The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 502 Complete Destruction

Chapter 502 Complete Destruction

The indignant disciples were full of hope and dreams. Seeing how calm Senior Martial brother Mai was, their confidence surged. Every single one of them wanted to see this random, uprising genius finally eat a great loss.

As for the other convinced disciples, they stayed silent. An ominous feeling aroused from their souls. It stemmed not from themselves, but rather from what was going to happen to Senior Martial brother Mai.

At this time, Senior Martial brother Mai, or his full name, Gu Mai, speedily flew towards Cain.

Radiant purple lightning flickered from his body and engulfed him with a beautiful lightning-energy aura. Gu Mai's speed tremendously increased.

Gu Mai blitzed toward Cain, but unlike Cain, Gu Mai needed to carefully dodge any stray lightning strike. He was full of determination but honestly couldn't understand how the hell was Cain full-on taking lightning strikes without stopping.

Naturally, this raised Gu Mai's guard to his utmost focus. He already has 100% power of his Inner World surged for just the first attack, knowing full holding back would be a disaster to him.

Following behind, Gu Mai attempted to call out to Cain, "Junior Martial brother Lee, wa-"

He wasn't able to sentence.

Not when Cain suddenly stopped flying and turned around to directly face Gu Mai.

The previous lightning swirl disappeared and the continuous lightning strike decided to mysteriously stop attacking Cain.

A cold feeling blossomed from the pits of Gu Mai's soul. That indifferent gaze of Cain caused goosebumps to rise in Gu Mai's arms. He was nervous for sure, but didn't regret his decision a single bit.

Amusement danced in Cain's eyes. He took the initiative to speak first, saying, "Do you want to fight? If so, try to survive this move and we'll see if I can spare extra time with you."

His tone was completely calm. His words were completely arrogant. But the danger Cain exuded suddenly amplified to extreme degrees!

Flashes of Draconic Lightning drizzled out from Cain's eyes. The pressure of world-ending lightning sliced through the atmosphere.

With only a small portion of the power of his internal body and Inner World, Cian could already unleash such devastating pressure.

The disciples from miles away were all heavily affected by the slight release of pressure. Their jaws clenched as they all were forced to rapidly retreat to an even greater distance.

At this time, bearing the full brunt of the pressure, Ma Gui nearly felt his heart stop!

Danger like no other made his soul quiver. This wasn't any ordinary danger, but one that can threaten his life!

Cain casually smiled. His hands flicked, sending out a small bolt of Draconic Lightning.

Space Laws considerably weaken around the bolt of Draconic Lightning. Its speeds easily surpassed the standards of all peak Stage Divine Star warriors!

The atmosphere sliced open wherever the bolt of Draconic Lightning was. Thunderous and bright flashes continually rippled out of the Draconinc Lightning bolt.

With an indomitable momentum, the Draconic Lightning bolt crashed straight toward Ma Gui.

All the hairs on Ma Gui's body raised. His Inner World surged and radiant purple lightning completely coated his legs. Though he was hundreds of meters apart from Cain, he felt as if the Draconic Lightning bolt was already near his face!

"Thunderous steps!" Ma Gui crazily shouted, the purple lightning around his legs brilliantly sparkling.

As Space Laws loosened around Ma Gui, he hurriedly retreated to the left, every step he took crossing over hundreds of meters of distance.

To be able to erupt with such instantaneous speed already surpassed all other peak Stages Divine Star warriors and can contend with half-step Divine Rulers.

But all that speed didn't matter in the slightest. Ma Gui's pupils widened as the Draconic Lightning bolt had somehow neared his face!

It was as if the Draconic Lightning bolt had traveled through the void space. Once locked onto Ma Gui, it didn't lose him for a second.

Ma Gui fiercely gritted his teeth and tried to quickly duck. The moment he did so, the Draconic Lightning bolt nearly shredded through his head. All it could now was fry patches of his long hair.

Ma Gui could feel a river stream of cold sweat flow down his face. But before he could even get a chance to breathe, a higher and far more overwhelming pressure locked down on him.josei

Moving became tremendously harder to do. The pressure both restricted the Space Laws around him and caused a faint sense of suppression. This suppression affected him on a fundamental level. All of his energy principles from his Inner World were inferior to this pressure, causing his own powers to start gradually decreasing!

Even if he overcharge his Divine Aura, he wouldn't be able to break from this space-locking pressure anytime soon.

Ma Gui had no choice but to overexert his Inner World!

"Hah!" Ma Gui furiously roared out. Boundless energy emerged from his Inner World as he surged the very limit of his powers.

His hands performed rapid signs and caused luminous streams of purple lightning to dance out of his body. Blinding purple luminosity covered the skies as if they were covering the heavens.

In an instant, the luminous purple lightning converged into a massively tall essence energy barrier over hundreds of feet long!

Ma Gui's Divine Lightning Laws rippled with ferocious intensity. His energy principles already surpassed the standards of peak stage Divine Star and got extremely close to the Supreme Divine Law level!

