The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 511 Elder Heng's Mission

Chapter 511 Elder Heng's Mission

At this time, in another section of the royal genius living quarters, Wen Dao and Jiang Ling were reacting to Senior Master Juo's death.

Inside Wen Dao's house, he and Jiang Ling were similarly analyzing the light projection of the crime scene. Solemn expressions were seemingly plastered on both Wen Dao's and Jiang Ling's faces.

Though they may have their differences with Wen Shao, it was still an overall loss to them since Senior Master Juo is dead.

Wen Dao gently sighed. "It's impossible to trace who exactly did this. But, it would be best to cover up this news as much as possible. I could only imagine what either the Fire Star Holy Land or the Purple Radiance Holy Land would do with this news."

"Most likely gain a false sense of confidence. A fall of a Gold World Spirit Master is nearly equivalent to several ancient Holy King Elders falling." Jiang Ling shook his head while talking.

In the back of his and Wen Dao's minds, there was one thought that flickered into their minds. However, they quickly suppressed this thought, believing it to be just as ridiculous as everyone else thought.

Wen Dao continues to say, "With this, the Supreme disciple selection will be delayed a bit. When that time comes, I doubt you will be successful, Ling. But at the very least, you should closely obverse them when the time comes."

Jiang Ling suddenly stilted. All thoughts about Cain and Amber made his emotions highly unstable. He slowly said, "If those two really make into the selection, wouldn't this greatly change things for us? I mean, what those direct disciples can receive is sometimes better than the special benefits you can receive, Lord Dao."

Wen Dao calmly nodded and didn't deny it. But his confidence never once wavered. "Be that as they may, but don't forget that unless they reach the Divine Ruler realm, we don't have to be completely worried about them. Maybe this is just a false rumor or actual fact, but I've read sources that detail how some of the ancient Divine Rulers couldn't overcome the gulf of the Divine Ruler realm, no matter if their prowess were two major realms higher."

"Really? Not even Divine Mortals?"

Jiang Ling was genuinely surprised. He never saw a Divine Mortal in the flesh but had always taken those ancient texts to heart. Thinking on it for a moment further, Jiang Ling still had traces of doubt in his eyes.

"Still, would the Divine Ruler realm really inhibit those two? From what they continue to show, this seems a little..."


"I understand your concerns, but just have some confidence, Ling." Wen Dao slowly smiled. "The 5 Divine King Inheritance is upon us soon and it would be far too late for those two to even reach the Divine Star realm. No matter how great their speed is, they won't have the qualification to participate in this inheritance. Afterward, we can efficiently deal with them and my brother."

"I see, then it will be as you say, Lord Dao." Jiang Ling spoke, seemingly convinced.

But in the depths of his soul, he didn't forget this weird premonition like everyone else.


Since Senior Master Juo's death, a few weeks have already passed.

Outer, Inner, and Core disciples were all blissfully unaware of anything, continuing their daily training with excitement.

The World Spirit Master disciples all assumed Senior Master Juo was in closed-door training. And even the high Holy King Elders had no awareness of the dramatic shift of Senior Master Juo's death.

Cain and Amber were, of course, diligently training without any interruption to their daily lives. They were informed by Jiang Ling of Senior Master Juo's death and properly expressed their regards.

But other than that, nobody else bothered to press this news to the duo.

Now, as weeks have already passed, the duo actually found themselves in a different cloudy area that had only one royal house.

Cain and Amber simply took in their surroundings. The clouds here all appeared mystical. They can obverse mysterious, strange rune patterns engraved into each passing cloud.

Waves of incomparably refreshing aura washed over their entire beings. It was as if every particle of air they inhaled was filled with energy principles far beyond their current understanding.

The principles of both the Heaven and Earth and complex Source Laws stimulated the duo's Spiritual Sea. They could cultivate here and see some good results.

But where the energy principles were the deepest and most complex came from the single royal house.

The appearance of the house wasn't anything that the duo didn't seen before. Yet its aura completely surpassed someone like Wen Dao in every way.

The house represented a doorway to an entirely transcended level of principles and power. Crossing this threshold would bring anyone into a world where the way they see the universe has completely changed.

This was the faint energy principle of a supreme Holy King Master!

