The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 503 Xu Tao & Hu Wen

Chapter 503 Xu Tao & Hu Wen

Truthfully, the results shouldn't be that much of a shock. Though there are differences in half-step Divine Ruler prowess, Cain as well never showed his full power.

But, to completely dominate the 13th-ranking Core disciples in one move?

Unprecedented, simply domineering!

One of the Core disciples sighed while shaking his head. "If he can already do this to Martial brother Gu, I don't even want to imagine how it will be with the young Lightning Lords. With this, Martial brother Lee should be a Lightning Lord in his own category..."

Many around this disciple agreed with his sentiment, whether actively or subconsciously. Even the more indignant disciple couldn't help but reevaluate everything they thought about Cain.

Up in the skies, Cain maintained a serene expression, as if this duel was nothing but a short distraction to him. But internally, he felt slightly surprised at how easily he rolled over Mai Gu.

The Lightning Law Field's Lightning strike did indeed greatly enhance his bloodline and Inner World foundation. But he never expected it would be to such a degree where his combat prowess saw a major leap.

Cain did a brief scan of his entire being. In his internal body, he could see sparks of highly dense and highly complex Lightning energy principles flickering out of his organs, bones, muscles, and, important of all, his bloodstreams.

For a brief moment, Cain thought he saw a darker light flickering from the cells of his blood. He focused his eyesight in an attempt to catch it, but that weird flicker had instantly vanished.

Sorting that weird moment for later, Cain realized that his internal body was overflowing with pure Lightning energy principles. These energy principles had permanently fused into his internal body.

It didn't matter if he uses a great amount of this energy in battle. Not only are his energy reserves exceedingly deep, but with simple meditation, he would be able to restore these Lightning energy principles back to their full capacity.

As for his Inner World, his entire Great Divine Sea and essence marks within it were significantly enhanced by the denser and more complex lightning energy principles.

At this point, Cain wonders where his true upper limits were. He needed some way to match a Divine Ruler without exposing his identity.

Even now, there was still considerable risk in revealing he was a Divine Mortal. An absolute fail-safe, something that can counter even Heavenly Venerates would be needed.

Thinking more of it, Cain briefly wonders how his grandmother was able to shield him so well when it was first revealed that he was a Divine Mortal.

But that was a thought for another time.

Cain had already turned his back on every disciple there. Lightning began swirling around his body as he planned to leave.

Right as he was about to leave, Cain suddenly detected one bold person quickly making their way over him to him.

This person even had the further daringness to directly call out to him.

"Martial brother Lee! Are you planning on going straight into the Heavenly Grade field?" The person who spoke was a refined young man.

He didn't dare go into the skies as an open provocation, instead opting to stay respectfully on the ground. No trace of Divine Aura rippled out of him. He completely took the time to make himself as non-threatening as possible to Cain.

Looking back to the ground, Cain indifferently stared at this young man. His Divine Sense detected that this person was at the half-step Divine Ruler realm and had faintly stronger Law principles than that of Ma Gu.

Cain would always welcome another challenge. But if the person coming has good intentions, then there wasn't any reason to act imposingly.

Cain calmly smiled and spoke in a serene tone. There wasn't any trace of that overwhelming dominance displayed before. "Indeed I am. Is there something I should take note of? And what is your name?"

The disciples felt a wave of relief at seeing how Cain acted. A magnanimous genius like him would always be easier to talk to.

"My name is Shia Wu, a disciple on the core ranking, but that doesn't matter. I simply wanted to tell Martial brother that the Heavenly Grade field is completely occupied by two of the greatest geniuses in the core ranking. Many call them the young Lightning Lord. They are Xu Tao and Hu Wen. Both are half-step Divine Rulers who are at the peak of this mini realm. In terms of combat prowess, only four other core disciples are stronger, but even then, the difference isn't really substantial. Above all, their comprehension of Lightning Laws is at the absolute peak of the entire younger generation! At least in Sky Bless City, nobody else in our generation would dare to claim their Lightning Laws are superior."

"Oh? Is that right?" Slight intrigued gleamed Cain's eyes.

This was the second time hearing about these so-called young Lightning Lords. His surge for battle increased even more. They may not be full-fledged Divine Rulers, but this would be his best shot at a more decent spar.

He found it especially intriguing to compare notes on their Lightning Law comprehension and control. Of course, Cain still believed his Laws were superior to theirs.

But while they may utilize the same Laws, how they comprehended them and control the essence energy would be completely different.

Perhaps Cain could even learn a thing or two from them. Though, he greatly doubts that would be the case.

Cain cleared his mind of other thoughts and nodded at Shia Wu. "I thank Martial brother for the advice. Farewell."

Without stopping this time, Cain flew off in a rapid swirl of lightning.

When Cain had finally disappeared into the far horizon, a collective sigh swirled through the area.

