The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1257

Chapter 1257

Chapter 1257

Vera Wang is the world’s most famous Chinese wedding dress designer.

Even when the daughter of former US President Bill Clinton got married, she wore wedding dresses designed by her.

David Beckham’s wife Victoria wore the wedding dress she designed when she married Beckham, and the famous Britney Spears and the granddaughter of the Macau gambling king all wore her wedding dress to the wedding hall. .

With Vera Wang’s international influence, she generally only opens stores in top big cities around the world. The reason why she will open her store in the second-tier city of Aurous Hill is mainly because she has a good personal relationship with Jasmine, and Jasmine likes her designs very much. So Jasmine invested in a shop.

Generally speaking, the price of a wedding dress designed by Vera Wang is more than several hundred thousand Dollar.

The vast majority of people are just hopeless.

Charlie knew very well that his wife Claire was in Isabella’s house. After seeing that she had been treated unfairly, he must hope to help this poor classmate raise his eyebrows.

Therefore, when Jasmine said that he wanted to prepare Vera Wang’s wedding dress for him, he agreed without hesitation.

However, he knew in his heart that everything needed a degree, so he said to Jasmine, “Jasmine, this is just my wife’s high school classmate, so you don’t put too much energy into it, and don’t put a brand new value expensive. Bring the wedding dress. It’s best if you use the wedding dress you rent out. Just bring it and lend me a day.”

Jasmine said hurriedly: “Master Wade, what are you polite to me, it’s a wedding gift I gave to your wife’s classmate.”

Charlie said earnestly: “No need Jasmine, if it is given, this matter will change its flavor.”

As he said, he said again: “The ancients said, “Give me enlightenment and fight my grudges. Giving enough is a kindness. If you give too much, it might turn into hatred. My wife just wants her classmates to wear a beautiful wedding dress. So borrowing for one day is enough.”

Although Charlie is the young master of the Wade family, he has been struggling all the way at the bottom for many years, seeing a lot of ugliness of human nature. He knows very well in his heart that sometimes helping people cannot be too thorough.

Sometimes, some things are not done as perfect as possible, but to be just right. Otherwise, the effect must be too far.

It’s like a friend’s child is sick and hospitalized and needs to borrow 20,000 Dollar, and you are really able to help, then you can lend him 20,000 Dollar.

If 20,000 Dollar is not enough by the time, let’s talk about the problem of not being enough, but you can’t take the initiative to give others 200,000 Dollar when others open to borrow 20,000 Dollar.

Jasmine also knew Charlie’s intentions, so she hurriedly said, “Master Wade, please rest assured, Jasmine understands in her heart, I will let people prepare a wedding dress specially for rent.”

“Okay.” Charlie said satisfied: “Well, I am going to go directly to the hotel now. If you are ready there, then I can take her to your bridal shop first, put on her wedding dress and then go to the hotel. “

“No problem!” Jasmine hurriedly said, “Then I will send you the address of the bridal shop!”

Soon, Charlie received a location on WeChat.

He directly changed this positioning into the navigation destination, and drove directly to lead the wife and Isabella behind, towards Jasmine’s bridal shop.

The two top supercars got off the highway and drove all the way into the city. However, they did not go directly to the Hilton Hotel where Isabella had her wedding today.

Isabella found that the route didn’t seem right, and asked Claire beside him in surprise: “Claire, did you take the wrong way? The Hilton Hotel is not this way.”

Claire smiled slightly and said, “It’s okay, let’s just follow Charlie. Our car drives faster on this road, so time is still early.”

Isabella wanted to ask what happened, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

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