The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 577 Star Platform Activate!

Chapter 577 Star Platform Activate!

Deep in the Starry Earth Realm.

The star royal chamber.

At this time, the once desolate royal chamber had slowly filled up. Cain was no longer forcefully sending out Divine Decree Lords, thus allowing all others to slowly pour in.

The range of Divine Decree Lords stayed relatively consistent. Those who managed to reach the royal chamber were mainly late stage Divine Rulers. Though, there was the occasional middle Divine Ruler that slipped through the cracks.

As Divine Decree Lords continue to show up, each and every one of them felt slightly bewildered at Cain's group.

Only one of them had even reached the Divine Ruler realm and she's not even a Divine Decree Lord!

Purely based on cultivation bases, this group should be worse than ants. Wastes from the far side of the road. All who should be not even worthy enough to be mentioned in the same breath as them.

However, not a single Divine Decree Lord dared to underestimate or pointlessly antagonize them.

Reason being because of the most ordinary-looking youth of the group. There wasn't anything attention-catching on this young man's face. But his presence, that mysterious Divine Aura shrouded in a completely impenetrable veil, eluded everyone's Divine Senses.

While the Divine Decree Lords who showed up haven't seen Cain making other Divine Rulers scram, they all were thoroughly convinced by his previous power play against Lord Fire, Lord Chen, and Lord Chao.

They would only be courting trouble for trying to throw their weight around against him.

But, it didn't mean the Divine Decree Lords, whose pride was higher than heavens, would simply roll over in the face of a massive opportunity such as the star platform.

No matter the high danger, cultivators with a Divine Will would always have a certain degree of determination.

One of these determined Divine Decree Lords radiated an even more unfathomable heat than Lord Fire. His very presence was too extreme, even molten volcanos pale in complete comparison.

A true genius whose Supreme Fire Divine Laws surpassed that of many sun stars. He hails from the same Holy Land as Lord Fire and his title is officially known as Lord Sun.

Despite the overbearing title and overwhelming presence, Lord Sun clearly knew the dramatic disparity between him, Cain, Lord Chen, and Lord Chao.

But out of the three, Lord Sun was most terrified by Cain. That boy isn't even in the Divine Star realm! The terrifying feats he could reach by just transitioning into the Divine Star would be unimaginable.

Such a genius was far too suffocating. Lord Sun couldn't suppress his envy and rising frustration.

Thus, Lord Sun called out to both Lord Chen and Lord Chan in a sound transmission.

When felt his mental ping go through, Lord Sun didn't beat around the bush. 'Lord Chao. Lord Chen. There's no need to dance around each other, so I'll be blunt. Would it be possible for all of us to ally together to resist Cloudsea Lee? His power may be immense, but is it endless? If you two were to use your Dao Origins, can even he resist?'

There was a moment's silence between the three.

Lord Chen and Lord Chao curled their brows. For a brief moment, their confidence truly wavered.

The overbearing performance of Cain continually crushing other Divine Decree Lords couldn't be forgotten. Even as both Lords know they can also crush lower-stage geniuses, they wouldn't dare say they can outright destroy a Dao Origin through fundamental suppression!

But, even if they were to look at it realistically, this nasty taste couldn't leave either Lord Chen or Lord Chao's taste.

Would they really be satisfied without even trying to resist Cain?

Are they really that inferior even with their Dao Origins?

They may have eaten a great loss before, but neither was close to exerting every power they meticulously cultivated!

Fiery fighting spirits blazed their eyes!

Lord Chen coldly said, 'Naturally, no matter how overbearing Cloudsea Lee seems, I have yet to show the true power of a peak stage Divine Ruler. Really, if we were to team up, only Lord Chao can 100% support me. You know the difference of a peak stage Divine Ruler, right? Hmph, the power of my Dao Origin will finally wipe that arrogant smirk from his face.'

Lord Chao promptly said next, 'Definitely. When the time comes, Cloudsea Lee will only have to roll over the combined powers of two peak Dao Origins. It's impossible even for him to resist!.'

'I see...' Lord Sun faintly smile. He may have just been completely disregarded, but, this was enough.

If that monster Cain could be finally taken down, then everything would be worth it!

Time slowly marched on.

And soon enough, the royal chamber was filled with 25 challengers!

Most of the Divine Decree Lords were slightly battered from their grueling time in the starry maze. But the very moment the last competitor had appeared, every single one of them tensed up.

All eyes shot to the platform that was miles high in the skies. Shimmering lights glowered from each and every one of their faces.

'It's finally here!' Tremendous anticipation surged through the 25 youths.

It was at this time that a mystical pulse rippled from the star platform. That single pulse changed the rules and laws of the entire world.

