The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 407 4th Ranked

Chapter 407 4th Ranked

At the highest point of the Zhou Family Manor. Here held the chambers of the top-level figures of the entire Martial Family.

In one of these chambers, a grand meeting was under its way.

A handsome young man wearing bright, purplish, golden robes stood bowed with immense respect. This normally proud young man now with a subservient expression was Zhou Ling.

Meters away from Zhou Ling was a majestic man with overwhelming royal grace. The older man sat proudly upon his royal throne, a calm expression gracing his handsome face.

To Zhou Ling, he couldn't detect a hint of this man's natural aura. It was as if the man's cultivation mastery reached such a high degree that he can seemingly blend into the environment.

His presence was simultaneously serene and ominous.

Zhou Ling certainly felt that with just a thought from this man, he would be erased from existence.

This man was a Holy King, but not just any Holy King. He's a Holy King expert that cultivated within this realm for hundreds of thousands of years already!

His level of mastery in both Divine Essence and Divine Laws couldn't even be comprehended by even zenith Divine Rulers.

This Holy King is the headmaster of the entire Zhou Family, Zhou Kei.

Against his father, Zhou Ling didn't dare to show even the slightest bit of arrogance. His tone was a bit stiff as he started to speak. "Royal father...I know what says always go. But...can royal father please reconsider this duel. Both Lee and even Xun showcase power that is clearly beyond most, if not all, Great Divine Sea warriors. Just a few days ago, Lee had already easily killed off 30th ranked Lai Bai in one move. And Lai Bai, while only an ordinary Extreme Great Divine Sea, still holds that even more, talented Extreme Stages can't so causally kill off in one move. His talent should be more than evident to those people."

Zhou Kei remained expressionless. He didn't look like he was considering his pleas, but after a moment of silence, he spoke up. "Whatever strange relationship you have with Lei Bi, leave it behind. Remember, this is not only for ourselves but for the betterment of our family. Cloudsea's requirements are immensely strict, rightfully so. The high Elders need to study pure brilliance to truly accept both of them. If either one of them can achieve this, we will have several connections to Cloudsea. One being that Lee and Xun have direct connections to Ping and owe him a favor. And two being that this will be a great service towards the Cloudsea Holy Land. Talents that are superior to even Divine Decree Lords are practically nigh-impossible to come by. Any Holy Land or even a Heavenly Great World would be grateful to receive talents like these."

"This..." Zhou Ling lowly muttered, but couldn't finish his sentence.

Sacrifices always have to be made. Zhou Ling clearly knows of this. But out of all sacrifices, this one made him feel the most complex in his heart.josei

His mind frantically searches for any other solution. When one thought suddenly streaked into his mind, he instantly latched on to it.

His expression turned slightly hopeful. "Royal father, has there been any news on either Cho or Chun? They're both at the very top of the battle ranking and are Divine Star warriors. Surely, they would do as better challenges for talent."

Zhou Kei slowly crossed his arms with patience. "Both Cho and Chun are still out on missions. But even then, pitting them against either Lee or Xun won't benefit anyone. They may have talent surpassing Emperor Tier on the Divine Decree. But to go beyond two major realms as if they're equal to Divine Mortal? That's still far too unlikely. And even if they were Divine Mortal, we wouldn't be able to wither that storm. You're not privy to such news, but the waves in our Heaven are far greater than what most can possibly expect."

At this point, Zhou Kei stared directly into Zhou Ling's eyes. His presence subtly shifted. A commanding aura engulfed the entire atmosphere. "Now that you are aware, this discussion is over. I'd suggest informing Lei Bi to prepare as much as possible."

"Yes, royal father." All Zhou Ling could do was follow his father's absolute order.

In Zhou Ling's mind, he clearly understood the reasonings. If a Divine Mortal were to be found in their mere Zhou Family, just Cloudsea Holy Land strength would be enough to forcibly snatch them away.

But things won't be just as simple as snatching them away.

