The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 578 Triumph Once Again

Chapter 578 Triumph Once Again

"Cloudsea Lee! Die!"

Lord Chen and Lord Chao couldn't bear to hold it anymore. Killing intent ablaze, burning more intensely than the 18 trials of hell. Their Divine Auras smashed into the atmosphere.

An overwhelming pressure whirled out of them like a storm of the apocalypse. Spear lights and Saber lights shined brighter than the touch of the heavens!


Their full power released shattered apart numerous other Divine Decree Lords' protective Divine Auras.


All of the other Divine Decree Lords hurriedly revolved their best defensive cultivation arts and rapidly retreated.

A certain sensation, a deathly feeling, overtook them. This was power surpassing that of every and all Divine Ruler. Impossible to stop and nearly close to entering a new dimension of power.

One of the Divine Decree Lord's lips quivered as he muttered, "They're-they're bringing out their Dao Origins!"

The other Divine Decree Lords completely froze. Horrified eyes fell onto Lord Chen and Lord Chao.

Even Lord Sun, who goaded Lord Chen and Lord Chao into wanting to challenge Cain again, was left completely bewildered. His Spiritual Sea's perception abilities were considerably higher than other Divine Decree Lords. Thus, the deathly sensation rippled at a more terrifying intensity for him.

A thought streaked through Lord Sun's mind. 'Those two...they have hidden themselves with such depth! Full power and they're already touching on the borders of a half-step Holy King in raw power alone! Together, a half-step Holy King would absolutely need to treat this seriously!'

Malicious grew like a violent storm through Lord Sun's heart. 'This-this is just can even a Divine Mortal cross the gap so far to reach half-step Holy King prowess just at the Great Divine Sea realm! It should be impossible, even for him!'

Many other Divine Decree Lords also agreed with Lord Sun's sentiments. They would finally witness it. This new and domineering Divine Mortal will get shut down for good! Anticipation and horror blazed their hearts.

At this time, Lord Chen and Lord Chao glowed brighter than the starry skies.

In the extreme Divine Decree Lords' hands were their pent ultimate weapons.

A long and brilliant silver saber shined upon Lord Chen's hand. Saber Law runes continually exuded a blinding brilliance across his body. The power of his Dao Origin metamorphosed into his entire being.

He was a Saber, a ruthless weapon ready to slash the heaven and the earth wide open!

At the same time, a glistening, purple spear glowered within Lord Chao's hand. The sharp edges of the spear surpassed the means of ordinary comprehension.

A single slice can not only cut oceans in half but also cut apart any form of energy into complete nothingness!

Above Lord Chao's head were seven purple spear lights, all connected by a Law rune chain.

The seven spear chains fused into Lord Chao's Dao Origin condensed his energy principles to an absolute extreme. All in his path would be viciously cut down without mercy.

These two had reached near the pinnacle of the Divine Ruler realm. Perhaps it was true that they can exchange moves with an unfathomable half-step Holy King expert!

At the same time, Lord Chen and Lord Chao exploded forth!

All laws of space continually weaken around them. The suppressive force could barely retain in their current immense power.

Lord Chen pointed his overbearing Dao Origin saber forward. A voice frigidly cold boomed from his lips.

"Saber destruction!"

The Dao Origin saber burst out a completely blinding silver light ray. Out of the silver light hurled a massive force of saber lights.

As if the world would be crushed to ashes, the immense force of saber lights locked straight onto Cain. It'll chase to even the depths of hell!

At the same time, the seven spear chains glowered above Lord Chao's head. His Dao Origin spear pulsated.

"Spear Annihilation!"

Time and space seemed to lose all meaning. The pure power concept of the spear whistled out of the Dao Origin spear.

A spear light, more overbearing than the sky falling sliced towards Cain. The mere wind pressure alone would cause hell on earth.

Slaying everything and anything in their way, who would dare to oppose two Dao Origin attacks from peak Divine Rulers?

Anyone foolish enough without being at least a half-step Holy King master would be ground to utter ashes!

All eyes locked on without blinking once. Many that expected to see horror on Cain's face. But was soon disappointed and left with a rising tide of fear.

Under the overbearing might of heaven falling onto him, Cain's smile grew stupendously wide.