The Starry Earth realm's powerful restrictive laws held zero meaning. An overpowering force, filled with power containing another dimension, engulfed every inch of the royal chamber!

Boundless, completely boundless!

No end was in sight, keeping on for an infinite amount of time, never to have any finish.

Every single youth felt thoroughly enthralled by this grand, mystical sensation.

Their bodies froze, eyes open wide, jaws slightly hung open. Their Divine Sense wouldn't leave the star platform for a second.

Before anyone could expect it, a brief blinding flash of light engulfed the entire star platform. The invisible barrier preventing outsiders from coming had finally vanished.

The competition for the star platform had finally begun!

In that very instant, before either Lord Chen or Lord Chao could react, faint rays of green lights whirled out of Cain's eyes.

Every ounce of his power from his body erupted at full force!

Inner World, Chaos Spirit Force, Draconic Lightning Aura, Phonix Ice essence, and even the soul form burst open, unleashing world-shattering force.


The energy eruption shined inexpiably brighter, seemingly brighter than a nova star exploding!

All of Cain's group was protected by a Chaos-lightning barrier from Cain.

While blindingly shining energy lights spread at light speed. With speed beyond speed, the lights instantly engulfed the 18 other competitors!


The 18 Divine Decree Lord all felt an instinct to hurriedly jump away. They needed to leave from a mystical power beyond all means of logic.

However, they all were a step too slow.

Each of them suddenly froze in place. Within their Spiritual Seas, complete green shrouded everything. Faint green figures, all exuding endless mysteries, flashed within the fog of green.

Every faint green figure couldn't possibly be ignored. You wanted to know more about. They draw at your soul, calling them with an irresistible temptation.

Even a Heavenly Venerate would fall prey to the mysteriousness of the green figures!

For all of two seconds, the 18 Divine Decree Lords were truly trapped by Chaos Illusions!

If Cain truly wanted, he could probably instantly wipe off five Divine Decree Lords in this instant. But, not only would this be far to cost-effective on his energy.

Cain also had another plan for this moment. Straining his soul nucleus, he surged more Chaos energy, shrouding his entire group in a faint green fog.

Taking an invisible step forward, Cain instantly teleported him and his group through the Void Space.

The next moment, they traveled miles high into the skies, instantly appearing on the star platform!

And Cain didn't merely reach the outer ridge of the star platform. No, he took several steps above. He teleported right near the center!

Here was where the highest sensation one can experience from the Starry Heaven Skies. Every mystical principle flowing down from the higher dimension would be the most potent. As if one was peering directly into the infinite depths that is the Great Dao!

Amber, Lan Rui, Yulong, Yulong, Xu Tao, and Hu Wen could only get one blink out. They half expected Cain to do something outrageous. But to go so far even slightly stunned them.

But there wasn't any time to process what had happened. Cain's sound transmission shook their minds.

'Quickly! Sit down and cultivate! You will be protected then!'

'Right!' A fiery light blazed in everyone, even Amber's eyes!

They all instantly sat right down, spreading their Divine Senses into the star platform. Each of their minds jolted. Mystical sensations permeated through their Spiritual Seas.

Essence containing principles beyond the God Galaxies. Infinitely mysterious and all-encompassing.josei

Could a Primal Soverigen grandmaster even compare?

Nobody in Cain's group could answer that question. But they certainly felt hundreds, no, thousands of times more enthralled at the mystical principles of the star platform!

With a faint noise, golden lights suddenly sparkled around Amber, Lan Rui, Yulong, Jin Ya, Xu Tao, and Hu Wen. These golden lights instantly took form, manifesting into gold, translucent barriers.

None should even think about attacking the group within these barriers. All attacks had turned completely worthless! This was the highest protection offered to any cultivator.

Cain faintly smiled. It was only at this moment could he disperse his massive Chaos Illusion mist. He had already felt great breakage in the art which was causing a greater strain on his Inner Soul World.

The moment this mist had dispersed, unparallel killing intents, more insidious than the depths of the yellow springs smashed right down onto Cain!


Every other Divine Decree Lords shrieked in unending frustration!

The best spots of the star platform were currently occupied by six cultivators far weaker than every single one of them. And the worst aspect was the fact there was nothing that can be done about it.

The regions around Amber's group would repel any and all cultivators. No matter the attack, it was useless to get close to them.

They would have to settle for the farther regions. Or...the spot exactly behind Cain. That was the grand center of the star platform.

Where the principles of the Starry Heaven Skies would be at their absolute highest!

Lord Chen and Lord Chao's eyes were fully ablaze. Blinding Law Lights continually spewed from their eyes like a heavenly stream of water.

That arrogance of Cain's would finally be taken down right at this moment!

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