The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 538 Bloodline

Chapter 538 Bloodline

Yulong swept her Divine Sense over with an increasingly surprised expression. Just from one sweep of the duo's energy, she felt far lighter than before!

The invisible weight she came used to had vanished entirely. Her Spiritual Sea also felt dozens of times clearer than before.

With a bow of gratitude, Yulong graciously said, "You have my thanks, Cain, Amber! Like you said, who knows what kind of unexpected thing may have just blown up from my bloodstream?"

The duo casually waved her off. Cain said, "We're all trying to get home and find our partners, right? It's only natural that we help."

"Since that's the case, then let me give you direct help!" Yulong eagerly raised her head.

Her palm opened as boundless energy surged from her bloodline. Dragons runes started to faintly flash on the back of her palms and at the center of her forehead.

Her pupils turned into vertical silts and her Dragon horns grew a bit. Black streams of energy surged out of the center of Yulong's palm.

In that moment, a low growl of an immemorial Dragon crackled out of the black streams of energy!

Cain and Amber's attention were instantly enraptured. Their cultivations were simply too high to be affected.

But if a peak Stage Divine Star warrior were to hear that Dragon growl, their souls would completely freeze up. An unbearable mental pressure would smash upon their Spiritual Seas!

After all, this was the majestic presence of a Dragon god bloodline, a legendary creature that stands at the summit of the whole universe!

Only extreme characters like Cain and Amber could remain calm.

Yulong wasn't surprised at the duo's calmness. She nodded at their glinting eyes, explaining, "It is as you think. This is my direct bloodline energy! Pure Divine Quality of the highest caliber. I don't mean to boast, but our bloodline may be the best there is of the entire God Galaxy! In fact, many Dragon variations bloodlines possess tremendous advantages over other bloodlines. Even Divine Quality Monster and human bloodlines have a hard time matching our Dragon bloodline."

Cain's and Amber's interest was sparked. Both had special bloodlines that continually enhances their combat prowess and cultivation.

Cain had his own variation of a Dragon god bloodline, which was uniquely modified since ancient times. While Amber has a vampire bloodline, who they both assumed to be more normal on the scale.

The prestige of Yulong's bloodline would discourage even the more special geniuses.

But Cain and Amber barely let it affect their minds.

Cain asked, "You know, throughout my journey, I rarely heard much about bloodlines. Most that I fought had a special bloodline to rely on. Know anything about the requirements for a bloodline? If there is any?"

Information sorted through Yulong's mind as she took a pause. Her cheery voice turned a bit serious when saying, "Truthfully? Bloodlines that mainly matter are peak Heavenly Tiers and Divine Tiers. These tiers are the only ones that can significantly boost our Divine Cultivation, even when we reach the Heavenly Venerate realm. I haven't managed to discover much about the intricate details of bloodlines. But, one time, my grandfather taught me an interesting lesson. He claims that every tier of bloodline has some percentage of Great Dao energy principles fused within them. These principles are what grant us a tremendous boost to our cultivation and powerful innate abilities. Us Dragons have the highest amount of Great Dao energy principles. Thus, our natural advantages are tremendously higher than anyone else."

Cain and Amber narrowed their eyes in thought as they took in Yulong's words. Out of all explanations, this one really does seem the most credible.

Though what slightly confused Cain and Amber was the fact that Cain's Dragon god bloodline variation came from an ancestor Dragon who could directly modify their bloodline.

It's why Cain and all other Dragons from the Huang Imperial Family can be born as humans and later turn into full-fledged Dragons.

Since this was the case, just how powerful was the first Huang Dragon Ancestor?

To control any energy force in this universe requires one to have a level of understanding in their Spiritual Sea. This allows one to penetrate their soul energy inside that energy force and control its flow of energy principles.

Since such is the case, the first Huang Dragon Ancestor must have comprehended the Great Dao itself to a large degree to modify their bloodline!

The first Huang Dragon Ancestor lived an era ago. But to a cultivator in the Primal Sovereign Realm, it would be completely possible to live more than millions of years.

Cain and Amber assumed the ancestor must've perished to his enemies. But even so, since he could comprehend a large portion of the Great Dao, then why is the Huang Imperial Family so inferior to even top-tier Middle Holy Lands?

It is unprecedented that the Huang Imperial Family did rise up so quickly compared to the standards of other Holy Lands.

However, with an ancestor with supposedly great comprehension to the point where he could modify a Dragon god bloodline, the inheritance he left behind should've been extreme.

Thoughts swirled through the duo's minds. And Amber was the one to ask, "Say, have you ever heard of a person modifying a bloodline? Possibly, a very high tier one?"

"Hm? Well...I guess there was one? I never read or heard anything about our society accomplishing such a feat. But there are records stating that the ancient Primal Vaisers modified their bloodlines to continually reign over our Heaven. They were invincible for so long because of it. It is said that the Crystal Spirits attempted a similar method. Though, it never took off as hard as the Primal Vaisers." Yulong explained.