Indeed, on this day, Cain and Amber were invited by Elder Heng to meet her in her private chambers. A privilege a very select few could actually enjoy.

Cain lightly sighed. He transmitted to Amber, 'Even the residence of a Holy King is so majestic. Just standing here is making me feel as if I'm going to transition into a greater being.'

Amber couldn't help but nod along. 'Gold World Spirit Masters, Royal Class level, Holy King, Divine Rulers, Primal really makes you think how small we are. At least, as of now. Can't imagine us staying slow for any amount of time.'

'Mn. But that's all for the future. Let's see what Elder Heng wants.' As Cain spoke, he ignited Elder Heng's contact ring.

​ A purple spark flashed, but he didn't hear her charming voice. Instead, the sensation of space twists and pulled the duo.

The next moment they blinked their eyes, they were in a gorgeous courtyard.

Cain and Amber didn't get a chance to look around as they felt their souls pull towards a being right in front of them.

A beautiful maiden who naturally exuded an overwhelming aura sat at a small table meant for tea.

Elder Heng wore a calm smile as her gaze trailed over Cain and Amber.

Cain and Amber felt a shiver from their souls. In this brief moment, they inclined to walk over like mindless drones without another word.

But before taking another step forward, Cain and Amber's Inner Soul World forcefully cast off this unresistible pressure. Soul energy surged through their bodies and into their Spiritual Sea, jolting them from a potential trance.

Cain and Amber then calmed themselves before taking even steps forward.

When they were calmly seated at the table, Elder Heng's smile turned radiant.

She honestly praised, "So it seems neither of you was slacking off in your soul cultivation. The aura of any Holy King master contains energy principles closer to the Greater Dao. As you all have absorbed and comprehended Law energy principles from Dao Cores and the Heaven and Earth, it would be near impossible for even top-ranking core disciples to resist the pressure."

Cain and Amber respectfully nodded. Cain said, "Elder Heng, you're too generous. Amber and I still have a long way to go before making any noticeable progress with the soul."

"Indeed, your journey is a long one. However, it's still miles ahead of all the other geniuses. And this is precisely why I have called you two here."

Cain's and Amber's eyes brightly lit up. Since coming here, they never had to do a single sect mission and could simply focus on their cultivation. Now, getting a task from a Holy King Elder is probably the highest task they can receive.

Elder Heng explained, "I can tell Martial nephew Lee's desire for two or more Dao Laws is still strong. So, after a little bit of exploring, I found a mission for you two. The content is straightforward. All you two need to do is find and kill a Demonic Dao Ice Spirit that is continually terrorizing cities around the regional jungle. Have you two ever heard of a Demonic Dao Ice Spirit?"

Cain and Amber traded looks. Cain was completely confused, while Amber had a slight realization.

Turning back over, Amber said, "Uhm, I believe I have only surface-level knowledge of them, Elder Heng. From what I can recall, these spirits are all superior to any other Dao beast. They are created through special means of the Heaven and Earth, right?"

Elder Heng nodded. "That's the most common thing to know of them. But specifically, these are Spirits that are birth from regions with absolute extreme Yin Essence Qi. This type of Qi is formally called the Nether Yin Qi of the universe."

"Something like that actually exists?" Cain asked, genuinely surprised. He continued to say, "Guessing it, beings born from Nether Yin Qi or the opposite should be even more dangerous than the mindless Dao Beast, right?"

"That's right. Every being born from either Nether Yin Qi or Pure Yang Qi is the natural enemy of the entire God Galaxy. Some say this is Heavens' way of trying to eliminate those trying to go against the natural order and return things to how they always were. Either way, when meeting these Demonic Dao Spirits, there is no discussion. Only killing."

Like anything in the Heavens, once the accumulation is enough, a qualitative change will occur. Yin and Yang Qi are one of the most essential foundational energies across the entire universe.

It's energy that both builds upon the rules and structures of the universe. After billions and millions of years, it was inevitable that the mutation of source energy would occur.

Similar to how Dao Beasts provide nourishment to the environment, whether they live or die, these Demonic Dao Spirit also provides their own unique nourishment. It seemed like they were infinitely respawning, just like Dao Beasts.

This thought didn't put either Cain or Amber at ease.

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