The competition for a Divine Mortal would always be intense. Zhou Ling can even directly recall that the last Divine Mortal, the Peerless Sovereign, had direct ties to Crimson Thunder Heavenly World despite belonging to the Sacred Martial Palace.

It was safe to assume that any Divine Mortal would be connected to any Heavenly Great World. The treatment of Divine Mortals also extends to Emperor Tier geniuses to a certain extent.

One major realm combat prowess is something only a mere handful of Divine Decree Lords have. Other than them, it is practically a one-in-a-million chance to gain an Emperor tier genius.

Even though that Lee and Xun were only in the Divine Origin realm, it was highly possible that their combat prowess won't dwindle at all given their increasing strength with each passing battle.

It all made sense that other people would become stepping stones for their and everyone around them better future.

However, even though it made sense, Zhou Ling's Martial Heart couldn't accept a single bit of it.

No emotions could be seen on Zhou Ling's face as he stood up and swiftly left the chamber.


Zhou's battle arena 5.

A huge commotion, larger than most other duels, occurred in this battle arena. Many had high expectations to witness another crushing battle of the highest spectacle.

Discussions swirled like a buzzing stone.

"Miss Bi has been in the 4th ranking spot for so long until today. I can't even remember the last time she fought. But what a shame it is. To have your first fight back be against that monstrous Sir Lee."

"Miss Bi Lightning Laws is quite terrifying. It could even shatter Metal Laws to absolute pieces. But against Sir Lee? I'm afraid the ranking spot won't ever be the same after today."

"Sir Lee also uses Lightning Laws. I wonder who's going to be more superior? Even with a Heavenly-grade Lightning source, Miss Bi's chances don't look all that high."

Indeed, the ones fighting are the highest rank Lei Bi and the terrifying newcomer Cain.

Some time ago, nobody would believe an ordinary-looking person like Cain could ever reach this point.

Now, many didn't even believe that 4th ranked Lei Bi, an expert known to be invincible under the Divine Star realm, could win.

No matter the case, all faction members know this will be one of the greatest fights in the past years.

Up in the bloodline descendent section, Zhou Ping and Zhou Ling sat a reasonable distance between each other.

Zhou Ping was only slightly worried about Cain's chances of victory. After all, Lei Bi wasn't like any opponent he faced so far.

But his worries couldn't possibly match up with Zhou Ling's worries.

When Zhou Ping gazed over at Zhou Ling, he was barely surprised to see an evident grave expression plastering his face.

Zhou Ping spoke in a low tone of voice. "I didn't think much of it before, but...she is a bit different to you than the others, right?"

Zhou Ling briefly paused. Complex emotions swirled in his eyes, but he suppressed everything. He clearly knows many things are out of his hands.

Moreover, he held no confidence in facing Cain himself, despite his Extreme Great Divine Sea cultivation.

Still, despite his mental state, Zhou Ling only gave a cold snort. "Does it matter you to? No matter what happens, by the end of this duel, only you will be victorious."

"Yea. I suppose so..." Zhou Ping trailed off while turning his attention to the battle stage.

On the battle stage, a beautiful woman stood proud, like a sharpened sword on the left half. She wore traditional black Martial robes that complemented her long, flowing black hair. Her expression remained calm and unwavering like a flowing stream of water.

Nerves and tension emerge in her body, but her determination never wavers. In her hands held a long, sleek silver sword that had unique markings carved along its bladed part.

This calm woman, even in the face of great danger, was 4th ranked Lei Bi.

Any arrogant disposition she would usually have completely disappeared at this moment. Even her Divine Aura quietly flowed out of her, waiting to erupt at a moment's notice.

Lei Bi only spared a single line with Cain. "So it comes down to this. Please advise."

Despite being a mile away, Cain could still hear her through Divine Qi amplification in her voice.

Cain similarly cupped his fist. He could respect a person who can stay greatly calm in the face of immense danger. "Indeed. Let's."

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