The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1258

Chapter 1258

Chapter 1258

She felt that Claire was so good to herself, he would definitely not harm herself.

Charlie drove the car directly to Jasmine’s bridal shop.

When he stopped the car, even Claire was a little surprised.

I just asked him to find a friend and borrow a better wedding dress, but I didn’t expect him to borrow it here!

This is the brand store of the world’s top wedding dress designer Vera Wang!

Even Claire herself did not dare to expect to have the opportunity to wear such a top wedding dress.

Unexpectedly, my husband still has resources in this area. Isn’t it a bridal shop, should he also look at Feng Shui? When he was thinking, Charlie had already pushed the door and got out of the car.

At this time, a tall, charming, and noble woman walked out of the bridal shop. Claire discovered that this woman he knew, and she was the eldest of the Moore family, Jasmine.

Jasmine came to congratulate her when her studio first opened.

At that time, Claire felt that in front of a wealthy lady like Jasmine, she was indeed a little inferior and somewhat at a loss as to what to do.

At this time, seeing Jasmine again, Claire’s heart suddenly retreated, and he didn’t want to get out of the car to face her.

However, when she thought that she had to help Isabella try on the wedding dress, it was impossible to hide in the car forever, so she had to bite the bullet and walk down.

Jasmine had already arrived in front of Charlie at this time, and respectfully said with an affectionate smile on her face, “Master Wade, you are here.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Why are you here too?”

Jasmine smiled and said, “Master Wade, you have a wedding dress requirement. Naturally Jasmine will come to serve you in person.”

As she was talking, she suddenly saw Claire walking down from the Aston Martin one77 behind him, her expression flashed with envy and jealousy, and said to Charlie: “Madam Wade is here too.”

Charlie nodded. At this moment, Isabella got out of the car anxiously, so Charlie said to Jasmine, “The one next to me is my wife’s high school classmate. Today is her getting married, so please prepare for her as soon as possible. A wedding dress that fits, we have to go after we put on the wedding dress.”

Upon hearing this, Jasmine said to Claire and Isabella quickly: “Mrs. Wade, and this lady, please move to the store to try the wedding dress.”

Isabella saw the huge brand logo on the door and found that this was Vera Wang’s bridal shop. He exclaimed: “Claire, this…what does this mean?”

Claire was shocked himself, but still pretended to be calm and said: “I asked Charlie to help you borrow a more suitable wedding dress, so he brought us here.”

With that said, she said to Jasmine somewhat unnaturally: “Miss Moore, I didn’t expect you to be here. I don’t want to trouble you with this matter today.”

Jasmine smiled indifferently and said seriously: “Mrs. Wade, you don’t have to be so polite with me. You and Master Wade are both my distinguished guests. As long as you speak up, I will definitely serve you both.”

Afterwards, she stood dignified and made a gesture of asking, saying, “Please come inside!”

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