The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 539 Days Passing

Chapter 539 Days Passing

A more eager expression crossed Yulong's face. She rid of her bloodline energy as she stared at Cain's Dragon Scales in wonder. "This is so fascinating! Your Dragon Scales are much more defined than other geniuses in my world. And this presence from your scales is completely majestic. I nearly want to dread just how you would look in a half-transformation state. But at the same time, the mere idea of it leaves me excited!"

Squeezing his palm, Cain near instantly became familiar with utilizing his Dragon Scales. He made the Dragon Scales disperse with only a thought.

A mirthful smile soon found its way onto Cain's face. "It's a shame I won't be able to use this when I'm with anyone else. Though, what I have now is more than necessary. But looking past me, I'm quite curious about this half-transformation state. Is this a threshold all monstrous bloodlines need to reach first?"

Yulong nodded. "Indeed, it is. But half-transformation requires not only high bloodline comprehension but also a high cultivation base. Our physiques need to be powerful enough to withstand just the half-transformation process. Furthermore, the higher the quality of our bloodline is, the higher our cultivation base needs to be. The only exception to this rule is if you have an innate physique or a cultivated physique."

"Oh?" The mention of physique greatly piqued the duo's interest. A sudden memory had streaked through their minds.

Years ago, all the way back during their time on the Heaven Skies Planet, they had discovered a cave that contained an essence energy pool. Within this pool were Origin Qi, Source Laws, and Astral Essence energy!

The Astral Cultivation system was less brought up than soul cultivation. The most Cain and Amber reached was forming their Astral Core.

When attempting to find more information about the Astral system, all that they learn was that Astral Essence energy will continually evolve a cultivator physique.

Any mortal body will be able to match the power of Dao Laws through Astral Essence energy! Or at the very least, that's the endgame of this cultivation system.

But appears that the Martial Cultivation system dominates the entire universe. Anything that wasn't this or World Spirit Masters was left in the dust.

Cain curiously asked, "Just how often does a physique pop up? I've fought no one with a physique yet."

"Not surprising. Cultivation physiques and innate physiques are extremely rarer, sometimes rarer than bloodlines. And it's not even that physiques contain this great power superior to all. Some top physiques are far inferior to even Heavenly Quality bloodlines. But still, for a reason I didn't learn yet, it's just too rare to have a cultivation physique." Yulong explains.

Crossing his arms, Cain asked next, "Then what about Astral Essence energy? That should be related to the power of a cultivation physique, right?"

"In theory, yes. But..." Yulong helplessly shrugged. "Just too rare! Really thinking about it, our society is just essence energy fuel one. It's too tortuous to cultivate any other path or system. The ones who managed to do it all left their marks in ancient history. Haven't heard of a recently modern cultivator with more than one cultivation system."

"I see." Cain calmly nodded. Though internally, ideas were rattling his mind. For himself, he has both Martial Cultivation and Soul Cultivation. Amber has Martial, Soul, and the Spirit Energy Path.

Already, in terms of what they specifically specialized in, Cain and Amber were extreme geniuses. Their geniuses would take immense steps forward if they could master the other systems as well!

Amber calmly realized this. She didn't even need to look at Cain as she transmitted, 'I can just feel those crazy ideas forming in your mind. Really planning on sweeping this society to its very inch, huh?'

'How could I not? As I said, I want my Great Dao to be known for eternity!' These were Cain's honest feelings. His already high motivation only continues to grow with each passing day.

For now, Cain gave Yulong a casual smile while saying, "Since we all have some spare time, let's catch up while cultivating. I quite enjoy your presence."

"I can also admit out of those other direct disciples, you are quite fun to engage with." Amber honestly admitted with a plain expression.

Joyful giggles leaked from Yulong's mouth. She clapped her hands while a blossoming smile graced her lips. "I need this too! It's been too long since I could have a casual talk with someone. And you two wouldn't believe my experiences after I ended up with Elder Rian..."


Hours soon fly by. Before the trio knew it, the end of the day had already come.

Yulong couldn't stay any longer. She bid a cheerful goodbye while giving the duo her contact ring.

Once left alone, the duo summarized their thoughts. The main thing they wanted to learn from Yulong was her experience directly after the Crystal Spirit's strange formation.

Besides her god-given luck of being founded by Elder Rian almost instantly, her experience matched up with the duo.

Yulong simply had no way to contact her homeland. The normal contact rings she has wasn't able to travel through separate Great Realms. And the special, direct contact rings she owns were mysteriously disabled.

What put the cheery on top was the fact that Yulong's folks didn't come and rescued her yet.

Evidently, compared to Cain's Imperial Family, the Celestial Dark Dragon Great World certainly has the powerhouses to tear through Great Realms and retrieve Yulong.

Yulong's status wasn't merely special or just a top-tier genius. She's a direct figure that represents the future of the Heavenly Great World!josei

Plus, her family line is also terrifying. A full line of Primal Sovereigns and Heavenly Venerates were at Yulong's immediate protection.

