The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 477 Meeting Wen Dao

Chapter 477 Meeting Wen Dao

As Cain and Amber were in lost in thought, Jiang Ling already turned over to them. His Divine eyesight could see the faint glow of lights sparkling within the duo's eyes.

Jiang Ling honestly found it a bit impressive that the duo could stimulate their Spiritual Sea to faintly perceive the principles of a transmission array. Not even he accomplished this on his first attempt.

For sure, this partnership will go along swimmingly.

Jiang Ling smiled with anticipation as he told the duo, "Just step right up. Lord Wen Dao is eager to see you two."

At the same time, the trio stepped on the transmission array.

Space instantly shifted. The trio felt a slight pulling sensation as everything turned into a brief blur.

The next moment, Cain and Amber blinked, their visions coming to a scenery different from what they expected.

There wasn't extravagant jewelry or rich furniture. But a simple ordinary living space that didn't look that different from what mortals use.

Even more peculiar was the fact that the atmosphere was severely lacking Heaven and Earth's Divine Essence and a noticeable lack of World Source Laws.

These were all strange, for sure. But the biggest attention gathered came from the short-stature man calmly sitting in the room.

The short man leaned his back against the wall, not appearing as if was meditating, but more so taking a nap. His expression wasn't the usual focused but serenely relaxed.

His appearance seemed as harmless as an ordinary mortal.

But this man's presence caused Cain and Amber to narrow their eyes. Faint ripples of Divine Aura exuded from this man's body. In every ripple that flowed into the air, one could see a slight distortion of space.

By simply cultivating, this man could already distort the space of the God Galaxy.

Moreover, the Divine Aura didn't just stop at distorting space. Extremely high heat radiated within the Divine Aura. One wouldn't be able to see heat waves or even any sign of a heat signature.

But even so, it was like they had been close to a simmering volcano.

This was a heat that could burn through peak Mortalhoods protective Divine Aura by just being near to it. Even Divine Origin cultivators wouldn't be able to stand it, even if they use all of their Inner World energy.

Amber's eyes glinted as she made a causal observation of Wen Dao's body. She transmits to Cain, 'So this is the separation of Divine Laws and Supreme Divine Laws? It's like his presence can easily engulf the entire atmosphere. I wonder if this would be enough to finally give you somewhat of a challenge.'

Cain nearly broke out into a smirk. 'For sure, I'm no match for Wen Dao currently. But the future will inevitably change this. Besides, my Chaos sense is telling me that this isn't all coming from his Laws. Very faintly, I can perceive intense, potent fiery sensations coming from his Divine veins.'

The sensitivity of the Chaos Sense would always far surpass the means of normal Divine Senses. With this, Cain could barely, but still, detect intricacies within Wen Dao's bloodline.

Wen Dao's fiery bloodline had to be the most potent Cain had ever sensed from another human. It was as if the bright, shimmering shine of the sun had completely fused into this man's body. And with just the slightest movement of his body, the man could erupt with the full strength of the sun.

When thinking about it, Cain realized there really aren't many humans with such a potent bloodline sensation. The bloodline pressure Wen Dao has was cultivated to a point where it naturally infused with his Divine Ruler's presence.

Any weaker cultivator would've collapsed to their knees or been gasping for air under the extreme heat. The pressure of a Divine Ruler wasn't anything anyone under Late Stage Divine Star could handle.

This kind of natural pressure attempted to sweep over the duo. Yet, the duo didn't even twitch a finger.

Cain and Amber merely blinked their eyes. They stood like unmovable statues, splitting apart the innate pressure of the Divine Ruler with utter ease.

Everything just felt like a slightly stronger breeze for Amber. Her expression quickly returned to indifference.

While a thought struck Cain's mind. His personality is always upfront and his method of actions is always domineering. By simply stimulating his Inner World, a wisp of Cain's Divine Aura rippled from his body.

The fiery atmosphere and world-stopping Divine Aura exuding from the man suddenly stilted. It was as if had just encountered a sturdy wall built from powerful divine materials.

Instantly, a slight weary look crossed Jiang Ling's eyes. Despite his own cultivation status, he actually felt a bit sidelined by the faint clash of a Divine Decree Lord and an Emperor Tier genius.

