The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 478 Making Waves

Chapter 478 Making Waves

Before Cain could speak again, Amber instantly transmitted to him, 'By the way, if this guy puts us on some suspicious tasks or something obviously threatening to us, I'm definitely standing against it. This guy is clever at hiding it, but his engraved arrogance certainly exists. Just one time we give an inch, he'll want to take a whole yard.'

Though Amber rarely comments on the social dealings between Martial cultivators, or really, people in general, it doesn't mean she's unaware of what goes down.

Not even for a second did Amber ever give Wen Dao the benefit of the doubt. Even as she met him face to face, her impression didn't change. In fact, it slightly worsens from premonitions coming from her soul.

Cain, of course, had the same train of thought as Amber. But even so, he still said, 'Indeed, I can faintly tell of this guy's plans. But still, I want us to have the best quality stuff and protection from his damn brother. Of course, we won't bend over backward to him. But to request that only needs a little bit more effort, it's accessible.'

In Cain's eyes, it truly was hard to trust other wildly ambitious people unless there is a pre-established relationship. There are just too many variables with people similar to Wen Dao that can instantly turn their alliance sour.

Still, for now, the duo knew this was their best shot. Amber merely gave Cain a cautious reminder to stay on the safe side.

The duo's conversations didn't affect Cain's outward expressions at all.

He calmly asked, "Are you just giving us something so valuable without anything in return? We've just joined in, after all."

Wen Dao's small grin still didn't leave his face. "Ah, compared to doing anything troublesome, I much rather forge a path of loyalty through sincere actions. When I need some help, I will only hope you will be done with your cultivation and hopefully provide your best efforts. I would be a fool to not realize that your cultivation will make leaps and bounds with the best resources."

Wen Dao was speaking from both general knowledge and his own experiences.

In terms of talent, the higher one is, the faster their cultivation will be. These geniuses' comprehension would be utterly monstrous, completely suppressing all those in the same generation.

At this point, Wen Dao is already a couple of hundred years old. But even this age is considered both extremely fast and young throughout the God Galaxy.

One must not forget that the average 1stfall Divine Origin warrior would typically be a couple of thousand years old. These types of people have talent that can at least surpass the mortal realms.

But even then, their cultivation reached an utmost crawl, barely improving even after several hundred years.

Though it was a bit difficult to tell Cain and Amber's real ages, their Divine Auras rippled with a vigorous life aura that could only belong to those under 100 years old.

So young with cultivation already reaching the Great Divine Sea realm and combat prowess surpassing nearly all Divine Star realm experts, how could Wen Dao not invest in the duo?

If Wen Dao, Jiang Ling, or anyone else in the Holy Land knew that the duo's real age was only around their early to mid-20s, just what kind of reaction would they have?

Cain and Amber understood Wen Dao's reasoning without it even needing to be said. However, the duo clearly understands Wen Dao wouldn't be particularly pleased if they were to grow to a point where they can directly confront him.

Powerhouses who are normally in control for most of their lives typically don't appreciate when that control slips away. It's especially irritating when that powerhouse knows they can stop that threat at anytime they want.

Cain could actually understand this sentiment, as he also hates being out of control in situations.

Thus, a plan already started to form in Cain's mind. But he showcased a smile of gratitude on the outside and respectfully clasped his hands. "Then we won't betray your expectations and work hard in our cultivation. If that's all, we'll be taking our leave."

"Mn. I look forward to the future." Wen Dao gave a brilliant smile.

After exchanging last pleasantries, Jiang Ling guided Cain and Amber back to the genius living quarters through the transmission array.

Left all alone, Wen Dao promptly sat his back against the wall again as his expression cleared up.

His smile was gone, and all that was left was a deep contemplative expression.

After several minutes of silent contemplation, Wen Dao quietly sigh. "This can either end up being everything I wanted or an irreversible dead-end. In either case, I need to be prepared for everything."

"Currently, I'm at the Late Stage but have no hope of a breakthrough anytime soon. He is in a similar position to me. All that I have left to improve is either my bloodline or cultivation arts..."

Wen Dao silently considers his options. He didn't want to outright admit it, but the pressure to improve did intensify with Cain and Amber joining.

As a mighty Divine Decree Lord, Wen Dao didn't want to be passive and witness the developing situation like his brother.