If she were to go missing, there's no doubt that her family line would put forth all of their resources to retrieve her.

However, even months later, there hasn't been a single movement from her homeland.

The lack of movement from her homeland did arouse Elder Rian's suspicions. But of course, Primal Soverigen grandmasters were more than aware of the risk when considering Yulong's background.

One wrong move and their entire Holy Land will be severely damaged to its very foundation!

Or possibly, completely destroyed!

Elder Rian didn't doubt that while Yulong couldn't contact her homeland and that nobody came for her yet, the Celestial Dark Dragon Great World certainly had the means to tell when her life was in perilous danger or simply dead.

Hence, Elder Rian found it was the best course of action to protect Yulong until the future develops.

As they're all in the same situation, Cain and Amber did promise to stick by Yulong and eventually go to her Heavenly Great World out of all others.

Cain furrowed his brows in thought as he look towards the future. He then suddenly perceived Zi Yan trying to contact him and allowed the mental connection to form.

'Master. I have discovered some interesting things. Firstly, Elder Gao and his disciple, Lin Zui, have thrown their ties in with Wen Shao. They, of course, aren't working for him. But they have some sort of relationship similar to yours with Wen Dao. Another interesting note is that it's heavily rumored that Elder Gao stays close to Elder Ma. I can't verify these rumors. But Wen Shao claims at high meetings, he sometimes sees Elder Gao specifically staying in Elder Ma's general vicinity.'

'I see...keep on finding any more information you can.'

'Yes, master.' With that, the line went dead and Cain went into contemplation.

A man continually orbiting a beautiful woman? What other implications could this possibly mean?

When concerning what attracts cultivators the most, it would be one's aura, bearing, and natural presence.

Physical appearance is simply far too easy to manipulate to look like absolute perfection.

However, one's aura and presence stem from their cultivation foundation. That's unique to everyone. And a facet that makes people fall for each other at first sight, as if their souls were completely swooned by them.

Of course, it's also entirely possible there's another reason for Elder Gao's closeness to Elder Ma.

But Cain was willing to bet it was for attraction reasons. After explaining it to Amber, she too smirked in amusement, saying, "I wouldn't be surprised if it was an attraction. Either way, nobody will dare to touch us because of Elder Xi. Suppose, for now, we can continue our regular training style. Are you still going to keep in contact with the others?"

"Indeed I will. Me going out of my way will have an impact on Hu Wen and Xu Tao. Though I can probably leave Jin Ya for months and don't have to worry. The others, I can use the time now to forge our ally group." Cain decided.

With zero disagreements from Amber, the duo soon relaxed into loving pleasure before continuing with their regular routine.


Several days quickly passed. Cloudsea Holy Land returned to a state of tranquility.

Disciples alike continued their own daily training with renewed vigor. The selection competition process truly did open their eyes to the level of geniuses there are in the universe.

Days ago, the Divine Decree Lords were considered the ultimate peak-tier talents. Nobody could match them. Even the direct disciples seemed slightly inferior to them.

But that perspective was completely shattered by Cain's group.

Cain and Amber obviously stole the spotlight with their Quasi-Grandmaster attainment showcase.

Not many really had the courage to chase after their shadows before the competition. Now, nearly every disciple gave up all thoughts of even thinking about walking in Cain and Amber's shadows.

But it wasn't just the duo.

Jin Ya, Xu Tao, and Hu Wen all showcased brilliance not less than the number one core disciple!

Since that day, they all diligently trained with increasingly quick progress.

At this point, Xu Tao and Hu Wen are considered equal or perhaps slightly superior to the likes of Sun Wei and Jin Bo.

There wasn't any official spar between them. However, when these disciples had one time exchange casual moves, Xu Tao and Hu Wen showed their Divine Laws were faintly superior.

In a full battle, nobody knows who would win between them.

As for Jin Ya, her battle prestige continued to grow. She could now confidently face peak Late Stage Divine Star talents. In all of her battle recordings, she had never faced a single loss.

Such a dramatic rise of talent only spurred on other disciples. Although, even with Jin Ya's groups, disciples were finding it hard to catch up.

After all, Cain, even after becoming a direct disciple, still went out of his way to train with Jin Ya's group.

The typical case would be for a direct disciple to only associate with other direct disciples or Divine Decree Lords. It was understandable, as they quite literally live on a level from all other disciples, even the core rankings.

Because of this, it wasn't strange for a direct disciple's ego to shoot through the heavens.

Cain, however, paid zero heed to any standards or expectations. He continued to train with his friends while also improving upon his own cultivation.

Amber as well still made her visit to the Spirit Associate Temple as it still held the best Spirit environment for her. Though, she would stay for a shorter time compared to before.

Throughout everything, every disciple, to the core and even the direct ones, kept wondering about the reactions of the Divine Decree Lord factions.

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