'I can admit that I'm inferior to both, but, to this degree?' Jiang Ling almost found it hard to accept he was most likely the lowest talented cultivation among the other three.

Though he didn't let anything show on his face.

"Oh?" The short-stature man's eyes flung open.

His expression was completely calm. He didn't try to increase his pressure or try to overwhelm Cain in any way. In fact, from fully gazing over Cain and then Amber, a small grin curled upon his lips.

For a brief moment, the tension suddenly reached its peak!

The feeling of suffocation slowly tightened around Jiang Ling's thoughts. It was like a fight could break out at any minute!

But thankfully, a second later, the pressure instantly vanished. All returned to calm, as if that last moment never happened.

Jiang Ling let out a small breath he didn't even know he was holding. Even with the slightest release of Divine Auras, Jiang Ling felt genuinely pressured by both forces!

What truly made Jiang Ling fraught with horror was the energy principles within Cain and Wen Dao's Divine Auras.

Their suppression didn't come from raw power. But rather the fundamental pressure that comes from Laws with far more complex energy principles.josei

The higher one's comprehension of Martial cultivation becomes, the more power one can draw upon the Source Laws that fuel the universe.

Even if one has raw power in terms of energy density thickness and intensity. If that same cultivator doesn't have a high comprehension of a Source Law, they would be suppressed on a fundamental level.

,m No matter how high raw energy density is, it is impossible to overcome higher comprehended Law principles.

During the duel with Delan, Jiang Ling wasn't able to clearly sense the Law suppression because of how chaotic the energy collisions were. He could only just faintly feel pressure on a fundamental level.

Now, up close and personal, there was no mistaking it. Cain's comprehension of Divine Laws is utterly terrifying!

At this moment, Jiang Ling suddenly gained a far higher respect for Cain in this very brief exchange. He even held Amber in a slightly new light, as she was genuinely unaffected by the Divine Aura clash. Her Divine Aura remained completely stable, unmovable, like an unbreakable wall.

Jiang Ling took it upon himself to the start meeting. His tone dripped with respect as he said, "Lord Wen Dao, this Martial brother Lee and Xun. They had just passed our entrance exams with flying colors and brother Lee even managed to kill Delan in his demon avatar state."

"Oh? That is very impressive!" Wen Dao slowly stood up.

Digging into his pocket and pulling out a spatial ring, he ignited it while saying, "I was waiting until Elder Heng officially released the battle recording, but from geniuses such as yourself, it doesn't really come as too much of a shock."

Even in this situation, Amber's expression barely twitched when faced with a Divine Decree Lord.

Cain as well barely felt anything in the face of a Divine Decree Lord. The high Elders he met before left more of an impression because of their martial cultivation mastery.

Wen Dao's fiery bloodline pressure wasn't all that impressive either. After all, Cain has been around other Dragon god bloodlines, Vampire bloodlines, and a Phoenix god bloodline.

Still, he kept up appearances with a polite smile. "You flattered us, Sir Wen Dao. Really, it's our honor to be working with you."

It was very subtle and could've been overlooked. But to Jiang Ling and anybody else under Wen Dao, the fact that Cain didn't refer to Wen Dao as 'Lord' was a bit bothersome.

After all, this was a man with a monumental destiny! His future shined brighter than the highest stars in the starry heavens!

However, at the same time, Jiang Ling also knew this kind of revere would only apply to him and his partners. Their talent couldn't be compared to either Cain's group or Wen Dao. So it was natural that Cain and Amber put themselves on the same level as Wen Dao.

Even Wen Dao didn't mind the way Cain addressed him. He had already fished out a rainbow-colored cloud badge and tossed it toward Cain.

"Likewise, I look forward to working with both of you. And I already know where you came from so there it is. With that badge, you have immediate access to nearly everything I and the supreme disciples have access to. This range from heavenly grade Dao training fields, the high-grade treasury and the best Dao Core Fragments temple and other various resources."

Cain caught the rainbow-colored cloud badge with a slightly wary expression. He and Amber at least expected they would at least need to do some tasks before gaining the best resource possible.

This seem so effortless that Cain believed there had to be a catch.

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