The whole royal chamber violently shook! Prestige, an ultimate prestige that can suppress the lives of any being engulfed in every inch of the atmosphere.

The whole world was overturned. A true destruction, one that sought to reap every life in existence, had rippled out.

The Divine Decree Lords on the floor went completely pale. Their souls violently quiver, near on the verge of collapse.

Lord Chen and Lord Chao stopped dead in their tracks. Unbelievably pressure smashed upon their chest, more overbearing than the fall of Mt.Tai!

A transformation overtook Cain. His eyes turned into faint dragon silts, a faint layer of black scale covered his arms, and the ultimate mutated force of lightning-ice energy shrouded his body.

His Divine Aura howled to the heavens. The descended of a god had entered the Starry Earth realm!

Cain looked down on the incoming massive world-ending saber light and time-piercing spear light. Both attacks moved in slightly slow motion to him. His minds were now working speeds up to the ferocity of lightning!

He unleashed a counterattack faster than the Lords.

With the Dragon Swift Sword surging his palm, Cain swung an overbearing slash down.

A grand Frost Lightning Claw covered with nightmarish black lights and faintly sparkling with Chaos lights tore into the world.

The mixed Frost Lightning Claw moved at celestial speed. It truly tears through the regions of space.

All facing the Frost Lightning Claw would certainly feel it was the equivalent of the furious might of an emperor of the heavens. The heavenly wrath that can split through endless seas!


A heaven-shattering blast shook every corner of the royal chamber. Energy shockwaves stormed the entire world.


The other Divine Decree Lords all miserably wailed. Protective Divine Auras and defensive cultivation arts shattered to utter bits. Their bodies were akin to withered leaves in a grand storm.

Each of them smashed into the wall at blinding speed, causing streams of blood to pool out of their mouth and for their consciousness to be dazed.

Lord Sun could feel that numerous bones within his body smashed apart by this monstrous force. But the physical pain couldn't compare to the mental anguish.

'It-it's really true...Great Divine Sea, yet, as strong as a half-step Holy King...'

At the same time, greater roars filled the air.


Lord Chen and Lord Chao's bodies flew like rockets, slamming back into the ground, carving out several feet craters beneath them. Blood continually pooled from their mouths and their luxurious runic robes were in tatters.josei

Neither of them could fully block the resulting shockwaves. They both were left with considerable injuries!

As their bones cracked and organs ruptured, they both held blank stares. Impossibility, complete impossibility.

Not only surviving against two Dao Origins attacks from peak Divine Rulers but once again, completely overpowering them!

Was this...was this power any divine cultivator should possibly possess?

Neither Lord Chen nor Lord Chao could answer that question. All they could do was stare at Cain, pale face and sweating, but still valiantly standing above them.

Standing above all Divine Rulers!

With a slight smirk, Cain recalled his powers. His body slightly swayed and a single trail of blood dripped down his chest.

But other than fatigue and superficial injuries, Cain had achieved yet another overwhelming win!

Not wasting any more time, Cain walked into the center of the star platform and assimilated into a cultivation state.

As his mind communed with the star platform, brighter golden lights instantly shrouded his body.

The highest protection had engulfed Cain. Only he could take in the highest sensations of the Starry Heaven Skies!

Silence took hold of the atmosphere.

The other Divine Decree Lords slowly stood up, body trembling and mind reeling in utter horror.

Lord Sun sighed while shaking his head. 'He is just on the verge of standing at the heights of the older generation...just how far will he go after this?'

It was a thought hammering in everyone's mind. But nobody wanted to even think about the terrifying heights Cain could reach now. They all focused on themselves and hurried towards the star platform.

While Lord Chen and Lord Chao slowly got up.

With the same intentions and far less steam sizzling from their eyes, they took healing pills and flew toward the star platform.

These Divine Decree Lords all had to choose far lesser spots. It was stifling, nearly blood-spitting inducing. But without absolute strength, all they do is swallow their frustrations.

While as Lord Chao went to choose his own spot, his hands silently clenched. 'Master needs to know about this. No matter if it's a high-tier Holy Land, master is still a Heavenly Venerate legendary existence...'

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