The terrifying image of Cain became even further fermented in the top-ranking disciples' minds. His popularity would be sure to rise at an unprecedented level once again.

Whatever was going through the other disciples' minds couldn't bother Cain at all. His speed surpassing that of the sound barrier got him through the King-grade field extremely quick.


Soon enough, the sensation of space twisted and pull Cain. His eyes blinked at the final area of the Lightning Law Field.

It was a strange sight that was slightly out of his expectations. Lightning strikes continued to rain down on the earth. But this time, every lightning strike completely varied from one to another.

Some lightning strikes were far too blinding to look at, but lack potent power output.

Other lightning strikes went down extremely quickly. So fast, to the point where Cain's Spiritual Sea could barely detect it.

Other lightning strikes appeared specifically feeble as if they would dissipate into the wind after only a second. However, it was these lightning strikes that rippled with the densest and most complex lightning energy principles.

Cain scanned his Chaos Sense around the area for only a few moments before coming to a conclusion. He nearly let loose a broad smile over what he detected.

'Principles that focus on the concept of speed, power, life, and death are all varied and mixed between these lightning strikes. Any one of these strikes can vastly enhance even a great genius's Law comprehension. This is a suitable place for daily cultivation. But first...'

Cain narrowed his eyes at the distant horizon. He could see and could detect two half-step Divine Ruler geniuses rapidly flying over to him.

Not one to sit passively, Cain flew out in great haste.

Both sides crossed miles of distance in just a few seconds before stopping a few dozen meters apart from each other.

In Cain's sights were two beautiful youths.

One handsome young man with a presence that can engulf the skies. And a beautiful young maiden who can tantalize your soul with just a single gaze.

Both of their Divine Auras rippled with the most profound lightning principles Cain had ever sensed from a younger generation genius.

Their Inner World foundation was similarly immensely dense. Bearing the full pressure of just their natural presence was enough to completely suffocate Late-Stage Divine Star geniuses.

Above all, their pupils quite literally sparkled with dazzling electricity. It would be hard to look either one of them in the eye. Weaker cultivators would feel a painful sting that would force them to shut their eyes tight.

These two were the famous young Lightning Lord of the Holy Land, Xu Tao and Hu Wen.

The top-ranking core disciples didn't display arrogance toward Cain. Their expressions were calm yet determined.

Xu Tao spoke first, his eyes evidently burning with simmering fighting intent. "Martial brother Lee. Your name has been quite famous these past few days. I'm not surprised you can enter the Heavenly Grade field so soon."

In direct contrast to this duo's solemn faces, Cain casually smiled. "Senior Martial Brother Xu and Senior Martial sister Hu, the young Lightning Lords of Sky Bless City. It's great to finally meet you two. And since we're here, let's not waste words, shall we? You don't even have to fight, you know. Just give me your spots and everything will be fine."

Overwhelming confidence with a hint of arrogance flowed out of Cain's tone. He spoke so casually as if the outcome of everything was already determined.

Xu Tao and Hu Wen's faces considerably darken.

,m Keeping her tone as calm as possible, Hu Wen said, "That's quite bold words. Do you honestly believe you can force away our spots just like that?"

"That's right. If you want something to be done, you should know more than anyone else how it will get resolved."

Xu Tao spoke in a burning tone. He was itching for battle, eagerly awaiting to face this unfathomable genius.

Even though Cain didn't exude a single bit of his Divine Aura, Xu Tao and Hu Wen felt immensely pressured.

Facing Cain wasn't like facing any other genius. This was a challenge, a threat that would be more than foolish to look down upon.

Cain indifferently glanced between the young Lightning Lords. His smile was plain as he said, "I hope you two don't mind that I'm recording this battle. After all, the other disciples could gain something from watching our clash."

Xu Tao and Hu Wen's eyes sparsely flashed. Getting recorded honestly didn't sound like such a great idea for this duel.

Any other genius, they wouldn't bat an eye. But against an uprising star like Cain, the young Lightning Lords knew their reputation would heavily be affected afterward.

Their top-ranking position would be completely overshadowed by Cain. It would be official that if they were to lose, they would be inferior to Cain.

In terms of the resources they have access to and other such benefits, losing doesn't really change much at all. However, in terms of their mental state, both Xu Tao and Hu Wen were having trouble accepting.

Facing disparity was never easy. Realizing that despite how long you've been working and the high level of praise you received from other high cultivation masters is largely inferior to a person who had only arrived days ago was genuinely infuriating to the lightning geniuses.

However, like any other challenges they faced in their lives, not even attempting to face this immense hurdle head-on would worsen their Divine Wills at a greater rate.

Cain seemed more mysterious and dangerous the longer he simply stood calmly. But Xu Tao and Hu Wen knew that deep down in their souls, they couldn't. They shouldn't resist broadcasting an honest duel between high-level geniuses.

Better to own up to embarrassment than continually live in the shadows.

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