaos started to appear. The principles of 3rd layer Chaos energy exuded from these cracks.

With his utmost focus, Cain poured his soul energy into these barrier cracks. There was only a tiny amount of resistance that his soul energy easily shredded right through.

Once it broke past the resistance, Cain's soul energy could just barely grasp 3rd layer of Chaos energy!

It was like a dam broke after this point.

Soul energy poured in like unending rain, overloading the perception barrier until it completely shattered apart!


The sound of millions shards of glass cracking rattled Cain's mind.

His Spiritual Sea, body, Soul Space, and Inner World all trembled violently!

The Ancient Chaos book pulsated like a beating heart. It automatically turned to its third page and burst out a blinding stream of brilliant Chaos energy!

All of the Chaos energy was absorbed into Cain's body as if he was a magnetic force.

As Chaos energy flowed through every inch of Cain's being, he didn't stay lax at all. His soul energy stayed intent as it smoothly controlled the whole breakthrough phenomenon.

Within Cain's soul space, the Ancient Chaos book continually pumped the Chaotic Emerald with an abundance of 3rd layer Chaos energy.

The Chaotic Emerald quivered and at the same time, discharged continuous Law threads of Chaos energy. These Law threads were the direct essence of the entire Chaotic Emerald. And now, the Law threads were completely fusing into the entirety of Cain's Soul Space!josei

Previously, the Chaotic Emerald could only be considered as half-fused into Cain's soul.

The Spiritual Soul level, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level of soul Laws were all too weak to withstand the true Chaos essence of the Chaotic Emerald.

Now at 4th level soul Laws and 100 soul Law Marks, Cain's soul space just barely reached the standards to properly fuse with the Chaotic Emerald.

Immense power flowed through Cain's body. The remnant force of Chao energy that didn't absorb into the soul space fused into various other parts of Cain's internal body.

To his bloodline, muscles, bones, and Inner World, flickers of Chaos energy fused all inside.

On the outside, Amber was half mesmerized and confused.

The Chaos glow on Cain's body intensifies. It seemed he was reaching a new layer of power. However, there wasn't any huge explosion of shock waves, air trembling, or the ground crumbling to bits.

The only different thing was the atmosphere. Amber couldn't quite put her finger on it. But things simply felt old, as if she had just suddenly encountered a boundless Ancient god that was beyond this Heaven.

Neither her body nor mind felt pressured. And yet, Amber felt a gripping sensation that crushed her soul.

For a brief moment, her expression nearly twisted in fear. But this boundless sensation vanished a moment later.

The Chaos glow shrouding Cain had also recalled into his body. Silence engulfed everything for a few seconds.

Then, without any warning, Cain snapped his eyes open. Both his pupils shined a hypnotic green brilliance. For a time, it felt as if the whole world was dyed by the green brilliance.

Amber didn't even realize that her legs started to move on their own. The pull from that green brilliance was far too amazing.

However, a second later, the green brilliance vanished from Cain's pupils. His mind returned to reality and an ear-reaching grin split across his face.

He pumped his fist together and quickly stood up in a faint green flash. "This is...tremendous! This power difference is beyond all my expectations! Heh, much less a half-step Divine Star warrior, I have no doubt in crushing a fully Early Stage one without even my full power."

"Oh? Your confidence sure did take another surge?" Amber had already gotten close to Cain after breaking away from that sudden trance.

She curiously scanned her eyes up and down his body, asking, "So? Just what are the specific differences? You know I can't sense anything about Chaos energy."

Cain opened his palm in response. "With this new, I have 50% control over Chaos energy and it's now completely fused into my soul. I'll have a much easier time using it and it's far less of a drain on my energy reverses. Also..."

Glimmers of Chaos energy suddenly spewed up from Cain's open palm. The green streams didn't flow high into the skies, only extending about five meters.

These streams of Chaos energy quickly converged, turning into the form of several green energy chains.

Through Cain's smooth control, the Chaos chains rhythmically swayed in a hypnotic pattern.

Amber was certainly enthralled by the spectacle. Her eyes visibly glowed as she asked, "I've never seen this before? Some sort of new skill?"

"Mn. It is." Cain proudly nodded. "These Chaos Chains were something I could've learned while in the 2nd layer but never gotten the chance to do so. But now at the 3rd layer, it just automatically came into my mind."

"I Now that you sufficiently overpower yourself for an already easy match, what are you going to do now?"

Dispersing the Chaos Cains, Cain suddenly smiled and hugged Amber's amazingly warm and soft body.

He then lifted her chin to give her small, cute lips a searing kiss.

"Ahn~..." Amber seductively moaned into the kiss. Pleasurable sensations made her body tingle to her core.

As her tongue open to coil around Cain's tongue, she pulled his body in tight, pressing her voluptuous breasts right into his chest.

When it seemed like they were about to get lost in the hot kiss, Cain pulled back, a trail of saliva connecting his and Amber's lips.

He huskily said, "Let's just enjoy the rest of the day. I'm feeling a bit restless."

The same lustful hunger was apparent in Amber's eyes. "Mn~. Fine...I can't stop a beast like you anyway."

Despite what she said, Amber licked Cain's lips in a slow, sensual manner. The very taste of each other was enough to send shivers down their very bodies.

Certainly, the following hours would be the usual indulgence in soul-melding pleasure only known to Cain and Amber.

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