Not taking her eyes off Yulong, Amber transmitted to Cain, 'Either people who modify bloodlines are very secretive. Or, your ancestor is just a tremendous exception. From what I can recall, Senior Wei did say that your ancestor had literally zero records from his first appearance, almost like he was born out of a ghost. But without enough information, we can only make educated guesses.'

'Mn. To find more answers, we'll need the appropriate strength to be qualified to do so. And I have a way to finally comprehend more bloodline energy.' Cain's eyes glinted with anticipation.

Sparkles of black lightning flashed within Cain's pupils. His Spiritual Sea's perception abilities enhanced to his peak limits.

With confidence, Cain said, "We can talk more later. But for now, let's see if I can understand more about our Dragon bloodline."

"Ah, if only you were born in our world. For high bloodline quality, these people are able to enter chambers where they can directly comprehend bloodline energy from our powerful seniors. But, it is better to start now than never do it at all." Yulong nodded with anticipation.

A small rise of anticipation arises in Amber as well.

Cain calmed his mind, interjecting his Divine Sense into Yulong's bloodline energy. In that instant, a faint Dragon growl sounded out in his Spiritual Sea.

On the outside, the Dragon's growl sounded domineering, arrogant, and majestic. Its natural presence was to completely look down on everyone else. Born at the very summit, why would it treat anyone else as its equal?

However, when inside Cain's Spiritual Sea, the presence of the Dragon seemed to shrink upon itself.

The Dragon is a fearsome predator, one that many consider being an emperor of all beings.

But there was a distinct hierarchy among other Dragons. Like when a small prey meets a bigger predator, the Yulong's Dragon energy naturally submitted when inside Cain's Spiritual Sea.

Yulong's body instinctively shudders. Her eyes open completely wide. Traces of emotions continually flashed on her face. Nothing else matters in that moment. It felt as if her entire being was drawn to Cain.

All the other Dragons she met before could never exude such an unfathomable draw. Yet Cain's direct presence of his Dragon bloodline caused a magnetic charm that seemed completely irresistible.

Amber curled her brows at Yulong's in-awe face. A moment later, she wryly smiled and sighed as if it couldn't be helped.

At the same time, Cain was enthralled by Yulong's Dragon energy. The sensations of a Dragon weren't confusing in the slightest. It engulfed his Spiritual Sea but didn't make Cain lose his focus.

What was a Dragon?

A legendary creature that existed since the Immemorial Era! Their myths represent extreme power and pure majesty!

More than just that, Cain felt as if True Dragons were beings completely capable of sundering the Heavens.

Cain was able to gain a deep understanding of this because of his Quasi-Grandmaster attainment level.

Indeed, as Cain could already understand a small portion of True Great Dao energy principles of both Lightning and Ice, he was able to smoothly comprehend the Great Dao energy principles within Yulong's blood!

His rate of comprehension went up at an astronomic level. The more he comprehended Yulong's blood energy, Cain split off his Divine Sense to fuse into his own bloodstream.

His soul energy similarly fused into his bloodstream. The principles of a True Dragon heavily stimulated Cain's entire being. He could directly feel his Draconic powers expand by the nano-seconds.


Seconds soon turn into a few minutes of silence.

Afterward, Cain's body trembles. An extreme rush of power swirled out from his body. The prestige of a True Dragon engulfed the atmosphere!

Air violently tremble and small cracks in space started to tear. If not for Cain's Chaos barrier, the rush of a Dragon would've spread out for hundreds of miles!

"Hm?!" Yulong awoke from her stupor and Amber's pupils slightly contracted. The blood in their bodies began to faintly rumble. It felt as if they were suddenly in the presence of a King of all beings.

An existence that can suppress all other bloodlines and look down on the Heavens!

Narrowing their eyes, Amber and Yulong watched on as a transformation rapidly occurred in Cain's hands.

Flashes of dark blue lights sparked from his palms. The pulse of Dragon power was the greatest at this point. The luminous lights completely engulfed his palms for a moment.

Instantly afterward, the lights vanished, revealing a significant change.

Cain's palms were now entirely covered in beautiful, dark blue Dragon scales! Very faintly could one spot small Dragon runes markings carved on each Dragon scale.

Cain slowly blinked his eyes, basking in the pleasurable sensations of Draconic power. Gazing down at his Dragon Scale palms, he smiled in satisfaction.

"I didn't expect that in just one comprehension session, my powers would expand so wide like this. It feels as if I can shatter a whole mortal mountain with just the release of airwaves from my fist."

Amber drew a slow breath as her expression regained her calm. "What an insane change from just creating scales. Now, you can look the part of an overbearing Dragon."

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