Even in the king-graded field, space started to slightly twist and distort from Ma Ga's Lightning Law principles.

In this brief moment, Cain calmly analyzed Ma Gu. His Chaos Sense instantly made an accurate judgment.

'Higher raw power than Delan and more complex principles. If anyone were to come close to that barrier, they wouldn't be able and be helplessly struck by lightning strikes. Even trying to move away, the barrier would still unleash endless rains of powerful lightning strikes.'

Cain coldly smirk. With how much he comprehended from the field's lightning strike, it was more than effortless for Cain to perceive how Ma Gui was stimulating his Lightning energy principles.

At this moment, without utilizing anything, Cain only felt a small amount of pressure from Ma Gu. He wouldn't be able to win, but he would be to enter a long fight with Ma Gu.

That would certainly constitute to a good workout. However, Cain had no intentions of playing around now.

The Chaos Spirit Force, Draconic Lightning Aura, and his Soul Form erupted to only 60% of their full capabilities!

A thunderous explosion shook the ground, causing the air to tremble and heavily distorted space.

Draconic Lightning bolts rose and spread out from Cain's body. These blinding blue bolts of electricity completely overshadowed the luminosity of Ma Gu's purple lightning.

Every Draconinc Lightning bolt rippled out powerful energy principles. Every energy principle overlapped with each other, creating an area of effect that covered a range of over 500 meters.

Any disciple close to the duel had to retreat even more. Their Divine Auras couldn't handle the energy principle suppression. They nearly collapsed over from tremendous pressure.

The once overwhelming Lightning Law principles close to the Supreme Divine Law levels were completely suppressed by these Draconinc Lightning bolts energy principles!

Ma Gui's eyes trembled. He couldn't believe it as he watched his luminous purple lightning barrier violently quiver. It was as if it was on the verge of collapsing from sheer suppression alone!

'No-no! How-how?!? The Luminous Lightning Art is an impenetrable defense! Even the top-ranking half-step Divine Rulers have immense trouble making a dent in my barrier!!'

An increasing headache encroached upon Ma Gui's Spiritual Sea. The fundamental suppression from Cain was heavily disrupting his focus and unleashing a mental pressure that threatened to crush his mind.

Ma Gui felt like he was in utter hell. And they had only exchanged one move!

Cain's eyesight could perceive through Ma Gui's Luminious Barrier and obverse his trembling state. This alone already told him the battle was decided.

In one smooth motion, Cain raised his palm and surged a great amount of Draconic Lightning. The lights of Draconic Lightning combusted into a singular point, manifesting into the form of a terrifying Lightning Claw.

Overwhelming Lightning energy principles rippled from the Lightning Claw. The king-grade field lightning strikes created an even wider breadth for Cain.

Flicking his arm so fast that nobody else would be able to see, Cain launched the Lightning Claw straight at Ma Gu.

Blinding blue radiance nearly drowned Ma Gu's vision. Law Pressure was heavily restricted to the point he felt like a snail.


Ma Gui hurriedly took out a Quasi-Saint ranked Sword. However, he was a step too light.

The Lightning Claw appeared far smaller than the overwhelming large Luminious Barrier. But the Lightning Claw shredded through the field of purple lightning, turning it all into particles of nothingness.

Unhindered, the Lightning Claw violently smashed upon the Luminious Barrier!


A destructive collision force caused chaos in the surrounding area. Draconic Lightning overwhelmed the entire world.

The Lightning Claw annihilated the entire Luminious Barrier in an instant!

There simply wasn't any comparison. The disparity was wider than the abyss!

Only half of the Lightning Claw energy force was absorbed by the Luminous Barrier before it completely shattered. The remaining half smashed onto Ma Gui's body.

Ma Gui's horrified shrieks were drowned out by the thunderous booms of lightning. His protective Divine Aura burst apart and a stream of blood vomited from his mouth as he was shot out of the air.

With a loud impact, Ma Gui smashed into the ground, causing a dozen-meter crater to form beneath him.

Besides some parts of his skin sizzling and the trail of blood staining his entire body, Ma Gui was clearly still alive.

He was dipping in and out of consciousness, but Ma Gui could clearly sense that Cain held back in his attack.

If not, he would've been decimated into mere ashes.

Horror, complete and utter horror, plastered Ma Gui's face. In his mind, if he couldn't win, he would at least be able to retreat at full force.

But this was complete destruction!

He was nothing but a helpless chicken against Cain's superior raw power and complex Lightning Law energy principles!

Up in the skies, Cain only took one glance at Ma Gui before sweeping his gaze out to the others.

Despite the continuous roaring sound of thunder in the background, there was a certain silence that engulfed the king-grade field. An oppressive, near-crushing silence that heavily impacted everyone's mind.

Top-ranking Inner disciples and Core disciples' eyes flickered between the battered Ma Gui smashed in a crater and Cain imposingly floating in the air.

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