He is a Divine Decree Lord that is proactive towards his own cultivation first and foremost. Knowing that his time is very limited for the few events in the near future, Wen Dao's determination lit like the burning sun.


Soon enough, a day fully passed and the Cloudsea entrance exams were over.

Typical results of these exams would only end in a couple of people passing. But for this year, five genius youths managed to pass.

Two of them stood above all others and specifically one of them caused tremendous waves throughout the entire Holy Land.

Indeed, as Elder Heng prompted, she spread the battle recording of Cain's duel not only around the Holy Land but also throughout the Intelligence networks.

If people were in awe of Cain before, now they were utterly shell-shocked.

After all, Cain had showcased overwhelming battle prowess that is equal to a half-step Divine Ruler! His Laws, which should be literally inferior to even faint Supreme Divine Laws, had suppressed, defeated, and destroyed Delan's Demonic Laws.

In only a day, the duo's fame reached new heights in the Holy Land.

Delan wasn't some unknown genius. He was a youth with terrifying potential that was even above that of Demon Tao and Yan.

In actuality, Delan ranked considerably high in the Core disciple ranking despite his Late Stage Divine Star cultivation realm. He could full well suppress other half-step Divine Ruler geniuses in the past.

But even this type of genius was ruthlessly shredded by the Emperor Tier genius Lee.

Nearly everyone in the Inner Ranking list and many among the Core disciples felt a cold shiver for the future.

In the genius living quarters, faintly higher than nearly all other royal houses, floated a row of only several more expansive royal houses.

Here lies where the select, extraordinary core disciples' geniuses live.

Inside one of these houses sat a group consisting of four greatly talented geniuses.

Three were elegantly handsome men who all rippled with overwhelming Divine Auras. And the last one was a beautiful woman whose Divine Aura wasn't inferior in the slightest.

Each of them, through their natural presence, could match Delan bringing out his Demon Avatar.

The Dao Laws they comprehended were at the top of the younger generation and their overall prowess was firmly upper-tier of all half-step Divine Rulers experts.

But as these geniuses observed Cain's recording ring, none of them dared to underestimate him.

The youth who had golden hair that shined brighter than the rays of a burning sun spoke first. "At this point, it's all but confirmed that he and Xun are allying with Wen Dao. For not only Lord Wen Shao, but us, they will be a great headache. Even I can't boast that I can kill another half-step Divine Ruler with a single attack."

The only girl in the group furrowed her brows, a chilling light slowly flowing from her eyes as she asked, "Surely, there must be some way to at least halt their progress in some way? We're just asking for trouble if we try to confront them directly. But perhaps we can employ other methods?"

Silence fell in the group as they seriously contemplated the plan.

Despite these geniuses' own status within the sect, they all didn't have any qualms about rallying under Wen Shao.

Some of these geniuses, the golden hair main and the beautiful maiden had talent faintly surpassing that of Jiang Ling.josei

But even so, the influence of Wen Shao was too impossibly high for them to ignore. The benefits of following him far outweigh their own sense of pride.

After thinking on it for a bit, one of the other men said, "Say, now that they're on our turf, wouldn't it be the perfect time to find out about their backgrounds? I refuse to believe people like them can just slip into a city as if they were born from thin air. One of these intelligence networks has to know something."

To place so much hope in the Holy intelligence networks wasn't an exaggeration. They have practically an unending stream of information. It's to a point where even Heavenly Great Worlds would protect these organizations.

Furthermore, even on their own, the Holy intelligence networks are a natural force with many skillful cultivators. These cultivators are how these organizations can gain so much information.

By all means, unknowns like Cain and Amber should've been discovered already. But still, not a single fact is known.

Another man said, "We can try again, but I still won't get my hopes up. Even for the lowest backgrounds that come from mere mortal cities, it is still possible to gain information on them. Either, those two come from exterminated families that burnt all traces of records. Or...they really were just random unknowns who somehow reached Sky Bless City.

After a few more seconds of silence, the golden man's eyes flashed.

He calmly said, "We'll just have to take this into consideration. For now, let's just obverse and document their movements. Those two are still fresh in our sect. Not even Wen Dao can safely protect them against certain undeniable rules. All we need to be is patient."

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