The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3060

Chapter 3060

Chapter 3060

When Harold heard these words from Old Lady Wilson, he became excited and said excitedly, “Grandma! If it’s really like you say, that’s really great! I’ve always felt that that son of a bitch Charlie is going to have a downfall sooner or later, so it seems that this is the signal of the downfall!”

Lady Wilson’s expression surfaced with a bit of complacency: “Their family has been doing so well for more than a year, all because of Charlie’s deceitfulness! In the past, those feng shui masters and masters of metaphysics have also been collecting a lot of money from the pockets of rich people, but none of them have ended up well! I think this Charlie will also be finished!”

Harold’s body twitched with excitement and said, “If this Charlie really fails, I think their family will soon be finished! Maybe in a few days, Mr. White will come and take back this villa!”

Christopher, who was lying on the side, said excitedly, “Oh, if that’s the case, the wind and water will really turn! It’s best if Charlie hurriedly falls, then their family has nowhere to go! They will fall into the streets, then we can watch their demise as our family’s joke!”

Speaking of which, he couldn’t help but say with pride: “Thirty years of the river east, thirty years of the river west! They certainly can’t imagine that our family can still survive.

Now Wendy has a valuable person to help her, and manages the biggest ceremonial company in the whole Aurous Hill.

Lady Wilson laughed and said, “Wendy is a real fighter! Starting from nothing, she was able to make a company the number one company in the city, this alone is much better than you two!”

The Lady Wilson looked at the two of them and said angrily, “Speaking of which, you two are really a pair of iron wastes! I asked you to clean up Elaine, but you two got yourselves crippled and are now lying in bed, asking me, an old woman, to bring you buckets for shit and urine! This is outrageous!”

When these words came out, Christopher and Harold looked at each other, and they could see the endless embarrassment in each other’s eyes.

It was true that the male members of the Wilson family did not have much ability and capacity.

Although Christopher is the eldest son and has always been highly valued by the Lady, he is now essentially a straw man, meaning he is unable to do anything.

As for Harold, the eldest grandson, he is no longer useful for anything either.

The two of them have done so many years in the Wilson Group, yet basically did not have any success.

When old man Wilson took the Wade family’s severance pay, he fought for half a lifetime to keep it.

Since the death of his life, the assets continued to shrink, until the bankruptcy and liquidation.

At this time, Mrs.

Wilson saw the father and son and did not speak, and helplessly shook her head, sighing: “I did not know that Wendy would be the shining star in the end.

Her partner is still very capable of snatching the company from its original owner’s hand it over by force to Wendy to take care of! And her previous boss, not only did he not dare to fight back, but also willingly went to KTV as a bathroom attendant! Strong people can also kill the heart, this shows how strong he must be!”

“Yes!” Christopher also could not help but sigh: “I heard that the boss before Wendy was a well known person.

But he did not expect something like that to happen.

It shows how powerful the man behind the scenes is.

He must be a young master of one of the powerful families!”

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